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Pacific League Playoffs: Second Stage, Game 3

Discussion in the NPB News forum
Pacific League Playoffs: Second Stage, Game 3
The third game of the final qualifying round to the Japan Series is this evening starting at 6:00 JST. Tune in here as usual. See you there!
Re: Pacific League Playoffs: Second Stage, Game 3
[ Author: westbaystars | Posted: Oct 9, 2004 10:47 PM | YBS Fan ]

This was a see-saw game. Close all the way to the end. The game final was 6-5. But who won? Read on.

TRANSCRIPT generated on 2004/10/09 22:40
CHATROOM Pacific League Playoffs: Second Stage Game 3/Seibu Lions vs. Fukuoka Daiei Hawks
MODERATORS westbaystars

17:48 westbaystars: Today's starting pitchers are Chang for Seibu and Saitoh for Daiei.
17:48 westbaystars: Chang has a 1 and 3 record with a 3.80 ERA in seven games against Daiei this season.
17:49 westbaystars: Saitoh is 3 and 2 with a 6.81 ERA in six games against the Lions.
17:49 westbaystars: ---
17:49 westbaystars: --- Top of First
17:49 westbaystars: ---
18:00 westbaystars: The clock has rounded 6:00, and NHK is showing typhoon #22 damage instead of the ball game.
18:01 westbaystars: On the radio, Satoh stands in, and Saitoh's first pitch is taken for ball one.
18:02 westbaystars: Whew. I was worried that I wouldn't find the game anywhere there for a while.
18:02 westbaystars: Satoh grounds a curve ball to first, taken to first for the first out.
18:03 westbaystars: I closed up all the shutters around the house for this typhoon.
18:04 westbaystars: It's causing trouble with a lot of the cable channels, too, as they get their feeds via satalite.
18:04 westbaystars: Akada drives the ball deep to left.
18:04 westbaystars: Valdez goes back.
18:04 westbaystars: Looks up.
18:05 westbaystars: It's off the top of the fense!
18:05 westbaystars: Akada glides in with a one out double.
18:05 westbaystars: Fernandez, who's been tough with runners in scoring position, follows.
18:06 westbaystars: NHK BS 1 has started broadcasting.
18:06 westbaystars: Fernandez swing, and starts walking slowly to center as he watches the ball sail into the right-center field seats!
18:07 westbaystars: Seibu gets off to a quick 2-0 lead!
18:07 westbaystars: Cabrera follows.
18:07 westbaystars: Cabrera isn't feeling 100% tonight and is in the lineup as the DH.
18:08 westbaystars: Saitoh Kazumi falls behind one strike, three balls.
18:09 westbaystars: The fifth pitch misses low, ball four.
18:09 westbaystars: Cabrera heads up to first.
18:09 westbaystars: Wada comes up next.
18:10 westbaystars: Saitoh is having a hard time getting his curve over for a strike, missing with the first two to Wada.
18:10 westbaystars: The fork comes over for strike one.
18:11 westbaystars: Although it didn't drop much, if at all.
18:11 westbaystars: The fourth pitch is grounded back up the middle and into center, base hit!
18:11 westbaystars: That puts runners at first and second, one out, and Kaizuka coming up to bat.
18:12 westbaystars: Haizuka has yet to get a hit in Stage Two.
18:12 westbaystars: ... in four tries.
18:12 westbaystars: Saitoh misses with his first two pitches to Kaizuka, too.
18:13 westbaystars: Third pitch misses out and away, ball three.
18:13 westbaystars: The next pitch is taken down the middle for strike one.
18:14 westbaystars: Kaizuka just gets a piece of Saitoh's fifth pitch and fouls it off. Full count.
18:14 westbaystars: Kaizuka lifts the ball just left of center.
18:15 westbaystars: Shibahara is under it, makes the catch, and fires the ball back in.
18:15 westbaystars: Cabu isn't trying for third.
18:15 westbaystars: That's the second out of the inning.
18:15 westbaystars: Nakajima comes up with runners still at first and second.
18:16 westbaystars: Nakajima grounds the ball to the left side.
18:16 westbaystars: Kawasaki has it at short, throws to second for the force, and the side is retired.
18:17 westbaystars: But not before Fernandez hits a two run home run to put the Lions on the board first.
18:17 westbaystars: After half an inning, the Lions lead 2-0.
18:17 westbaystars: ---
18:17 westbaystars: --- Bottom of First
18:17 westbaystars: ---
18:17 Lucky: Hey Ho!
18:18 westbaystars: How's it going? Early in the morning?
18:18 Lucky: VERY early, 5 18
18:19 westbaystars: Chang is on the mound for the Lions. He's 1 and 3 against Daiei this season.
18:19 westbaystars: Kawasaki stands in.
18:19 Lucky: 5:18
18:19 westbaystars: Chang's first pitch sees Kawasaki square to bunt, but pulls the bat back to take ball one.
18:19 Lucky: Lions got tetth today,ehI
18:19 westbaystars: The next pitch, though, Kawasaki is swinging away, and lifts the ball to left.
18:20 Lucky: Teeth, today eh?**
18:20 westbaystars: Wada comes in, and makes the catch for the first out.
18:20 Lucky: brb
18:20 westbaystars: Miyaji follows.
18:21 westbaystars: The Lions are more than just a roar so far.
18:21 Lucky the II: Woah, im in two?
18:22 westbaystars: Miyaji pulls the ball up the first base line.
18:22 westbaystars: Kazuka, playing first tonight, gets it on the line and takes the ball to the bag himself.
18:22 westbaystars: That would have been trouble if it had gotten by him.
18:23 westbaystars: But it goes down as the second out.
18:23 westbaystars: That brings up Iguchi.
18:23 westbaystars: As mentioned above, Cabrera isn't feeling fully himself tonight and is just playing as the pinch hitter.
18:23 westbaystars: Iguchi lifts the ball to the left side.
18:24 westbaystars: Fernandez comes over in foul territory, waits, and waits, and waits.
18:24 westbaystars: The ball doesn't come down.
18:24 westbaystars: It's stuck in the roof.
18:24 westbaystars: Declared foul.
18:24 Lucky the II: Hmm
18:25 westbaystars: Iguchi then lines a high pitch to left for a base hit.
18:25 Lucky the II: whats the technical defintion of "Foul"
18:25 westbaystars: That's the Hawks' first hit of the evening.
18:26 westbaystars: Well, the ball is considered in play where it hits if it hits the roof.
18:26 westbaystars: So if it comes down in foul territory, it's foul.
18:26 westbaystars: If it hits the roof and comes down in fair territory, it's fair.
18:26 westbaystars: Matsunaka is now up.
18:26 Lucky the II: ah, but it never landed
18:27 Lucky the II: Triple Crwon maeterial
18:27 Lucky the II: whats wrong with me today?
18:27 westbaystars: So it's what the umpire declares it to be, foul in this case.
18:28 westbaystars: I think. You've brought up a good point. Now I'm not so sure.
18:28 westbaystars: There were two strikes on him, so I don't know for sure.
18:28 Lucky the II: my computer is actin funky, do you know nother place for english commentary?
18:28 westbaystars: The count goes full on Triple Crown Matsunaka.
18:28 westbaystars: No, I don't.
18:29 Lucky the II: pressure
18:29 westbaystars: Matsunaka grounds the ball up the middle,
18:29 westbaystars: But Nakajima is playing almost behind the second base bag!
18:29 westbaystars: The ball goes right to Nakajima, who throws to first, and the side is retired.
18:30 westbaystars: At the end of one complete, the Lions lead 2-0.
18:30 westbaystars: ---
18:30 westbaystars: --- Top of Second
18:30 westbaystars: ---
18:30 Lucky the III: hmm
18:31 westbaystars: Lucky, go to and download FireFox.
18:31 westbaystars: You'll find if fixes a lot of things.
18:31 Lucky the III: Whats it do?
18:31 westbaystars: Noda, behind the plate tonight, leads off the Lions' second.
18:32 Lucky the III: its better than explorer?
18:32 westbaystars: It's a browser. Much better than IE.
18:32 westbaystars: Standards compliant and viral resistant.
18:32 westbaystars: Noda lines out to right for the first out of the inning.
