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Best Behaved Gaijin Player?

Discussion in the Open Talk forum
Best Behaved Gaijin Player?
Which American/Latin American players have adapted best to Japanese culture? Roy White get high marks here, but he was always a class act. Any other nominees?
Re: Best Behaved Gaijin Player?
[ Author: Guest: John Brooks | Posted: Apr 1, 2005 1:11 PM ]

Others who adapted to Japanese baseball include Tuffy Rhodes, Alex Cabrera, Bobby Rose, Tom O'Malley, and Glenn Braggs. All of these players have incorporated an understanding of the Japanese language, they have been very important parts of their teams, and adapted to Japanese baseball.
Re: Best Behaved Gaijin Player?
[ Author: Guest | Posted: Apr 1, 2005 2:01 PM ]

Best behaved and best "adapted" to Japanese culture are two completely different things.

I would not know who the best "behaved" player in Japanese baseball is. However, Tuffy Rhodes probably has done the most to try to fit into the Japanese culture. Obviously, he's been here for about 9, years so that makes a big difference. Nevertheless, he made an effort to learn the language and make friends that most "gaijin" don't attempt to do. He can speak Japanese fairly well, and he's just considered as "one of the guys" on the team now. I don't think the Japanese baseball players, or the media for that matter, treat him as a "gaijin." In both teams he's been with, he's always seen laughing and joking around with his teammates, moreso than the other foreigners.

Dwayne Hosey with the Yakult Swallows about 6-7 years ago was sort of similar. He made an effort to learn the language and he got along well with his teammates as well.
Re: Best Behaved Gaijin Player?
[ Author: Jingu Bleacher Bum | Posted: Apr 1, 2005 3:46 PM | YAK Fan ]

Being a Yakult fan, I'm gonna nominate Alex Ramirez. The fans love him, and I read some rumors in a couple of the sports papers here he's thinking about becoming a manager here for the Swallows after his playing time is over.

Not to detract from the question at hand, but why are you limiting the discussion to only American, Latin/American players? There have been/currently are some Australians and players from other Asian countries here.
Re: Best Behaved Gaijin Player?
[ Author: Guest: Al Newman | Posted: Apr 3, 2005 5:24 AM ]

I would second that nomination. Alex is very easy going and fits well with is teammates. When I was there, Hodges, Ramirez, and myself were always invited to do the things that other players did off the field. The Swallows are a very tight group. I would say that has something to do with the success that they have had!
Re: Best Behaved Gaijin Player?
[ Author: Guest | Posted: Apr 6, 2005 7:42 PM ]

I was a big fan of Chris Brock when he was here. I thought he was very entertaining. Any word on where he is now?
Re: Best Behaved Gaijin Player?
[ Author: Guest: John Brooks | Posted: Apr 6, 2005 10:46 PM ]

Chris Brock wasn't re-signed by a NPB team. He hasn't signed with any major league team either.
Re: Best Behaved Gaijin Player?
[ Author: Guest | Posted: Apr 8, 2005 2:56 PM ]

He is in AAA Durham of the Tampa Bay Devil Rays.
Re: Best Behaved Gaijin Player?
[ Author: mijow | Posted: Apr 9, 2005 2:36 AM | HT Fan ]

My vote would have to go to first baseman Mark Johnson of the Hanshin Tigers. He only played one season in Japan (1999), but he impressed me with his approach to training and the way he dealt with the fans.

He dearly wanted to continue with the Tigers, but they cut him loose at the end of the season (undeservedly so in my opinion).
Re: Best Behaved Gaijin Player?
[ Author: Guest | Posted: Feb 4, 2006 12:56 AM ]

Terry Whitfield definitely belongs in the mix here. He played with the Seibu Lions in the 1980s. Loved Japanese culture. Bowed to the fans when he crossed home plate after hitting a homer at home. An all-around good guy.
Re: Best Behaved Gaijin Player?
[ Author: Guest: John Brooks | Posted: Feb 4, 2006 5:46 PM ]

Of other importance, Whitfield also bought thousands of tickets for disadvantaged children. Overall, a very classy act.
Re: Best Behaved Gaijin Player?
[ Author: Dragsfan | Posted: Feb 8, 2006 4:17 PM | CD Fan ]

Two more candidates for "most respected foreign players": Alonzo Powell and Ralph Bryant.

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It is my sincere hope that once you learn a bit about what we're about here that you will join the community of contributors.

Michael Westbay
(aka westbaystars)

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