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Steroids and the MLB

Discussion in the Nichi-Bei forum
Steroids and the MLB
Oakland, CA

It must be getting tough on the fans of Major League Baseball to support a league that no longer supports them. Major League Baseball seems almost destined for yet another strike, team contraction, and now player admittal to heavy steriod use, that includes several "Marquee" names.

Former Oakland Athletic "Bash Brother" (nickname given to then sluggers Canseco and Mark McGwire) Jose Canseco has come forward in admitting that not only did the first 40-40 man take steriods, but can vouch for 40% of current Major Leaguers also doing the "Juice."

The likes of '98 National League MVP Ken Caminiti, and 60+ man Sammy Sosa have all been cited as players that should "come clean" in recent reports.

How difficult must the game be to swallow for fans of the national pastime in the US as they watch their idles fall like dominos one by one to accusations of foul play and drug use? League policy does NOT require mandatory testing and has no intentions of doing so in the foreseeable future as the League and players prepare for a lockdown, where solving anything, much less drug use, seems remote as best.

Has MLB lost its face? Can the MLB suffer through another strike? I would think not. In addition, if there is a strike in North America once again, how wise would it be for Japanese Baseball to perhaps make a "pitch" to fans of the MLB to come to there side to see a "real" game with "real" players? There is no doubt that Ichiro has swept the entire country's interest to the "true" baseball player.

Ichiro's style and grace has been a saving facture in the Mariners still having a franchise, and the rest of the league is catching on... Team's from all parts are now looking to grab the best that the Far East has to offer.

Could advertising the Japanese game to the masses be far away? Sure you don't fill the stands with North Americans, but advertising the game couldn't hurt in a place where the fans have lost all contact and respect for the game they use to call their own...

Rob Fai
Re: Steroids and the MLB
[ Author: Guest: wade | Posted: Jun 1, 2002 1:48 PM ]

You know, I realize this is a big business with a union so there probably will be strikes. I'm suprised there haven't been more. Eventually I'll probably start watching again if they strike.

The 'roid thing bothers me more though. Especially with the "we're better than anyone else IN THE WORLD" attitude the MLB players have always had. If the Players' Union fights to not have testing (invasion of privacy? Give me a break) I will lose A LOT of respect for these guys.
Re: Steroids and the MLB
[ Author: Guest: Tom Buske | Posted: Jun 6, 2002 4:06 AM ]

> Oakland, CA
> It must be getting tough on the
> fans of Major League Baseball to support a league
> that no longer supports them.

Rob must be related to Chicken Little. Yes, MLB does have serious problems, but if you care about something, you don't turn your back on it when it turns out not to be perfect.

We have seen comments of this sort concerning NPB, as well. But IMHO neither of these leagues is going anywhere, they are too ingrained and beloved and a part of each country's cultural history.

I myself love baseball of all kinds; Major League, Minor League, Japanese League, even college. (I work about a mile from the University of North Carolina's baseball field) so even if MLB shuts down, I will still be looking forward to a summer of baseball watching in 2003.
Re: Steroids and the MLB
[ Author: Guest: Rob Fai | Posted: Jun 12, 2002 5:47 AM ]


I usually don't respond to e-mails submitted regarding my thoughts... But Chicken Little? I am not sure if you were responding to my thoughts or something completely different.

My story was based on two (2) thoughts. One, how can the MLB be surprized that fans are not coming out in droves to see the game when there are so many reasons not to? Secondly, I had thoughts about how Japanese baseball may take advantage of a struggling MLB and showcase their game as one that is pure and derived of simpler yet stronger fundamentals.

I wasn't shunning the 'game' itself, nor was I leaving the game based on material things such as the topic of steroid use and mega contracts...

Enjoy baseball all you want, but come out of the sun every once in a while... It seems to be hurting your judgement while reading my messages.

This is a site about Pro Yakyu (Japanese Baseball), not about who the next player to go over to MLB is. It's a community of Pro Yakyu fans who have come together to share their knowledge and opinions with the world. It's a place to follow teams and individuals playing baseball in Japan (and Asia), and to learn about Japanese (and Asian) culture through baseball.

It is my sincere hope that once you learn a bit about what we're about here that you will join the community of contributors.

Michael Westbay
(aka westbaystars)

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