18:33 westbaystars: Tabbed browsing is standard.
18:33 westbaystars: Pop-up ads are blocked by default.
18:33 westbaystars: Plugins allow things like mouse gestures and other functionality.
18:34 westbaystars: It's recommended over IE by the Department of Homeland Security.
18:34 westbaystars: So, do it for your country.
18:34 Lucky the III: but what if i want them up, is there a visible On/off button?
18:34 westbaystars: Takagi goes down whiffing.
18:34 Lucky the III: Canadian
18:34 westbaystars: Yes, an icon is shown saying that a pop-up was blocked.
18:35 westbaystars: Click it and allow for that site only, or turn it off completely.
18:35 westbaystars: Sorry about that. Do it for you neighbor.
18:35 westbaystars: Back to the top of the order in Satoh.
18:35 westbaystars: He lines the ball to right for a two out base hit.
18:36 Lucky the III: And tom ridge at one point recommeneded america to air-seal there homes,the equivalent of putting a bag on your haed and
18:36 westbaystars: That brings up Akada who doubled with one out in the first.
18:36 Lucky the III: taping it, ill do it
18:36 westbaystars: Ha, ha, ha.
18:37 Lucky the III: he's a weird dude
18:37 westbaystars: There's been a lot out of the DHS that I've thought was pretty stupid, but FireFox over IE I can agree with.
18:37 westbaystars: Akada keeps the Lions going with a base hit through the left side.
18:37 Lucky the III: Woah, who is at bat?
18:38 Lucky the III: ok
18:38 westbaystars: Runners now at first and second with Fernandez, the man Saitoh doesn't want up with a runner in scoring position.
18:38 Lucky the III: Im a bit woozy
18:39 Lucky the III: i lost a lot of blood
18:39 westbaystars: The one strike, two ball pitch is in the dirt and gets away from Johjima.
18:40 westbaystars: But not too far away.
18:40 westbaystars: The runners hold still.
18:40 westbaystars: The next pitch gets the inside part of the plate, watched for strike two.
18:40 westbaystars: Full count.
18:40 Lucky the III: tense
18:40 westbaystars: Lost blood taping up your house?
18:40 Lucky the III: very dratic
18:40 westbaystars: The shoubu pitch is grounded to the left side, and past a diving Kawasaki!
18:41 westbaystars: It's through to left field!
18:41 westbaystars: Satoh kicks third and heads home!
18:41 westbaystars: The throw is back to second, home in!
18:41 Lucky the III: see! errors, i lost a lot of blodd in a short time while i was sleeping
18:41 Lucky the III: YEAH!
18:42 westbaystars: The Lions go up 3-0.
18:42 westbaystars: Cabrera comes up next.
18:42 Lucky the III: 4-0, isn't it?
18:42 westbaystars: Akada went to third.
18:42 westbaystars: ... On that last play.
18:43 Lucky the IV: ok, done the installation
18:43 westbaystars: No, 3-0. Two run homer in first. One run driven in here.
18:43 westbaystars: All three RBIs are off of Fernandez' bat.
18:43 Lucky the IV: oh
18:44 Lucky the IV: MVP
18:44 westbaystars: Cabu strikes out swinging here to retire the side.
18:44 westbaystars: But not before Fernandez adds another to make the score 3-0.
18:44 Lucky the IV: well, not before some ribbies
18:44 westbaystars: ---
18:44 westbaystars: --- Bottom of Second
18:44 westbaystars: ---
18:45 Lucky the IV: yeah i woke up, in the dark, and tried to sleep, then i realised why my pillow was wet
18:46 westbaystars: Johjima leads off the Hawks' half of the second.
18:46 westbaystars: And the first thing you didn't do was go to the hospital?
18:47 Lucky the IV: not serious a lot
18:47 Firefox Lucky(V): just under i guess
18:48 Firefox Lucky(V): MAJOr nose bleed
18:48 westbaystars: Johjima grounds the ball to Fernandez at third.
18:48 Firefox Lucky(V): without lethality, just very red bed and cloth
18:48 westbaystars: The throw to first is in time, one out.
18:49 Firefox Lucky(V): it looks cool
18:49 westbaystars: And this happens often? If not, I'd have it looked at.
18:49 Firefox Lucky(V): and the problem stopped
18:49 westbaystars: Valdez comes up next.
18:50 Firefox Lucky(V): um, evry um, 6 months at serious
18:50 Firefox Lucky(V): winter months
18:50 westbaystars: Serious alergies?
18:50 Firefox Lucky(V): i have two heating ducts, and im bye the bioiler room
18:50 Firefox Lucky(V): boiler
18:51 Firefox Lucky(V): my room was two rooms
18:51 westbaystars: Well, Firefox didn't help your typing.
18:51 Firefox Lucky(V): and i am not suitable for hot temperature
18:52 westbaystars: Full count to Valdez.
18:52 Firefox Lucky(V): thats the wooze, right there
18:52 Firefox Lucky(V): :-P
18:52 westbaystars: The shoubu pitch is outside, but pulled just right of second.
18:52 westbaystars: Takagi back hands the ball. Throws to first, gets him.
18:52 westbaystars: Two outs.
18:53 Firefox Lucky(V): im an ethnic group that dosen?t habide in the warmth
18:53 westbaystars: There are some algie that might spawn in such warmth.
18:53 westbaystars: That you might be alergic to. You should look into it.
18:54 Firefox Lucky(V): quite the opposite
18:54 westbaystars: But, I'm not a doctor, so this should not be taken as medical advice.
18:54 Firefox Lucky(V): im inuit, i need cold
18:54 westbaystars: Chang goes full on Zuleta.
18:55 Firefox Lucky(V): cause thats what my genes are used to
18:55 Firefox Lucky(V): BOO zuleta!
18:56 westbaystars: Zuleta fouls off a couple of pitches, the count remaining two strikes, three balls.
18:56 Firefox Lucky(V): jeez
18:56 westbaystars: The seventh pitch is pulled to the left side.
18:56 westbaystars: Nakajima fields it, and throws him out at first.
18:56 westbaystars: Three up, three down.
18:56 Firefox Lucky(V): hit him
18:57 Firefox Lucky(V): o
18:57 Firefox Lucky(V): nvm
18:57 Firefox Lucky(V): lol
18:57 westbaystars: At the end of two complete, the Lions lead 3-0.
18:57 westbaystars: ---
18:57 westbaystars: --- Top of Third
18:57 westbaystars: ---
18:58 westbaystars: The typhoon appears to have finished passed by the Kanto area.
18:58 Firefox Lucky(V): dont buy a car from a used car salesman, i know a guy who bought one, two years later...BAM!
18:58 Firefox Lucky(V): HERPES
18:58 westbaystars: It dropped 40-80 mm of rain a couple hours ago.
18:58 westbaystars: I closed all the shutters to the house as it was hard on the windows.
18:58 Firefox Lucky(V): oh, the one from chinaI
18:58 westbaystars: But now, all is still.
18:59 Firefox Lucky(V): china?**
18:59 westbaystars: Wada leads off the third for the Lions.
18:59 Firefox Lucky(V): Calice esti,c'est forte
19:00 westbaystars: Wada is 5 for 10 in Stage II so far.
19:00 westbaystars: With a base hit in the first.
19:00 Firefox Lucky(V): Question, isn?t it weird to sit and type when no ones hereI
19:01 westbaystars: Lonely sometimes, but I know that people come along and read it later.
19:01 westbaystars: Wada goes down swinging for the first out.
19:01 Firefox Lucky(V): whener u see these 譜 they are punctuation
19:01 westbaystars: Question marks?
19:01 westbaystars: Kazuka lifts the ball to left.
19:02 Firefox Lucky(V): ?=?
19:02 westbaystars: Valdez comes in and makes the catch for out number two.
19:02 Firefox Lucky(V): ?='
19:02 Firefox Lucky(V): ?=\r
19:02 Firefox Lucky(V): ?=]
19:02 westbaystars: Your keyboard not setup right?
19:03 Firefox Lucky(V): in my french font sometimes
19:03 Firefox Lucky(V): and i dont notice
19:03 westbaystars: Nakajima goes deep to right.
