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Discussion in the Ask the Commish forum
Dear Commish:
Is it possible that Yakult could have a higher winning percentage than the Giants and still lose the division? I don't understand how the "tie" works in terms of the final standings, any insight would be naka naka ii for me.
Re: Se-League
[ Author: CFiJ | Posted: Sep 30, 2001 8:18 PM ]

I'm not the Commish, but I can give you an answer. If Yakult finishes with a higher win percentage, but the Giants have more wins, then there will be a play-off. One game, I think.
Re: Se-League
[ Author: westbaystars | Posted: Sep 30, 2001 8:22 PM | YBS Fan ]

I covered the Central League standings rules here (forgive the format - it's from the "old" site) a few months ago, but this is probably a good time to bring it up again, since, as you point out, it's currently relavent.

Going into play today (9/30), the "second place" Swallows have 74 wins, 52 losses and 5 ties for a .587 winning percentage and have a magic number of 3 with 9 games left to play. The "first place" Giants have 75 wins 61 losses and 2 ties for a .551 winning percentage with 2 games left to play.

Now, since the team with the most wins will be declared the winner, that means that the most wins the Giants can have is 77, making their winning percentage .558.

If Yakult matches the 77 wins and loses their other 6 games, that would give them a winning percentage of .570.

In terms a a database sort query, the winning percentage is the secondary sort key whereas the number of wins is the primary sort key. So, in the above example, since Yakult has the same number of wins as the Giants, the winning percentage breaks the tie and Yakult comes out on top.

Now, let's take the scenario you mentioned, Yakult coming in with less wins. Should Yakult go 2 and 7 in their remaining games (not likely, but miricles do happen), that will give them 76 wins and a winning percentage of .563. In this case, they have less wins than the Giants, but a higher winning percentage.

One of the conditions set this season for the change in first place ranking was that should a team finish in 2nd with a higher winning percentage, then there would be a three game play-off between the team with the highest winning percentage and the team with the most wins.

So, there you have it, for better or worse.

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Michael Westbay
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