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May Contest

Discussion in the NPB News forum
May Contest
The Yakyu Shop is sponsoring another contest this month. For May the contest will be to guess who comes out on top in the home run derby at the end of play on May 31, 2005.

Entry and complete rules are here. You must be logged in to participate.

Congratulations to April winners Mischa and bankjuanballpark who, I'm told, have been contacted and have their prize hats in the mail.

If you have any problems or questions with the May contest, please post them below.

Gambatte everyone!
Re: May Contest
[ Author: badteacher | Posted: May 4, 2005 6:33 PM | CD Fan ]

It looks like the Central league selections are coming up Pacific. I'm guessing JBall fan picked Woods like myself and came up with Cabrera on the selection.
Re: May Contest
[ Author: westbaystars | Posted: May 4, 2005 10:25 PM | YBS Fan ]

Thanks for catching that. I believe that the data is correct, it was just a display error.

Let me know if you have any other problems. Or if the displayed player is now who you voted for.
Re: May Contest
[ Author: westbaystars | Posted: May 9, 2005 8:30 PM | YBS Fan ]

After a week of May games (end of play on May 8), this is the change in home runs and average for the top home run hitters in the two leagues. Can the batters keep up this pace? Will the 10 day suspension on Woods have an effect?

You may cast a vote once every 24 hours up to May 25.
     Apr 30 ->  May 8  Pacific League 
    11 .279 -> 13 .262 Ogasawara (Fighters)
    9 .284 -> 12 .278 Matsunaka (Hawks)
    10 .321 -> 11 .338 Zuleta (Hawks)
    9 .259 -> 11 .308 Fernadez (Lions)
    7 .319 -> 9 .307 Johjima (Hawks)
    6 .304 -> 9 .304 Kimoto (Fighters)
    8 .281 -> 8 .292 Cabrera (Lions)
    6 .248 -> 8 .244 Kitagawa (Buffaloes)
    5 .284 -> 7 .285 Isobe (Eagles)
    5 .230 -> 7 .250 Batista (Hawks)
    5 .230 -> 6 .242 Shinjo (Fighters)
    5 .340 -> 5 .290 Seguinol (Fighters)

    Apr 30 -> May 8 Central League
    8 .245 -> 10 .259 Kiyohara (Giants)
    5 .338 -> 9 .347 Tamura (BayStars)
    7 .347 -> 9 .347 Abe (Giants)
    9 .297 -> 9 .291 Arai (Carp)
    8 .217 -> 9 .226 Woods (Dragons)
    7 .391 -> 8 .373 Maeda (Carp)
    6 .370 -> 8 .341 Alex (Dragons)
    8 .301 -> 8 .302 Y. Takahashi (Giants)
    5 .272 -> 7 .270 Rhodes (Giants)
    7 .244 -> 7 .245 Ramirez (Swallows)
    5 .291 -> 6 .291 Kanemoto (Tigers)
    5 .264 -> 5 .277 Sheets (Tigers)
    5 .271 -> 5 .277 Murata (BayStars)
The biggest improvements over the eight day period are marked in bold. Yokohama's Tamura leading that with four round trippers so far in the month of May.
May Contest Update
[ Author: westbaystars | Posted: May 16, 2005 12:43 PM | YBS Fan ]

We're now two weeks into the month of May (end of play on May 15). The change in home runs and average for the top home run hitters in the two leagues are listed below.

You may cast a vote once every 24 hours up to May 25.
     Apr 30 ->  May 8  ->  May 15 Pacific League 
    11 .279 -> 13 .262 -> 14 .245 Ogasawara (Fighters) +1 over previous week
    9 .284 -> 12 .278 -> 13 .269 Matsunaka (Hawks) +1
    10 .321 -> 11 .338 -> 12 .321 Zuleta (Hawks) +1
    9 .259 -> 11 .308 -> 11 .279 Fernadez (Lions) +0
    7 .319 -> 9 .307 -> 10 .305 Johjima (Hawks) +1
    6 .304 -> 9 .304 -> 9 .296 Kimoto (Fighters) +0
    8 .281 -> 8 .292 -> 9 .289 Cabrera (Lions) +1
    6 .248 -> 8 .244 -> 9 .265 Kitagawa (Buffaloes) +1
    5 .284 -> 7 .285 -> 8 .289 Isobe (Eagles) +1
    5 .230 -> 7 .250 -> 8 .257 Batista (Hawks) +1
    5 .340 -> 5 .290 -> 6 .289 Seguinol (Fighters) +1
    5 .230 -> 6 .242 -> 6 .229 Shinjo (Fighters) +0

    Apr 30 -> May 8 -> May 15 Central League
    7 .347 -> 9 .347 -> 11 .331 Abe (Giants) +2 over previous week
    8 .245 -> 10 .259 -> 11 .240 Kiyohara (Giants) +1
    5 .338 -> 9 .347 -> 10 .368 Tamura (BayStars) +1
    7 .244 -> 7 .245 -> 10 .254 Ramirez (Swallows) +3
    7 .391 -> 8 .373 -> 9 .348 Maeda (Carp) +1
    9 .297 -> 9 .291 -> 9 .289 Arai (Carp) +0
    8 .217 -> 9 .226 -> 9 .226 Woods (Dragons) +0 (didn't play)
    6 .370 -> 8 .341 -> 8 .309 Alex (Dragons) +0
    8 .301 -> 8 .302 -> 8 .302 Y. Takahashi (Giants) +0 (didn't play)
    5 .272 -> 7 .270 -> 8 .246 Rhodes (Giants) +1
    5 .291 -> 6 .291 -> 7 .313 Kanemoto (Tigers) +1
    5 .271 -> 5 .277 -> 7 .275 Murata (BayStars) +2
    5 .264 -> 5 .277 -> 5 .274 Sheets (Tigers) +0
The biggest improvement was Yakult's Ramirez with three home runs over the past week. The Giants' Abe caught up with team mate Kiyohara with a pair of round trippers, and Yokohama's Murata also hit two out. Otherwise, progress has been just one for the week if at all.

Woods spent the week on suspension. He should be back into the Dragons' lineup this week. Yoshinobu Takahashi has been on the DL since May 5 with a pulled right shoulder muscle (I think) sustained when he ran into the fense against Hiroshima on April 30. [Disabled List (in Japanese)] The earliest he's expected back will be May 19.
May Contest Winners
[ Author: westbaystars | Posted: Jun 3, 2005 9:27 AM | YBS Fan ]

Congratulations to holygoat and JRHANNON. Your contact information is being forwarded to the Yakyu Shop.

Holygoat-san, your e-mail address looks like an anti-spam address. I'd like to confirm that it is real and isn't going to add the Yakyu Shop to a black hole list when they notify you.

I'll be setting up the June contest this weekend, taking a lot of the points made here into account. Owen-san (The Yakyu Shop) and I both want the contest to be exciting for those knowledgable and new to Pro Yakyu. The suggestions in the above thread should help balance those participating in the contest and those gaming the contest.
Re: May Contest Winners
[ Author: holygoat | Posted: Jun 3, 2005 11:46 AM | HT Fan ]

That e-mail address is a good account. I use it for every public thing that I sign up for, just in case.

Woo hoo!

This is a site about Pro Yakyu (Japanese Baseball), not about who the next player to go over to MLB is. It's a community of Pro Yakyu fans who have come together to share their knowledge and opinions with the world. It's a place to follow teams and individuals playing baseball in Japan (and Asia), and to learn about Japanese (and Asian) culture through baseball.

It is my sincere hope that once you learn a bit about what we're about here that you will join the community of contributors.

Michael Westbay
(aka westbaystars)

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