19:03 westbaystars: Miyaji goes back, to the wall, turns, makes the catch on the warning track.
19:03 westbaystars: Saitoh manages to retire the Lions in order for the first time this evening.
19:04 Firefox Lucky(V): I know MLB goes to japan, does NPB ever come here?
19:04 Firefox Lucky(V): not as much?
19:04 westbaystars: Not that I know of.
19:05 Firefox Lucky(V): they should have put that in the agreement
19:05 westbaystars: I saw the ad for this year's Nichi-Bei Series a couple of days ago.
19:05 westbaystars: ---
19:05 westbaystars: --- Bottom of Third
19:05 westbaystars: ---
19:05 Firefox Lucky(V): o yeah? describe it
19:05 westbaystars: I think that the problem is that there is interest in MLB here, but not enough in North America.
19:06 Firefox Lucky(V): I know it doesn't have Giambi on it
19:06 westbaystars: Shibahara leads off by grounding out to second.
19:06 westbaystars: One quick out.
19:06 Firefox Lucky(V): so they should sweep them over in the fortress of NA
19:06 westbaystars: It had three pictures from each team.
19:06 Firefox Lucky(V): Cause they can beat a LOT of these crap teams
19:07 westbaystars: The only one I remember from MLB was Roger Clemens.
19:07 Firefox Lucky(V): Tampa,Seattle,Toronto,i hate to say it:expos
19:07 Firefox Lucky(V): Kansas city
19:07 Firefox Lucky(V): Mets
19:08 westbaystars: Chang misses with his first three pitches to number nine batter Torigoe.
19:08 Firefox Lucky(V): And those are the blow-outs
19:08 westbaystars: He gets one over, then walks him.
19:08 westbaystars: Kawasaki comes up next.
19:08 Firefox Lucky(V): i would want to see Hanshin against 'Spos, i would cheer for hanshin
19:09 Firefox Lucky(V): be part of the oen-dan
19:09 westbaystars: These are all-star games, and Japan usually scrapes a couple of wins out of a hat here and there.
19:09 Firefox Lucky(V): but regular vs. regular
19:09 westbaystars: I'd like to see more team-teams doing this sort of thing, rather than all-star teams.
19:10 Firefox Lucky(V): Its not like Japan sucks, a lot of these teams are good
19:10 Firefox Lucky(V): and the MLB all star is all mlb-ers, including japanese
19:10 Firefox Lucky(V): and the world
19:10 westbaystars: Chang throws a couple of pick-off throws to first, just missing Torigoe.
19:10 Firefox Lucky(V): against a tiny island
19:10 westbaystars: Is he trying to run?
19:11 Firefox Lucky(V): um, yes?
19:11 Firefox Lucky(V): haha
19:11 westbaystars: Japan won the first few a series or two ago, really getting the MLB all-stars' attention.
19:12 westbaystars: They didn't want to go back with a losing record, and the MLBers turned it around to take the series.
19:12 Firefox Lucky(V): The jap. teams are good because of their compacicity(lol)
19:12 westbaystars: Kawasaki goes down swinging for the second out.
19:13 Firefox Lucky(V): few teams, fewer unneccsary(stupid wooze) crap talent
19:13 westbaystars: Miyaji comes up with two down and Torige on first.
19:13 Firefox Lucky(V): dude we're still in the third, it seems like the 5
19:14 Firefox Lucky(V): is this the deciding game>?
19:14 westbaystars: No. Best three out of five.
19:15 Firefox Lucky(V): ah, and lions lead 2-1 in games?
19:15 westbaystars: It's 1-1 right now.
19:15 Firefox Lucky(V): ah
19:15 westbaystars: This is game three, remember?
19:15 westbaystars: It's in the lower-right hand corner.
19:15 Firefox Lucky(V): so chunichi vs. _______
19:16 Firefox Lucky(V): lol, wooze
19:16 westbaystars: Miyaji lifts the ball high to the right side.
19:16 Firefox Lucky(V): maybe...?
19:16 westbaystars: Takagi calls off Kaizuka, and makes the catch.
19:16 westbaystars: That retires the Hawks in the third.
19:16 Firefox Lucky(V): or not
19:16 Firefox Lucky(V): so FF is cool
19:17 westbaystars: At the end of three complete, Seibu continues to lead 3-0.
19:17 westbaystars: ---
19:17 westbaystars: --- Top of Fourth
19:17 westbaystars: ---
19:17 Firefox Lucky(V): - - -
19:17 westbaystars: Right, Chunichi takes on the winner of this series.
19:17 Firefox Lucky(V): - - -
19:17 Firefox Lucky(V): TOP OF FOURTH
19:17 westbaystars: *** Hiroshima takes a 1-0 lead over the Giants in Hiroshima.
19:18 Firefox Lucky(V): - - -
19:18 Firefox Lucky(V): How does hiroshima have good individual recoerds, yet they are in last
19:18 westbaystars: Catcher Noda leads off the fourth for the Lions.
19:19 Firefox Lucky(V): hiya
19:19 westbaystars: Hiroshima doesn't play as a team.
19:19 westbaystars: Noda lifts the ball deep to left-center.
19:19 Firefox Lucky(V): ooooooooooo
19:19 Firefox Lucky(V): kk
19:19 Liono: Hi All
19:19 westbaystars: Valdez has him played well, and makes the catch.
19:19 Firefox Lucky(V): hiya
19:19 westbaystars: One out.
19:20 westbaystars: That brings up Takagi.
19:20 westbaystars: Takagi brounds the first pitch to the right side.
19:20 Firefox Lucky(V): myabe ill go get sum cereal
19:20 westbaystars: It looks like it's through the hole, but Matsunaka makes a diving grab for it!
19:20 Firefox Lucky(V): brounds?
19:20 westbaystars: Matsunaka comes up to his knees, throws to Saitoh covering, out!
19:20 westbaystars: Nice play!
19:20 Firefox Lucky(V): we both cant spell
19:20 Liono: Hows Chang doing?
19:20 Firefox Lucky(V): Wicked
19:21 Firefox Lucky(V): meh
19:21 westbaystars: Chang has been throwing well. (Hi, by the way.)
19:21 Firefox Lucky(V): shut out
19:21 Liono: great
19:21 Firefox Lucky(V): so integrate this into the site more
19:21 Firefox Lucky(V): brb
19:21 westbaystars: Back to the top of the order in Satoh.
19:22 westbaystars: Satoh lines the ball to right-center.
19:22 westbaystars: Shibahara makes the catch on a run toward right field.
19:22 westbaystars: And he throws the ball into the right field stands as the side is retired.
19:23 westbaystars: After so may slow innings, that one was fast. Saitoh has finally settled down.
19:23 westbaystars: ---
19:23 westbaystars: --- Bottom of Fourth
19:23 westbaystars: ---
19:24 westbaystars: Chang has thrown 59 pitches, struke out 1, walked 1, and given up 1 hit.
19:24 westbaystars: He faces Iguchi to start the fourth.
19:24 Firefox Lucky(V): lol, fast indeed
19:24 westbaystars: His first pitch to Iguchi is a slow one bounder that goes to the back stop.
19:25 Firefox Lucky(V): do u have n e type of messenger, west?
19:26 westbaystars: The fourth pitch to Iguchi is lined to left.
19:26 westbaystars: Going, going, haitaaaaaaaa!
19:26 westbaystars: Home run!
19:26 Firefox Lucky(V): lol
19:26 Firefox Lucky(V): 3-1
19:26 westbaystars: That's the Hawks' first run of the game, cutting Seibu's lead to 3-1.
19:26 Firefox Lucky(V): two home run game
19:27 Firefox Lucky(V): Iguchi and, Valdez?
19:27 westbaystars: I don't think it'll stop there.
19:27 westbaystars: Matsunaka follows.
19:27 Firefox Lucky(V): was it valdez?
19:27 Liono:
19:27 westbaystars: Fernandez.
19:27 westbaystars: Valdez is on the Hawks.
19:27 Firefox Lucky(V): bingo
19:28 Firefox Lucky(V): lol, i knew he was some latin descent
19:28 Firefox Lucky(V): and i knew it wasn't cabu
19:29 Firefox Lucky(V): :P
19:29 westbaystars: Matsunaka lifts the ball high, but to the infield.
