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Steroids and the Rat-Race

Discussion in the Nichi-Bei forum
Steroids and the Rat-Race
Here's a topic I know you all enjoy - steroids.

This paper takes a very different view than those that have been endlessly sounded in the debate about steroids. It's a research paper by a graduate student. I've only had time to read the first few pages, and I find it very interesting.

What does this have to do with Japanese baseball? He uses NPB as a control group.

You might remember an Allaire-san asking about the power surge of 2003. True to his word, he's allowing us to review his research.
Re: Steroids and the Rat-Race
[ Author: 20X6!! | Posted: May 18, 2006 1:26 AM | FSH Fan ]

I'm reading this and there are a few little things that need to be corrected:
  1. Page 15 he says "World Baseball Championship" when it should be "World Baseball Classic."

  2. He mentions the Japan team having only one MLB player, Ichiro, when it actually had 2 with Ohstuka.

  3. The games in Japan are not faster than in the U.S., at least from my experience (I've been to 200+ games in Japan and about 50+ in the U.S.). This might make for an interesting research topic, by the way.

  4. Table 7 is nowhere to be found.

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Michael Westbay
(aka westbaystars)

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