Remember Yu Darvish? Google Trends indicates that he's been supplanted, probably temporarily, by Junichi Tazawa as the Next Big Thing out of Japan. I'm sure Darvish appreciates the break from the spotlight that Tazawa has afforded him.
Darvish got himself back in the news today over comments he made at the Nippon Ham Fighters' Fan Festival. In an interview event, he told the crowd of 43K , "I want to aim to win 200 games (in Japan). I'm not dreaming of the majors". He's already won 48 NPB games, so provided he stays healthy 200 wins is a very attainable goal. He also said that he will accept an invitation to play for Japan in the WBC.
During the event Darvish also donned bee costume for an obstacle course race against his teammates, and rode a tricycle, which kind of makes him the anti-Randall Simon. The article doesn't say if he won or not.