19:29 Firefox Lucky(V): o well
19:29 westbaystars: Takagi calls the ball between second and the pitcher's mound.
19:29 westbaystars: And he makes the catch for out number one.
19:29 westbaystars: That brings up Johjima.
19:30 Firefox Lucky(V): whats the Japanese triple crown? Rbi home runs and stolen bases?
19:30 westbaystars: Batting average, home runs, RBIs.
19:30 westbaystars: Same as MLB.
19:30 Firefox Lucky(V): o
19:30 westbaystars: Johjima swings, and takes a couple of skipping steps toward first while watching the ball.
19:31 westbaystars: Yes, the ball sails high and deep into the stands in left.
19:31 westbaystars: We have a one run ball game!
19:31 Firefox Lucky(V): W00T
19:31 westbaystars: The pitch was low, not an easy pitch to hit.
19:31 Firefox Lucky(V): Johjima, already has a sayonara in the stage
19:32 westbaystars: That sends the Lions' Araki-pitching coach out to the mound for a couple of words with Chang.
19:32 Firefox Lucky(V): just proves that although not a trple crown winner, he is still the man
19:32 westbaystars: Valdez follows with a base hit through the right side.
19:33 Firefox Lucky(V): well, he did good, then imploded
19:33 westbaystars: The only "sayonara" home run in either stage was Wada's in Game III against the Fighters.
19:33 westbaystars: A "sayonara home run" is called a "walk off home run" over there.
19:33 Firefox Lucky(V): no, last game
19:34 westbaystars: That brings up Zuleta.
19:34 Firefox Lucky(V): grr
19:34 westbaystars: Zuleta watches strike three go by on three pitches.
19:34 Firefox Lucky(V): NOW the game picks up
19:35 westbaystars: That's the second out of the inning with Shibahara coming to the plate.
19:35 westbaystars: Runner at first base.
19:35 Firefox Lucky(V): fast defense to xplosive offense
19:35 westbaystars: Saitoh has settle down, Chang seems to have finally been shaken up a bit.
19:35 Firefox Lucky(V): steal
19:36 westbaystars: Chang misses with three pitches to Shibahara.
19:36 Firefox Lucky(V): hes definitly rattled
19:36 westbaystars: The fourth pitch is inside, ball four.
19:36 westbaystars: Itoh-kantoku is looking nervous.
19:36 westbaystars: What to do?
19:36 westbaystars: Number nine batter coming up.
19:37 westbaystars: Torigoe with runners at first and second, two outs.
19:37 Liono: maybe an idea to get him out before he blows it, is anyone warming up?
19:37 westbaystars: My guess is that if Chang gets Torigoe, he stays, otherwise, ....
19:37 Firefox Lucky(V): kaput
19:38 westbaystars: Can't see the bull pens at Fukuoka Dome. They haven't shown anyone.
19:38 westbaystars: The second pitch almost hits Torigoe in the face!
19:38 westbaystars: Bringing the count even at 1-1.
19:38 Firefox Lucky(V): woah, hes gone now!
19:38 westbaystars: The third pitch is lifted to right.
19:38 westbaystars: Going, going,
19:39 Firefox Lucky(V): or soon
19:39 Firefox Lucky(V): haitaaaaaaaaaaaa
19:39 westbaystars: The ball is off the right field wall!
19:39 Firefox Lucky(V): ?
19:39 westbaystars: One run in.
19:39 westbaystars: Two runs in.
19:39 Firefox Lucky(V): aww
19:39 Firefox Lucky(V): yay!
19:39 westbaystars: Torigoe is going for third.
19:39 westbaystars: The throw to third is well in front of him, he's out at third.
19:39 Firefox Lucky(V): lol
19:39 westbaystars: But not before the other two runers score, turning this game around.
19:39 Firefox Lucky(V): but not b4 two runs
19:40 Firefox Lucky(V): damn, u copy me
19:40 westbaystars: At the end of four complete, the Hawks take a 4-3 lead.
19:40 Firefox Lucky(V): lol
19:40 westbaystars: ---
19:40 westbaystars: --- Top of Fifth
19:40 westbaystars: ---
19:40 Liono: arrr
19:40 Firefox Lucky(V): well its interesting
19:41 westbaystars: Bad timing, Liono-san?
19:41 Firefox Lucky(V): it will be a true game heading to lucky seven
19:41 westbaystars: Torigoe tips his hat to the right field stands, chanting his name.
19:41 Firefox Lucky(V): yeah he missed the 2 run homer
19:41 Firefox Lucky(V): what a player
19:42 Firefox Lucky(V): is he a right fielder?
19:42 westbaystars: Akada leads off grounding the first pitch to the left side.
19:42 westbaystars: Kawasaki fields the ball, throws to first, and *just* gets him.
19:42 westbaystars: Looked routine, but Akada got up the line fast!
19:42 Liono: need a quick reply or i can see this being a 4-3 final score
19:42 westbaystars: That brings Fernandez up with nobody in scoring position for the first time tonight.
19:43 Firefox Lucky(V): tori goe is a right fielder?
19:43 westbaystars: He's killed Daiei with runners on this series.
19:43 westbaystars: Torigoe is the third baseman.
19:43 Firefox Lucky(V): as u saw in the first
19:43 Firefox Lucky(V): ok
19:43 westbaystars: Fernandez does it again!
19:44 Firefox Lucky(V): wow
19:44 westbaystars: He swings at a pitch outside and lines the ball into the left field stands.
19:44 westbaystars: Knew it from when it left the bat.
19:44 Firefox Lucky(V): batting 1.000 this game, 2 hrs, one RBI
19:44 westbaystars: The ball just kept going up and up, never down.
19:44 Firefox Lucky(V): into russia
19:45 Liono: needed that
19:45 westbaystars: That's 4 RBI's. A two run home run, singled in a run (timely), and a solo shot.
19:45 westbaystars: Saitoh hasn't figured him out yet.
19:45 westbaystars: Cabrera follows.
19:45 Liono: hes been amazing this post season
19:45 Firefox Lucky(V): its like a booster shot for you liono
19:46 westbaystars: The ball game is now tied at 4-4.
19:46 Firefox Lucky(V): he has been more than timely
19:46 Firefox Lucky(V): amazing**
19:46 Liono: to right
19:46 westbaystars: A "timely" is a RBI hit.
19:46 westbaystars: Cabu goes down chacing a pitch low and away.
19:47 Firefox Lucky(V): i meant amazing
19:47 westbaystars: Two down.
19:47 westbaystars: Wada coming to the plate.
19:47 Firefox Lucky(V): wada has been good also
19:48 Liono: lions really need batters 6-9 to pull their weight
19:49 westbaystars: It's been Akada getting on and Fernandez, Cabrera, and Wada driving in runs.
19:49 Firefox Lucky(V): axis of evil for Hawk and Fighter fans
19:49 Firefox Lucky(V): like me(sob!)
19:50 Liono: seibu desperately need a catcher that can hit
19:50 westbaystars: Wada chases a low pitch, grounding it to the right side.
19:50 westbaystars: The throw to first gets him, and the side is retired.
19:50 Firefox Lucky(V): and then he came along
19:51 westbaystars: But not before Fernandez ties this game at 4-4 with a solo line drive to the stands in left.
19:51 westbaystars: ---
19:51 westbaystars: --- Bottom of Fifth
19:51 westbaystars: ---
19:51 Firefox Lucky(V): - - -
19:51 Firefox Lucky(V): ---
19:51 Firefox Lucky(V): ah
19:52 westbaystars: Yamazaki comes on to pitch for the Lions.
19:52 westbaystars: Itoh-kantoku isn't giving Chang a chance for the win.]
19:53 westbaystars: Instead, he's trying to make sure they get a win.
19:53 westbaystars: Is this a good move, Leono-san?
19:53 westbaystars: Yamazaki faces the top of the Hawks' order in Kawasaki.
19:53 westbaystars: His first pitch misses outside and low, ball one.
19:54 westbaystars: Sorry, Liono-san?
