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Bonds to Japan Picking Up Steam

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Bonds to Japan Picking Up Steam
Most recently the Rays have been linked to Bonds, and while that idea does make quite a bit of sense for both parties, I think if it doesn't happen we could see Bondszilla invade Japan.

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Re: Bonds to Japan Picking Up Steam
[ Author: YankeesDaily | Posted: Mar 1, 2008 6:20 AM ]

Wow. First, cool name you made up, Bondzilla. I'm wondering if he'd be a good player though, because he is old and don't you need to be fast to play in Japan?

Re: Bonds to Japan Picking Up Steam
[ Author: rockeastwood | Posted: Mar 1, 2008 10:13 AM | YBS Fan ]

Let's say, for example, in a make believe world where Barry actually got acquitted, and still he gets blackballed from MLB teams and ends up here ...

... playing ball for (insert NPB team here), he would surely help a team tremendously. Forget about Barry Bonds and the baggage that comes with it and look strictly at the numbers from last season. Amidst all the pressure and stress (and granted, most self inflicted), he still managed to be one of the most dangerous hitters in the game. With absolutely nothing around him in that horrific San Francisco line-up, mind you, skewing any chance of bloated RBI and runs scored stats that pretty much all 29 other teams had the luxury of hitting around them.

I am a Giants fan. An insane Giants fan (I realize this is a oxymoron considering how you'd have to be totally insane to cheer for the Giants), but I am no fan of Barry Bonds. I haven't been for years, and this season will be so refreshing to finally have him move on. But I digress.

The point was, as much as Barry can eat at a fan, the man can still mash, and put Bonds in the middle of any line-up with an already decent core around him. There is no fathomable reason I would consider them the favorite with an all out beast, aka OBP machine in the 4 hole.

You want to buy a championship and draw fan interest from around the world to your game? Bring Barry Bonds over for just 1 season. It would be fun to watch, too.

Now I better slap myself and wake up. With testimony from the grand jury being unsealed and rumors of numerous failed drug tests. IMO, this man is going down.
Re: Bonds to Japan Picking Up Steam
[ Author: Guest: Zman | Posted: Mar 1, 2008 2:49 PM ]

If Tuffy can smack 40 plus big flies while never making the cut in the bigs, Bonds can smack 80 perhaps with one eye closed.

I posted about this possibility in October last year. Seems to be getting a little closer to actually happening now.

Japan would love Barry, he would be a sensation. No one has a worse personality that Kiyohara and look how popular he is, so Barry's fickle nature will not matter here. And Barry can still hit. He will have to find a new connection if he does play here, if you know what I mean, and I think you do.
Re: Bonds to Japan Picking Up Steam
[ Author: Guest: Gary Garland | Posted: Mar 1, 2008 4:10 PM ]

I would have to say that the unsealed grand jury records revealing more failed drug tests have effectively torpedoed any Japan talk, not that there was any chance of Barry playing there anyway. He would have to agree to a blood test ala Bigbie and Cabrera, and he ain't going to do that. And that is just for starters.

His next team will have an orange jumpsuit as its uniform. I wonder how far the fences are in Joliet Federal Penitentiary.
Re: Bonds to Japan Picking Up Steam
[ Author: Guest: zman | Posted: Mar 2, 2008 9:34 PM ]

Selig was quoted today as saying Barry can play in MLB. Amazing. So the question is, which team would want him with all the legal baggage?

Barry can find a way around the Japan tests I am sure. If the tests were so effective why have so many players now in Japan been mentioned as users in the Mitchell report? Simple answer, the tests are worthless window dressing. Just like in MLB for years.
Re: Bonds to Japan Picking Up Steam
[ Author: YankeesDaily | Posted: Mar 2, 2008 5:36 AM ]

Yes, it doesn't look like Bonds is going to play anywhere soon, but he is an on base machine. I wonder if he played in Japan in 2001 if he would have hit 100 home runs? I think that Matsui was the best hitter over here for a while, right?


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