Was playing around with the ol’ db and wrote a quick query to pull out average fastball velocities this season in Japan. These are exceedingly simple lists; I didn’t filter by number of pitches thrown or anything like that.
Here are the 15 fastest averages:
name | max |
Juan Morillo | 95.32 |
Eulogio de la Cruz | 95.21 |
Marc Kroon | 94.78 |
Takahiro Mahara | 93.98 |
Brian Falkenborg | 93.63 |
Kyuji Fujikawa | 93.11 |
Brian Wolfe | 93.07 |
Takuya Asao | 93.01 |
Shun Yamaguchi | 92.88 |
Jon Leicester | 92.41 |
Tatsuya Uchi | 92.17 |
Tomoyuki Kubota | 92.14 |
Yao-Hsun Yang | 92.14 |
Yoshinori | 92.12 |
Chang Yong Lim | 92.00 |
No surprises here, mostly relievers and many foreign pitchers, though I didn’t expect to see Wolfe. Morillo, de la Cruz, Uchi and Yang have all thrown very few innings so take their appearance on this list with a grain of salt for each.
And here are 15 slowest:
name | max |
Atsushi Kizuka | 83.89 |
Masato Nakazawa | 83.72 |
Hironori Matsunaga | 83.71 |
Kazuhito Tadano | 83.71 |
Tomoya Yagi | 83.69 |
Shoto Takekuma | 83.66 |
Koji Hiroike | 83.12 |
Mikinori Kato | 83.08 |
Yasutaka Hattori | 83.06 |
Hayato Aoki | 82.82 |
Makoto Yoshino | 81.93 |
Tsuyoshi Shimoyanagi | 81.59 |
Masato Kobayashi | 81.50 |
Masaru Takeda | 81.36 |
Shunsuke Watanabe | 75.51 |
No real surprises here either, though it is striking to see how much softer Watanabe throws than everyone else.