19:54 Liono: chang should have gone as soon as he started blowing up
19:54 Liono: there are plenty of good options
19:54 westbaystars: Yamazaki missed with the next two pitches, no strikes, three balls.
19:54 Liono: yamazaka being one of them
19:54 Firefox Lucky(V): well he hoped he would turn it around but alas...
19:54 Liono: yamazaki
19:55 westbaystars: His fourth pitch catches the outside corner and is called strike one.
19:55 westbaystars: The fifth pitch, though misses low. Lead-off runner is on.
19:55 westbaystars: Kawasaki led the Pacific League in stolen bases.
19:55 westbaystars: Not a person Yamazaki wants to let on with the game tied.
19:56 westbaystars: Miyaji comes up next.
19:56 westbaystars: He's squaring to bunt.
19:56 westbaystars: Kawasaki had 42 stolen bases on the season. With the second place base stealer swiping 24.
19:56 Firefox Lucky(V): 0.0
19:57 westbaystars: Nashida, I think it was.
19:57 westbaystars: Miyaji lays down a good bunt up the third base side.
19:57 westbaystars: The only play is to first, and Kawasaki is in scoring position with one out.
19:57 westbaystars: Itoh-kantoku comes out, and Seibu is chaning pitchers.
19:58 westbaystars: Okada is coming in.
19:58 Firefox Lucky(V): again?
19:58 westbaystars: Seibu is pretty rich in pitchers, as you said, Liono-san.
19:58 westbaystars: But is it wise to use them all so early?
19:58 Firefox Lucky(V): He's angry yamazaki got one guy on, when chang let on 4 runs?
19:59 westbaystars: I would have expected a little longer relief for number two in the fifth.
19:59 Firefox Lucky(V): not even an inning
19:59 westbaystars: Allowed four with the bottom of the order. Chang with well with the top.
19:59 westbaystars: Itoh-kantoku probably figured he could handle the bottom of the order.
20:00 westbaystars: Sorry, it's Osada, not Okada.
20:01 Firefox Lucky(V): so what happened?
20:01 Liono: ahh
20:01 westbaystars: Iguchi comes up. He got Daiei going last inning with a lead-off home run.
20:03 Firefox Lucky(V): what else
20:03 westbaystars: Osada nibbles the outside part of the plate for strike two, with one ball.
20:03 Firefox Lucky(V): lol long time
20:03 westbaystars: The fourth pitch is in the dirt, taken for ball two. Two and two.
20:04 westbaystars: Osada works a lot slower than the other pitchers so far.
20:04 westbaystars: The fifth pitch is outside, and Iguchi just tips the ball, Noda unable to handle it.
20:05 Liono: have tomorrows pitchers been announced
20:05 westbaystars: Osada's sixth pitch is fouled down at the plate under Noda.
20:06 westbaystars: The seventh pitch is fouled off to the left side.
20:06 westbaystars: Tomorrow's starters haven't been put anywhere that I've notice.
20:06 westbaystars: I expect them to be flashed on the screen at the end of the game.
20:07 westbaystars: The next pitch is lined deep, but foul up the left side.
20:07 Firefox Lucky(V): ...
20:07 Firefox Lucky(V): old age
20:07 Liono: i guess hoashi but not sure hawks
20:07 Firefox Lucky(V): i thought it was pickin up speed but, we hit the slow down spot again
20:07 westbaystars: The nineth pitch misses, ball three.
20:08 westbaystars: The tenth pitch, with the count full, is grouned to the left side.
20:08 westbaystars: Nakajima dives, gets the ball, throws to first from his knees,
20:08 westbaystars: Kaizuka fails to field the two bounder to first!
20:09 westbaystars: Kawasaki heads home!
20:09 westbaystars: Daiei takes a 5-4 lead.
20:09 westbaystars: On the error by Nakajima - who made a great play just to get to the ball.
20:09 Firefox Lucky(V): W00T
20:09 westbaystars: His throw otherwise would have beat him to first.
20:10 westbaystars: That brings up Muramatsu with a runner at first and one out.
20:10 westbaystars: That may turn out to be a big error - it was considering the run scored.
20:10 westbaystars: But it can still get worse.
20:11 Liono: muramatsu?
20:11 westbaystars: Right, Matsunaka.
20:12 westbaystars: Iguchi swipes second as the count goes even to 2-2, with Matsunaka swinging.
20:13 westbaystars: Matsunaka lifts the ball high to the right side.
20:13 westbaystars: Takagi goes back and catches the ball in shallow right field.
20:13 westbaystars: That's the second out of the inning.
20:13 Firefox Lucky(V): the train keeps on going
20:13 westbaystars: Matsunaka hasn't done much this Second Stage that I can remember.
20:14 westbaystars: But Johjima comes up.
20:14 westbaystars: He hit a home run his last at bat.
20:14 Liono: had my worried there 'high to the right side'
20:14 westbaystars: And was hit twice last night.
20:14 westbaystars: He lifts the ball back toward the backstop.
20:15 westbaystars: Noda goes back, and near the wall with netting above, makes the catch for out number three.
20:15 westbaystars: At the end of five complete, the Hawks retake the lead 5-4.
20:15 westbaystars: ---
20:16 westbaystars: --- Top of Sixth
20:16 westbaystars: ---
20:17 Firefox Lucky(V): West, how do i download ff themes?
20:18 westbaystars: Got to "Tools" - "Themes." The rest should be self explanitory.
20:19 westbaystars: Nakajima swings at the first pitch and just clears the center field fense!
20:19 westbaystars: Tying the ball game at 5-5.
20:19 Liono: lions really need some action from the bottom of the order
20:19 westbaystars: Making up for his own error that put Daiei up by one.
20:19 Liono: and as i say it they oblige
20:19 westbaystars: That was Saitoh's 90th pitch of the night.
20:20 westbaystars: Noda follows by sending the next pitch into the left field stands!
20:20 Fire Fox LuckyVI: wow
20:20 westbaystars: Lions take a 6-5 lead!
20:20 Fire Fox LuckyVI: Haitaaaaaaaaa
20:21 Fire Fox LuckyVI: just like that
20:21 Liono: west - how many pitches would u expect saitoh to get out of a game
20:21 westbaystars: And Saitoh is out of there.
20:21 Liono: **********amazing******
20:21 westbaystars: I guess it was the second pitch, because he's coming down after 92 pitches.
20:21 westbaystars: Satoh is coming in to pitch.
20:22 Liono: well this is a strange game - only wish i could be in japan to watch it
20:22 Fire Fox LuckyVI: myself inclus
20:23 Fire Fox LuckyVI: but it costs a lot
20:23 Fire Fox LuckyVI: but 4 this!
20:23 Liono: mitai
20:23 Fire Fox LuckyVI: no cost
20:23 westbaystars: I would have thought 100-110 before this inning, as he'd settled down (against Fernandez excluded).
20:23 Fire Fox LuckyVI: and then BAM!
20:24 westbaystars: Number nine batter Takagi comes up.
20:24 westbaystars: Satoh throws two quick strikes to him.
20:24 westbaystars: The third pitch has Johjima setting up outside, and that's where the pitch is, ball one.
20:25 Liono: im still a bit shocked noda got a hit, let alone a HR
20:25 westbaystars: The fourth pitch is lined up the middle and bounces once before reaching Shibahara.
20:25 westbaystars: Three hits in a row. Runner at first, nobody out.
20:25 westbaystars: Top of the order in Satoh coming up to face Satoh.
20:26 westbaystars: Daiei thinks something might be on on the first pitch and pitch out to Satoh, squaring to bunt.
20:26 westbaystars: Takagi isn't running.
20:26 Liono: really need to take advantage of this
20:27 westbaystars: The second pitch just misses for ball two, Satoh still looking to bunt.
20:27 westbaystars: The next pitch sees Satoh show bunt, pull back and swing, missing.
20:27 westbaystars: But Takagi was on his way to second.
20:28 westbaystars: The throw to second would have him, if Takagi wasn't running back to first at full speed.
20:28 westbaystars: Takagi slides head first back into first safe.
20:28 westbaystars: Abunai!
20:28 westbaystars: The next pitch, though, is bunted up the first base side.
20:28 westbaystars: The only play is to first, where Satoh is out.
20:28 westbaystars: Sacrifice successful.
