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Ochiai: Be a Manager!

Discussion in the Open Talk forum
Ochiai: Be a Manager!
I am absolutely disgusted with the Dragons' manager Ochiai. In my estimation, we have needed him to "be a manager" on 3 occasions in the past 2 weeks. (The Dragons have a good enough team to win without much instruction, but all teams need their manager to manage when the chips are down.)

The first was on Septmeber 30th when he left the pitcher in too long, and Ramirez smashed a game winning homer. My friend travelled all the way to Jingu Stadium as we could have clinched that night, but his hopes were dashed by Ochiai's blunder.

Second, the next night, another chance was blown. Araki was on second in the bottom of the 9th, 2 outs. Iwase (pitcher) was up to bat. Ochiai elected to leave the pitcher in instead of going for the win and using a pinch hitter. While Iwase is a capable batter, laws of averages dictate that a hitter will fare better than a pitcher in most cases. I was robbed of my chance to see my first live "championship" (winning the Central League is often regarded as "good enough" - look at the Tigers' celebration last year, even though they lost to Daiei).

The biggest blunder of all occured tonight, and I am angry enough to appeal the Dragons to fire Ochiai after the season. After a miraculous grand slam by Tanishige, Ochiai left Okamoto in way too long. He walked 2 batters, hit another, and gave up an RBI single. But Ochiai left him in anyway. And the smug, steroid pumping Cabrera pounded a grand slam to bury the Dragons.

Three crucial mistakes in three instances where we needed a manager. I am distraught. I am watching the Dragons fall apart due to poor managing, and it is killing me.

Any thoughts?

Rob in Nagoya.
Re: Ochiai: Be a Manager!
[ Author: Christopher | Posted: Oct 20, 2004 9:27 AM | HAN Fan ]

Ochiai should have removed Okamoto sooner, and his handling of the seventh was poor. Okamoto should have gone when he put two batters on first and second, before he loaded the bases.
Re: Ochiai: Be a Manager!
[ Author: Guest: Jim Albright | Posted: Oct 20, 2004 10:51 AM ]

It seems to me that since the Dragons had an unexpected degree of success this year, Ochiai deserves some of the credit for that. The two "blunders" cited before the playoffs, even if they were truly blunders, didn't cost the Dragons their shot at the Japan Series title. It remains to be seen if the one in the Japan Series is that costly. I am loath to go after a manager on the basis of such decisions unless 1) the move was truly unreasonable, or 2) he is wrong on such decisions so often that it seems to indicate a poor decision making process as opposed to bad luck or a lack of talent on the team.

Jim Albright
Re: Ochiai: Be a Manager!
[ Author: Guest: semaJlliBfonaf | Posted: Oct 23, 2004 8:11 AM ]

Cheese! One game's error and a fan is all over him like a cheap (shot) suit!

Yeah, it seemed a mistake. Everybody makes mistakes. Ochiai has seemed to several times during the season, especially by overworking his team in the Spring, but he's gotten them into the Series, and they lead 3-2 today without their best player.

I think he (and Itoh) have done as well or better at the helm than all the other managers, and deserve to collect their share of credit (about 10% of the credit heaped upon any manager by the Japanese press, that is.)
Re: Ochiai: Be a Manager!
[ Author: Guest | Posted: Oct 23, 2004 11:52 AM ]

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought Ochiai was one of the kantokus who did not emphasize the importance of pre-game practices and spring training. I was under the impression that (unlike most other managers in Japan) he treated his players like adults and let them choose their own methods for practicing and training. Can anyone verfify/prove me wrong?
Re: Ochiai: Be a Manager!
[ Author: Guest: semaJlliBfonaf | Posted: Oct 23, 2004 8:52 PM ]

Strangely, he ran a real "blood-n-guts" camp this year, as I recall. Otherwise he seemed to manage as this fan of his career expected he would.
Re: Ochiai: Be a Manager!
[ Author: Christopher | Posted: Oct 23, 2004 1:42 PM | HAN Fan ]

Fans are like that. We all get too excited if our team loses and look around for someone to blame. I think that even though he did blunder in Game 3, I would still take him over Okada-kantoku. Maybe someone could arrange a swap?
Re: Ochiai: Be a Manager!
[ Author: Guest: steve | Posted: Oct 23, 2004 5:17 PM ]

If you're gonna blame him for game 3, you have to give him credit for starting Yamai in game 4. Not many people expected that, and the guy came up with a gutsy performance.

I am concerned about games 6 and 7 - Yamamoto and Guzman both look like dogs out there.
Re: Ochiai: Be a Manager!
[ Author: Martin | Posted: Oct 25, 2004 6:17 PM | SL Fan ]

I think Ochiai did a very good job all season. And don't forget that everyone makes mistakes. Should we fire everyone who makes a mistake? I think not: losing games is part of the game.

Overall Ochiai did a good job this season and I think he deserves more credit.

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Michael Westbay
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