Insanity is doing the same thing, over and over again, but expecting different results.
American writer Rita Mae Brown, 1983
Sponichi is reporting that Seibu is going to take another shot at posting 35 year-old lefy Koji Mitsui. Mitsui, as you'll recall, was posted in December but failed to attract any bids from MLB teams. Said Mitsui: "I was heartbroken (not to get any bids), but I again felt like I want to play in America, so I made the request". Team president Shinji Kobayashi added "we want to do something to help him fulfill his hope."
I don't think anything has changed since Mitsui's first posting period ended less than two weeks ago. He'd probably generate more interest if he went out to Arizona for a throwing session, and then started the bidding. This second posting seems rushed to me.