20:29 westbaystars: That brings up Akada, 5 for 10 in Stage II.
20:29 westbaystars: 2 for 3 tonight, doubling his first at bat.
20:29 westbaystars: Fernandez waits on deck.
20:29 Fire Fox LuckyVI: jeez
20:29 Fire Fox LuckyVI: momentum shift
20:30 westbaystars: I'm sure Satoh doesn't want to face him with any runners on.
20:30 Liono: need to extend
20:30 westbaystars: Yes, Satoh isn't wasting time on the mound.
20:30 westbaystars: Akada watches strike three go by.
20:31 westbaystars: Nice pitch!
20:31 westbaystars: That brings up Fernandez with a runner in scoring position yet again.
20:31 Liono: here comes the main man
20:31 westbaystars: Fernandez is responsible for the first four Seibu runs, a two run shot in the first,
20:32 westbaystars: timely hit in the second, and a solo home run in the fifth.
20:32 westbaystars: Lions currently lead 6-5 in this see-saw game.
20:33 westbaystars: As the count runs 2-2 on a foul ball, Fernandez looks upset with himself for not making better contact on that last pitc
20:33 westbaystars: The next pitch misses inside. Full count.
20:34 westbaystars: Satoh's next pitch gets Fernandez swinging at a pitch sliding away from him.
20:34 westbaystars: That retires the side.
20:34 westbaystars: But not before the Lions score two more on back to back lead-off home runs by
20:34 westbaystars: Nakajima and Noda.
20:34 westbaystars: Going to the bottom of the sixth, Seibu has retaken the lead 6-5.
20:34 westbaystars: ---
20:35 westbaystars: --- Bottom of Sixth
20:35 westbaystars: ---
20:35 westbaystars: Osada is still on the mound for Seibu.
20:35 westbaystars: Does he pitch quicker without runners on?
20:36 westbaystars: Valdez leads off the Hawks' half of the sixth.
20:36 westbaystars: He's only 2 for 9 (.222) in Stage II so far.
20:37 westbaystars: Osada gets ahead two strikes, one ball.
20:38 westbaystars: The next pitch is in the dirt, count runs even at 2-2.
20:38 FireFoxLuckyVII: jeez
20:38 westbaystars: Valdez sicks out his bat and lines the ball up the third base side and into left field.
20:39 westbaystars: Firefox giving you the same trouble, Lucky-san?
20:39 westbaystars: Zuleta comes up with nobody out and a runner at first.
20:39 westbaystars: High slider is swung on and fouled back.
20:39 westbaystars: That looked like it was going to be hammered over the center field fense!
20:39 FireFoxLuckyVII: no, i think i went and did sumthing learning ff
20:40 westbaystars: I'm sure Zuleta was swinging with that in mind.
20:40 FireFoxLuckyVII: but it IS a LOT better
20:40 westbaystars: The next pitch is lifted to shallow left.
20:40 westbaystars: Nakajima goes back and makes the catch for out number one.
20:40 westbaystars: Shibahara follows.
20:41 FireFoxLuckyVII: adding to favroites
20:41 westbaystars: Shibahara lifts the ball deep to center.
20:41 westbaystars: Akada goes back.
20:41 westbaystars: Then he comes in a couple of steps.
20:41 westbaystars: And makes the catch.
20:42 westbaystars: Two down, runner still at first.
20:42 westbaystars: That brings up Torigoe.
20:42 FireFoxLuckyVII: what is the scoreI
20:42 westbaystars: Torigoe was cut down trying for a triple in the big fourth inning.
20:42 westbaystars: But drove in two runs to give Daiei the lead at the time.
20:43 westbaystars: Seibu 6 - 5 Daiei.
20:43 FireFoxLuckyVII: saw that
20:43 FireFoxLuckyVII: ah, no changei thought Zuleta got a HR
20:44 westbaystars: No, Zuleta popped out to shallow left.
20:44 westbaystars: Zuleta seems to strike fear in your heart.
20:44 FireFoxLuckyVII: o
20:44 FireFoxLuckyVII: lol
20:44 FireFoxLuckyVII: so how u been steveI
20:44 westbaystars: Osada gets Torigoe to chase a fork ball in the dirt, strike three.
20:44 westbaystars: That finishes off the Hawks in the sixth with nothing to show for their lead-off hit.
20:45 FireFoxLuckyVII: I didn?t like the fight a couple of games back
20:45 westbaystars: At the end of six complete, the Lions lead 6-5.
20:45 westbaystars: ---
20:45 westbaystars: --- Top of Seventh
20:45 westbaystars: ---
20:46 MHtrStevie: Not too bad, Lucky-san... nice to see you back again!
20:46 westbaystars: Alex Cabrera leads off the Lions' Lucky Seven.
20:46 westbaystars: Cabu takes strike one from Satoh.
20:46 westbaystars: The second pitch is lined hard to left.
20:46 FireFoxLuckyVII: It will all be decided in the 7?s
20:47 westbaystars: Valdez turns and start running toward the wall.
20:47 FireFoxLuckyVII: its what i have been saying since the 1st
20:47 westbaystars: He plays the ball off the base of the fense and throws it back in, holding Cabrera at first.
20:47 westbaystars: Seibu has their lead-off runner on.
20:47 westbaystars: Wada to follow.
20:49 westbaystars: The count goes full on Wada
20:50 westbaystars: The shoubu pitch is low and away, ball four.
20:50 westbaystars: First two Lions are on.
20:50 FireFoxLuckyVII: dadum
20:50 westbaystars: That's not a good sign for Satoh.
20:51 westbaystars: 0 for 7 (in Stage II) Kazuka coming up.
20:51 FireFoxLuckyVII: ouch
20:52 westbaystars: First pitch is fouled away to the left side. Hard pitch to hit, outside.
20:52 Liono: kaizuka did so well in regular season
20:52 westbaystars: The second pitch is taken outside for ball one, 1-1.
20:52 westbaystars: That's why Itoh-kantoku hasn't given up on him.
20:52 westbaystars: But he did move him down in the order.
20:53 westbaystars: Next pitch taken for ball two. Satoh has slowed down his pace.
20:53 westbaystars: Fourth pitch misses outside, ball three. One strike three balls.
20:54 westbaystars: Satoh looks like he's trying to work the corners, but is missing.
20:54 westbaystars: The next pitch is inside, and pulled up the first base side, *just* foul.
20:54 westbaystars: That looked like it might have been extra bases if fair.
20:54 westbaystars: The full count pitch is taken low, ball four.
20:55 westbaystars: The bases are loaded with nobody out.
20:55 Liono: nice
20:55 Liono: west - whats the best tactic in this situation now?
20:55 westbaystars: Nakajima, who hit a home run to the covered seats in center his last at bat comes up.
20:55 FireFoxLuckyVII: Its all decided
20:55 westbaystars: Change pitchers?
20:56 FireFoxLuckyVII: the 7th is the moment of truth
20:56 FireFoxLuckyVII: yep
20:56 FireFoxLuckyVII: get some one fresh
20:56 westbaystars: Two quick balls to Nakajima.
20:56 FireFoxLuckyVII: to handle DAI CHANCE
20:57 westbaystars: The third pitch is fouled off of Nakajima's foot.
20:57 westbaystars: He walks it off.
20:57 FireFoxLuckyVII: walkI
20:57 Liono: u gota be thinking of taking satoh off
20:57 westbaystars: The fourth pitch misses inside, one strike, three balls.
20:58 westbaystars: Satoh's rythem is all off.
20:58 westbaystars: The fifth pitch is fouled off to the right side to bring the count full.
20:58 FireFoxLuckyVII: ooooooooooooo
20:58 FireFoxLuckyVII: dai chance
20:58 westbaystars: Sixth pitch fouled off behind the backstop.
20:59 westbaystars: The seventh pitch is fouled off to the right side. Where a number of fans have their ballons ready.
20:59 westbaystars: Waiding for a triple play?
20:59 FireFoxLuckyVII: lol
21:00 Liono: hopefully have to wait a WHILE
21:00 westbaystars: Eighth pitch is fouled off Nakajima's left (forward) foot protector.
21:00 westbaystars: The nineth pitch is grouned to third.
