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How to Find Game Times?

Discussion in the Ask the Commish forum
How to Find Game Times?
Thanks to the posting of schedules on this site. We are planning on going to several pre-season games in Tokyo, Yokohama, and Osaka during our March trip. But how do we find out the time of the games? Will it be posted in the Japanese newspapers the day of the game (so that the concierge at our hotel can see it there and tell us)? Or can a Japanese person read it on-line on another web site (like the teams sites)? Is there some other way to find out?

I am particularly concerned with an Osaka Dome game as we will be staying in a Kyoto hotel when we go to that game, and a Yokohama game as we will be staying in Tokyo, so we will need to travel the short distance between cities.
Re: How to Find Game Times?
[ Author: westbaystars | Posted: Jan 13, 2005 12:46 AM | YBS Fan ]

I know it's hard planning a trip without all of the information. However, as of the morning of January 12 (JST), that information has not been posted to the official NPB site. Looking at the Tigers' site in Japanese, I don't see times there, either.

So, you'll just need to be a little more patient. I don't know when they'll be released.

Wish I could be of more help.
Re: How to Find Game Times?
[ Author: mijow | Posted: Jan 13, 2005 8:40 AM | HT Fan ]

If I can just add to what Westbaystars-san has said, I wouldn't be too worried about not knowing the time yet. Plan for a day game, and at the very least the time will be published on the day of the game in the Daily Yomiuri (in English) on the second-back page - in the bottom right corner under the heading "Today's Sports."
Pre-season Tickets and Choice of Games?
[ Author: Guest: Edwin | Posted: Jan 25, 2005 5:21 PM ]

I, too, am looking to see some pre-season games while in Japan during March. Given that these are mainly day games, am I correct in assuming that tickets are rather easy to get? And that said, would I be able to get tickets on the day of? Some of the games I'm interested in going to are:
  • 3/6 - Nippon Ham Fighters vs. Swallows @ Sapporo
  • 3/16 - Tigers vs. Giants @ Tokyo
  • 3/21 - Dragons vs. Swallows @ Meiji Jingu
  • 3/21 - Softbank Hawks vs. Lions @ Seibu
  • 3/22 - Softbank Hawks vs. BayStars @ Yokohama
  • 3/23 - BayStars vs. Giants @ Yokohama
  • 3/23 - Tigers vs. Swallows @ Meiji Jingu
  • 3/24 - Tigers vs. BayStars @ Yokohama
  • 3/24 - Swallows vs. Giants @ Meiji Jingu
I'd like to see as many stadiums and teams as possible, but in the days I think I'll be able to go, it's rather difficult to choose either a team or a stadium (see 3/21 - Dragons at Seibu Dome), or even a team (3/23-24 - Tigers or Giants?).

Also, how hard do you think it'll be to get a ticket to the opening day game between the Marines and the Golden Eagles on the 26th? I'd love to see a regular season game, and the 26th would be the only opportunity I get to see one. Or would I perhaps have a better chance to go to the Lions vs. Buffaloes game the same day?
Re: How to Find Game Times?
[ Author: Guest: Eileen | Posted: Jan 13, 2005 10:00 AM ]

Thanks so much. That is helpful info on finding the times in that newspaper in English. I didn't realize that the times might also be coming out and posted on here perhaps before we go.

I can't even begin to tell you how excited we are about baseball in Japan. My son's physical ed teacher is having him do a paper on Japanese baseball to make up for the week he will miss in school, so he is now researching on the differences between baseball in the US and Japan, the teams we will see (by researching the player info on this site), etc. He will be citing this web site as reference for his paper.

Thanks again!

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Michael Westbay
(aka westbaystars)

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