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The Impartial Daily Yomiuri

Discussion in the Open Talk forum
The Impartial Daily Yomiuri
The Daily Yomiuri had a multi-page MLB 2003 season preview. The main feature was a double-page spread about Japanese players in the 2003 MLB season. A huge portion of that was devoted to Matsui and the Yankees, and the remainder was left over for Ishii, Nomo, Taguchi, Ichiro, Sasaki, Oka, Shinjo, and Hasegawa. That part was titled "The rest of the Japanese contingent."

"Matsui and... the rest?!?!
Re: The Impartial Daily Yomiuri
[ Author: Guest: Suraj | Posted: Mar 31, 2003 3:11 PM ]

Sadly, this is the main reason why I hate the Yomiuri (yes, I know there's more to the paper than the sports pages, but let's be serious, it's by far the most important). It's all Kyojin (or ex-Kyojin) all the time.

Plus, living in Tokyo, unless you have JSkySports you only get Giants games (which are often cut off, btw). Oh how I miss Sun TV....
Re: The Impartial Daily Yomiuri
[ Author: torakichi | Posted: Mar 31, 2003 5:27 PM | HT Fan ]

> Oh how I miss Sun TV....

Haha. Yeah, SunTV is pretty cool. Where else can you get Knight Rider, Kojak, and Colombo in this day and age?

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Michael Westbay
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