21:00 FireFoxLuckyVII: mother...
21:00 westbaystars: Torigoe throws home for one.
21:00 FireFoxLuckyVII: u need a pinch runner now
21:00 westbaystars: The relay to first is in time! Double play!
21:00 FireFoxLuckyVII: nvm
21:01 Liono: ARRR
21:01 MHtrStevie: Wow... nice play!
21:02 westbaystars: Noda comes up with runners at second and third and now two outs.
21:02 westbaystars: Noda hit the lead-taking home run last inning.
21:03 westbaystars: Satoh evens the count at 2-2 getting Noda to swing at a pitch way outside.
21:03 westbaystars: The fifth pitch is in the dirt and away, full count.
21:04 westbaystars: First Satoh steps off the mound.
21:04 westbaystars: Then Noda steps out of the box.
21:04 westbaystars: Some jetto fusen are being released prematurely.
21:04 westbaystars: The shoubu pitch is hit to the right side.
21:04 westbaystars: Right to Iguchi.
21:05 westbaystars: Iguchi throws to Matsunaka at first, and the Lions are retired.
21:05 westbaystars: Looks like Satoh got out of the bases loaded with nobody out pinch all by himself.
21:05 FireFoxLuckyVII: tense, lionoI
21:05 westbaystars: Well, with the help of his infield.
21:05 FireFoxLuckyVII: Steve, whats the MHtr stand forI
21:06 westbaystars: Nonetheless, the Lions failed to capitalize on the big chance.
21:06 westbaystars: And the score continues to be Seibu 6 - 5 Daiei
21:06 westbaystars: ---
21:06 westbaystars: --- Bottom of Seventh
21:06 westbaystars: ---
21:06 Liono: could be very costly not taking ANY runs off that situation
21:06 MHtrStevie: Hawks dodged a BIG bullet there...
21:07 westbaystars: Hawks play their fight song and the fans release their jetto fusen.
21:07 westbaystars: They'll be starting at the top of their order in Kawasaki.
21:07 Liono: must be thinking of ohnuma pitching soon
21:07 westbaystars: And Kawasaki will be facing Hoshino, Seibu's fourth pitcher on the night.
21:08 westbaystars: In 14 games, Hoshino has a 3.08 ERA against Daiei during the season.
21:08 MHtrStevie: Lucky: It may sound ridiculous, but MHtr stands for "Mamono Hunter".
21:08 westbaystars: 0 wins, 1 loss.
21:09 westbaystars: Hoshino's first pitch of the game is taken by Kawasaki low for ball one.
21:09 Liono: lions have so many choices in the bull pen
21:09 westbaystars: Hoshino then misses low and inside on the next two pitches respectively.
21:10 FireFoxLuckyVII: mamono?
21:10 westbaystars: The fourth pitch is low and away, and Kawasaki is on.
21:11 westbaystars: 3 for 10 in this series Miyaji comes up looking to bunt Kawasaki along.
21:11 MHtrStevie: Means demon/devil in Japanese... tribute to "Mamono Hunter Yohko", one of the first anime I ever saw.
21:11 westbaystars: The first pitch is fouled foul, and too high.
21:11 westbaystars: But nobody can get to it.
21:12 westbaystars: The next pitch is bunted foul, two strikes.
21:12 westbaystars: Miyaji is still showing bunt, but takes ball one high and away.
21:12 FireFoxLuckyVII: o,i knew Akuma
21:13 westbaystars: A pick-off attempt almost goes over Kaizuka's head.
21:13 westbaystars: But he saves the ball.
21:14 westbaystars: The fourth pitch is bunted off the plate, but foul.
21:14 westbaystars: Batter's out.
21:14 westbaystars: That brings up 3 for 3 Iguchi.
21:15 FireFoxLuckyVII: oooo
21:15 westbaystars: After throwing two balls, Araki-pitching coach heads out to talk with Hoshino.
21:16 westbaystars: Meanwhile, in the third base dugout, Itoh-kantoku is on the phone to the bull pen.
21:16 westbaystars: After a longer talk than with any other pitcher this series, Araki-coach heads back.
21:16 westbaystars: He normally just gives a couple words of advice.
21:17 westbaystars: The third pitch is lifted to the stands on the right side.
21:17 westbaystars: Foul.
21:17 westbaystars: Pitch number four is down the middle and swung on and missed - big!
21:17 westbaystars: Iguchi wants that pitch again, I'm sure.
21:17 FireFoxLuckyVII: ooooo im tense
21:18 westbaystars: That evens the count at 2-2.
21:18 westbaystars: The fifth pitch is called strike three!
21:18 westbaystars: The ball curved from the outside in from the left handed pitch to the right handed batter.
21:18 westbaystars: Nice pitch!
21:18 MHtrStevie: Ouch...
21:19 westbaystars: That makes it two down with the runner remaining at first.
21:19 westbaystars: 1 for 10 (Stage II) Matsunaka comes up.
21:19 westbaystars: Not performing anything like he has during this Triple Crown season.
21:20 Liono: has to be respected though
21:20 westbaystars: He watches a beautiful pitch on the outside corner for strike two (and one ball).
21:20 FireFoxLuckyVII: A danger for sure
21:20 westbaystars: Next pitch is low and away, evens the count at two and two.
21:21 westbaystars: The fifth pitch is down the middle and a little up in the strike zone.
21:21 FireFoxLuckyVII: West, are you at the game? Or watchingI
21:21 westbaystars: Matsunaka swings and misses! Strike three!
21:21 westbaystars: Watching on TV while listening to the radio.
21:21 FireFoxLuckyVII: ohhhhhhhhhhhhh
21:22 westbaystars: At the end of seven complete, Seibu holds on to a 6-5 lead.
21:22 westbaystars: ---
21:22 westbaystars: --- Top of Eighth
21:22 westbaystars: ---
21:22 Liono: nice pitching!
21:22 MHtrStevie: Maybe Araki-pitching coach should have longer talks with his pitchers more often... =)
21:22 westbaystars: *** Hiroshima defeated the Giants 4-1 at Hiroshima.
21:23 westbaystars: *** Yokohama and Yakult were rained out by Typhoon #22.
21:23 westbaystars: Sugiuchi comes in to pitch for Daiei. Their third pitcher of the night.
21:23 MHtrStevie: Sounded like some inspired pitching from Hoshino there...
21:23 Liono: 2 innings left - 1 for toyoda and 1 for???
21:24 westbaystars: He did throw a lot better right after that talk.
21:24 westbaystars: Takagi leads off the eight inning taking strike one from left handed Sugiuchi.
21:25 Liono: what happened to sugiuchi? last year he did well starting??
21:25 westbaystars: Two balls and a fould ball brings the count even at 2-2.
21:25 westbaystars: Next pitch is high, full count.
21:26 westbaystars: I don't think he had the stamina, did he?
21:26 westbaystars: The shoubu pitch is lined to stright away center.
21:26 Liono: god pitcher tho
21:26 westbaystars: Shibahara runs over a bit toward right, and makes the catch.
21:26 westbaystars: One out.
21:27 westbaystars: That brings up the top of the Lions' order in Satoh.
21:28 westbaystars: Satoh grounds the ball to the right side.
21:28 westbaystars: Iguchi has no problem with the ball, throwing to first for out number two.
21:28 westbaystars: Akada follows.
21:28 westbaystars: Akada is now 5 for 11 in the Second Stage.
21:29 westbaystars: His getting on has caused Daiei a lot of trouble with Fernandez following.
21:30 westbaystars: Akada goes down on strikes, with the umpire saying he swung.
21:30 westbaystars: Akada doesn't agree, but agree or not, that retires the side in order.
21:30 westbaystars: That hasn't happened too often this evening.
21:31 westbaystars: Going to the bottom of the eighth, the Lions continue to lead 6-5.
21:31 westbaystars: ---
21:31 westbaystars: --- Bottom of Eighth
21:31 westbaystars: ---
21:32 westbaystars: Onodea in to pitch for the Lions.
21:33 westbaystars: Johjima leads off.
21:33 Liono: he's donre well recently
21:33 westbaystars: Onodera's first pitch is up high, but swung on and missed by Johjima.
