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Questions About Yahoo Dome Changes

Discussion in the Ask the Commish forum
Questions About Yahoo Dome Changes
So, I'm watching a highlight of the first game of 2009, and I was wondering about some changes at my old stomping grounds, the (Fukuoka) Yahoo Dome.
  1. Did they change the turf to that "Field Turf" or like substance? I notice because it doesn't seem to be glow in the dark anymore (about time, I say!).
  2. What's the deal with the lighter shades of green on top of the fence?
Thanks ahead of time!
Re: Questions About Yahoo Dome Changes
[ Author: westbaystars | Posted: Apr 5, 2009 8:14 PM | YBS Fan ]

That would be "Yes" and "Yes."

I had read that the field surface was actually raised by a few centimeters as they put in a new rubber foundation in to make the field softer and reduce injuries. (Help prolong Matsunaka's knees?)

As for the gradation effect around the outfield wall, that's to make the stadium feel more "cozy" and to make it easier for the umpiring crew to view home runs.

Overall, I liked the changes that I'd seen. The wall does look more festive.
Re: Questions About Yahoo Dome Changes
[ Author: number9 | Posted: Apr 6, 2009 1:19 PM ]

It seems like the wall gradation design is part of a gigantic advertising campaign for Panasonic(?) batteries that's on the wall. But maybe it just looked like that from the highlights.
Re: Questions About Yahoo Dome Changes
[ Author: NipponHam11 | Posted: Apr 7, 2009 11:58 AM | SFT Fan ]

It's about time they changed to FieldTurf. It's been proven that FieldTurf helps cut down on injuries; that's why nobody here in the States uses AstroTurf anymore. Hopefully Matsunaka's knees hang on for a couple more years and Kawasaki stops getting hurt.

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