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NPB Game Length?

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NPB Game Length?
Please pardon me for asking basic questions, but I've only recently learned of differences between NPB and MLB.

Topic 1: How many innings are played in the Central League, and at what inning does a tie score end the game in a tie? And what are the Pacific League rules on this?

Topic 2: Regarding Topic 1, what were the respective game length rules in the 2002 season? Was there an alternative time limit of 3 hours?
Re: NPB Game Length?
[ Author: westbaystars | Posted: Jun 1, 2009 1:08 PM | YBS Fan ]

Both the Central and Pacific Leagues go 12 inning with no time limit after which a game is called a tie. This has been the rule since 2001. Before that, the Central League went 15 innings and the Pacific League 12 innings, again with no time limits. You'll see that ties in the Central League jumped from 2 in 2000 to 13 in 2001 due to this change.

I'm not familiar with any restrictions regarding game time (i.e. 3 hours) since the 1990s. That sounds like something that might have been in effect during The War and perhaps for a number of years after when there was a curfew. But I've never seen anything stating such. (I'm not familiar with every aspect of the history of NPB, so I can't say that there has or hasn't ever been such a rule.)

The All Star Games, playoffs, and Nippon Series have different rules regarding extra innings. They would have to be looked up year to year as the rules regarding them tend to change on a fairly regular basis.
Re: NPB Game Length?
[ Author: Guest: Bill E. | Posted: Jun 1, 2009 9:35 PM ]

Thanks for the rapid reply!

This clears things up for me. I had been given some information that games went 15 innings or 3 hours, whichever came first. Then I saw on some sites that games in at least one league went 12 innings, but couldn't find definitive info for the other league.

You've cleared it all up for me. Games tied after 9 innings go to the 12th inning if necessary, and are recorded as ties if there's no winner after 12.

Many thanks!
Re: NPB Game Length?
[ Author: Guest: Steve | Posted: Jun 20, 2009 4:45 AM ]

Furthermore, tied games are counted as "no contests" instead of the traditional "tie" or "draw" - instead of being half a win or half a loss, they are not counted at all and the team's percentage acts as if they went unplayed (however, in the playoffs they can be regarded either way).

The NFL (American Football) used to use this format before instituting overtime in the early 1970's - the Chicago Bears had a 7-1-6 record one season, so their percentage would have been .875 (today this would be considered .714).

This means that a tied game really doesn't benefit or hinder a team's current overall record, because it truly doesn't change.

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Michael Westbay
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