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Which Positions did These Players Play?

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Which Positions did These Players Play?
I am looking for some experts to lend me a helping hand. I have a rather long list of outfielders. I need to get more specific. I need to know what were these players' regular postions. I know that Ichiro's regular position was RF. I know Shinjo is a CF. I think Hideki Matsui played CF and RF (is that correct?). Here is the list of outfienders. Please let me know who played regularly at RF, CF, and LF. I have filled in all that I know. Your help is greatly appreciated.
    Koji Akiyama - RF
    George Altman
    Hiromasa Arai
    Okenji Awaguchi
    Shoichi Busujima
    Masahiro Doi
    Akira Eijiri
    Shinichi Eto
    Yutaka Fukumoto - CF
    Yasuo Fujii - LF
    Eiji Fujii
    Jinten Haku
    Tatsunori Hara - RF
    Isao Harimoto - LF
    Toshio Haru - CF
    Mitsuyasu Hirano
    Ken Hirano
    Katsumi Hirosawa - LF/RF
    Yoshinori Hirose - CF
    Sumio Hirota
    Shinjiro Hiyama - LF
    Tatsuya Ide - CF
    Tetsuya Iida - CF
    Iwao Ikebe
    Atsunori Inaba - RF
    Hiroaki Inoue - RF
    Kazuhiko Ishimine
    Hiromitsu Kadota - RF
    Tomoaki Kanemoto - LF
    Kazuhiko Kondo
    Shigeru Kurihashi
    LeRon Lee
    Jim Lyttle
    Tomonori Maeda - RF
    Mitsuru Manaka - CF
    Hideki Matsui - CF/RF
    Tadashi Matsumoto
    Akinobu Mayumi
    Koji Minoda
    Jitsuo Mizutani
    Arihito Muramatsu - CF
    Yozo Nagabuchi
    Tokuji Nagaike - CF
    Keiji Nagasaki
    Kiyoyuki Nagashima
    Toshio Naka
    Norifumi Nishimura
    Koichi Ogata - CF
    Toru Ogawa
    Tadayoshi Okuma
    Naoyuki Omura - CF
    Yasunori Oshima
    Tuffy Rhodes - LF/RF
    Takahiro Saeki - RF
    Noriyoshi Sano - CF
    Kyosuke Sasaki
    Makoto Sasaki - RF
    Koichi Sekikawa - CF
    Hiroshi Shibahara - CF
    Isao Shibata - CF
    Shozo Shigematsu - LF
    Makoto Shimada
    Ikuo Shimano
    Takayuki Shimizu - LF
    Tsuyoshi Shinjo - CF
    Tamio Suetsugu
    Toru Sugiura
    Takahisa Suzuki - LF
    Takanori Suzuki - LF
    Ichiro Suzuki - RF
    Yoshiie Tachibana
    So Taguchi - LF/CF
    Shigeru Takada
    Yoshikazu Takagi
    Hiroshi Takahashi
    Yoshinobu Takahashi - RF/CF
    Hideaki Takazawa
    Masashi Takenouchi
    Yoshitomo Tani - CF
    Yasushi Tao
    Takahiro Tokutsu
    Tsutomu Wakamatsu - LF/CF
    Koji Yamamoto - CF
    Kazunori Yamamoto
    Kazuyoshi Yamamoto
    Ryuzo Yamasaki
    Takeshi Yamasaki - LF
    Kazuhiro Yamauchi
    Kaname Yashiki
    Kenichi Yazawa
    Sadaaki Yoshimura
Re: Which Positions did These Players Play?
[ Author: Guest: John Brooks | Posted: Dec 30, 2004 9:49 AM ]

Check out the player data at Japan Baseball Daily. [Link]
Re: Which Positions did These Players Play?
[ Author: westbaystars | Posted: Dec 30, 2004 11:18 AM | YBS Fan ]

This is difficult information to come by. I'd like to know the source for Garland-san's (Japan Baseball Daily) data and if it's broken down by games played at each position.

The Official Baseball Encyclopedia 2004 has all outfield games played listed only as "Outfield." I'd like to know if anyone's gotten the new two volume set The History of Nippon Professional Baseball 1934-2004 and if the data volume has anything in addition to the Encyclopedia (besides one year's more data). It's hard to justify 31,500 yen to my wife after just getting the Encyclopedia last season.

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Michael Westbay
(aka westbaystars)

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