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Darvish Responds

NPB Tracker Archives

Darvish Responds

by Patrick Newman (Apr 1, 2010)

The always insightful passerby left a comment latest Yu Darvish post, pointing us to the heralded pitcher's unfiltered thoughts on the latest round of MLB speculation. In a blog post titled "A Certain Sports Paper", Darvish himself has responded to what Sponichi published.

Here's my translation:

"I want to make a brief statement,

Recently, a certain sports paper is making noise about the majors or something, but that's really unfortunate.

Basically my "climbing the staircase step by step" comment was about my technique. (even that writer understands)

It's too bad it was doctored like that.

That's all.

It's unfortunate."

I always welcome peer review of my translations, and this time is no exception.

I'm going to let this speak for itself for now.

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