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Streaming Video?

Discussion in the Ask the Commish forum
Streaming Video?
My son, Chase Lambin, has signed with the Chiba Lotte Marines. Are the games available on streaming video via the Internet? What about Internet radio of the games in English?

He is very excited about the opportunity to experience Japan. He came to Japan to tryout for Bobby V. in November and loved it. You can read about his experience at Clubhouse Gas.

He is getting married next weekend. His wife will be joining him when the season begins.
Re: Streaming Video?
[ Author: NipponHam11 | Posted: Jan 17, 2009 8:31 AM | SFT Fan ]

Your best bet for unhindered on-line streaming would be to go to If you wanted to, you could catch games via Yahoo Douga, but you have to jump through more hoops than a circus seal.

When the season starts, check out, you'll be all set. I hope your son does well with Lotte, and I hope his marriage works out.
Re: Streaming Video?
[ Author: westbaystars | Posted: Jan 17, 2009 8:37 AM | YBS Fan ]

Congratulations on making the team and getting married. This will probably be a wild honeymoon.

For you and the rest of the family, I'd recommend reading a number of posts in Media Guide. Those will explain the various video streaming options.

I've done audio broadcasts of games over the Internet in English in the past, but now that video is truly available outside of Japan, I'm thinking of retiring my mic.

For Chase, I'd recommend reading books from Robers Whiting and Rob Fitts (many mentioned here).

Otherwise, there's a lot you can learn here. Please read through the FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) and the descriptions of the the forums.

I look forward to seeing him out at Chiba Marine Stadium this year.
Re: Streaming Video?
[ Author: PLNara | Posted: Jan 17, 2009 9:03 AM | HT Fan ]

Marines.TV will have game highlights as well, but I think it's home games only.
Re: Streaming Video?
[ Author: Deanna | Posted: Jan 19, 2009 9:55 AM | NIP Fan ]

Who knows, maybe you'll get lucky and this year they'll bother having more broadcasts outside Japan.

The Seibu Lions started doing game digest podcasts via iTunes last year, maybe some more teams in the Pacific League will follow their lead.

I will, at least, be writing up several Marines games and taking tons of photos during the year. I was hoping Chase would make it onto the team because he seems like an interesting player!
OT: Congratulations
[ Author: Guest: Lead Singer | Posted: Feb 4, 2009 11:55 PM ]

Bruce, tell Chase congratulations, that is AWESOME! I've been following his career and am glad that he is getting a chance to showcase what he can do on a big stage. Also, congratulations on the marriage.


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Michael Westbay
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