21:33 westbaystars: Strike one.
21:33 westbaystars: The second pitch is lifted deep to left.
21:34 westbaystars: Wada and Akada converge on the warning track.
21:34 westbaystars: The crowd is going wild.
21:34 westbaystars: And Wada makes the catch standing next to the wall.
21:34 westbaystars: One long out.
21:34 westbaystars: That brings up Valdez.
21:34 FireFoxLuckyVII: o
21:35 westbaystars: Valdez gives the ball a ride to left, and in foul territory, Wada makes the catch.
21:35 westbaystars: A long foul out.
21:35 westbaystars: That's two down for Zuleta.
21:36 FireFoxLuckyVII: i went oust side for like 10 mins and nothing happened
21:37 Liono: but very tense
21:37 MHtrStevie: A lot happened... just no scoring... =)
21:38 westbaystars: Count 2-2 to Zuleta.
21:38 westbaystars: Lions went down quiety in order last inning.
21:38 westbaystars: The next pitch is a 152 kph fast ball, swung on and missed!
21:38 westbaystars: Daiei goes down in order as well in the eighth.
21:39 Liono: nice
21:39 westbaystars: Going to the last inning, Seibu continues to lead 6-5.
21:39 westbaystars: ---
21:39 westbaystars: --- Top of Nineth
21:39 westbaystars: ---
21:39 FireFoxLuckyVII: dum de dum dum
21:39 MHtrStevie: Wow... Onodera did a great job against some powerful hitters there...
21:39 westbaystars: Kamano is announce as tomorrow's pitcher for Daiei, Hoashi for Seibu.
21:40 westbaystars: Okamoto takes the mound for Daiei to face the heart of the Lions order, Fernandez, Cabrera, and Wada.
21:41 Liono: how is kurano?
21:42 MHtrStevie: Okamoto's got the same task as Onodera now...
21:42 westbaystars:
21:43 westbaystars: Fernandez grounds his fourth hit of the night up the middle to put the leadoff Lion on base.
21:43 westbaystars: He's got a big smile on his face at first.
21:43 Liono: thanks
21:43 westbaystars: Kurano: 9 and 1, 2.55 ERA.
21:44 westbaystars: That brings up Cabrera.
21:45 westbaystars: Count even at 2-2 to Cabu-chan.
21:45 westbaystars: The fifth pitch is pulled to Torigoe at third.
21:45 FireFoxLuckyVII: how young is heI
21:45 westbaystars: The throw to second gets one, the relay to first completes the double play.
21:45 westbaystars: Cabu didn't ground into a double play during the season.
21:46 MHtrStevie: Not a good time to start...
21:46 westbaystars: Click on his name -
21:46 westbaystars: Born in September of 1974.
21:47 westbaystars: Wada follows.
21:47 westbaystars: Wada draws a walk.
21:48 FireFoxLuckyVII: quite young
21:48 westbaystars: Kaizuka comes up next. 0 for 7 in the series so far.
21:49 westbaystars: Quite young? Is 30 quite young?
21:49 FireFoxLuckyVII: well, for baseball
21:49 westbaystars: Two quick strikes on Kaizuka, then the waste pitch outside.
21:50 westbaystars: Matsuzaka was the Lions' ace at 18.
21:50 FireFoxLuckyVII: ppl can go for lots of seasons
21:50 westbaystars: The next pitch catches the inside corner, strike three.
21:50 westbaystars: Kaizuka was bailing out of that one.
21:50 westbaystars: Itoh-kantoku comes out, and it looks like another pitching change for Seibu.
21:51 westbaystars: Going to the Hawks' last chance, they trail by one, 5-6.
21:51 westbaystars: ---
21:51 westbaystars: --- Bottom of Nineth
21:51 westbaystars: ---
21:51 Liono: down to u toyoda
21:52 westbaystars: It looks like Seibu's closer Toyoda.
21:52 westbaystars: You've got it.
21:52 westbaystars: The sixth Lion to climb the mound this evening.
21:52 westbaystars: Toyoda is 33 in his 12th year.
21:53 Liono: best closer in japan - can he handel the pitcher
21:53 westbaystars: In five games against the Hawks this season, he was 1 and 0 with 2 saves and a 0.00 ERA.
21:53 Liono: oops presure
21:54 westbaystars: Number eight batter Shibahara leads off.
21:54 FireFoxLuckyVII: lol
21:54 westbaystars: The first pitch, a fork, is pulled up the first base side, just foul.
21:55 westbaystars: Wasn't it Toyoda who blew the two run lead against the Fighters in Game 3 of Stage I?
21:55 westbaystars: After missing for ball one, Toyoda gets Shibahara swinging at an outside pitch for strike two.
21:55 Liono: hope he forgets about kimoto HR stage 1 game 2
21:56 westbaystars: Next pitch misses inside, the count is even at 2-2.
21:56 FireFoxLuckyVII: yeah ithink so But they Are the FIGHTERS, helooooooooo!
21:56 FireFoxLuckyVII: lol
21:56 MHtrStevie: Morning, habs and K!
21:56 westbaystars: The fifth pitch is fouled off into the stands on the left side.
21:56 Liono: game3
21:56 westbaystars: Joining just in time for the big finish again.
21:56 habs: Morning everyone.
21:56 FireFoxLuckyVII: hads, where u fromI
21:56 westbaystars: Daiei is down by one in the bottom of the nineth.
21:56 FireFoxLuckyVII: habs
21:57 westbaystars: And Toyoda gets Shibahara swinging at a pitch on the outside corner for strike three.
21:57 westbaystars: Hawks are down to their last two outs.
21:57 habs: Slept in late today.
21:57 westbaystars: Ohmichi comes up to pinch hit for Torigoe.
21:57 FireFoxLuckyVII: Eh habs, where u live? Montreal
21:58 westbaystars: 1-1 pitch is taken inside, ball two.
21:58 K.: go Hawks go!
21:59 westbaystars: Toyoda then misses up high, one strike, three balls.
21:59 FireFoxLuckyVII: YAY!
21:59 westbaystars: The fifth pitch is fouled off to the right side.
21:59 habs: No I live in the US. In connecticuit.
21:59 westbaystars: Full count.
21:59 Liono: GO GO Lions
21:59 FireFoxLuckyVII: lol ok
22:00 westbaystars: The clock strikes 10:00.
22:00 FireFoxLuckyVII: Both teams have cyber oen-dans
22:00 westbaystars: The next pitch is down the middle, called strike three!
22:00 westbaystars: Ohmichi heads straight for the Hawk dugout.
22:00 K.: lol
22:00 westbaystars: Down to their last out, the Hawks are back to the top of their order in Kawasaki.
22:01 westbaystars: Kawasaki is swinging at the first pitch.
22:01 FireFoxLuckyVII: o well
22:01 MHtrStevie: Ato hitori!
22:01 westbaystars: He grounds the ball to Takagi at second.
22:01 westbaystars: The throw to first.
22:01 westbaystars: He's out!
22:01 westbaystars: Game over.
22:01 K.: !!!!!!!!!!!!!
22:01 westbaystars: ***
22:01 FireFoxLuckyVII: thought so
22:01 westbaystars: ***
22:01 K.: no!
22:01 westbaystars: *** Game Final
22:01 westbaystars: ***
22:02 westbaystars: *** Seibu Lions 6 - 5 Fukuoka Daiei Hawks
22:02 westbaystars: ***
22:02 westbaystars: ***
22:02 Liono: get in there
22:02 FireFoxLuckyVII: ***
22:02 FireFoxLuckyVII: ***
22:02 FireFoxLuckyVII: ***
22:02 westbaystars: Wow! But that was a great game.
22:02 Liono: great game
22:02 FireFoxLuckyVII: ****
22:02 FireFoxLuckyVII: Amazing
22:02 westbaystars: Both teams had the lead.
22:02 FireFoxLuckyVII: from the start, to the finish
22:02 westbaystars: It could have gone either way.
22:02 K.: great game, horrible result
22:03 K.: for us, lol
22:03 MHtrStevie: Nice pitching by both teams down the stretch...
22:03 FireFoxLuckyVII: yes
22:03 westbaystars: Fernandez is announced at the hero of the game.
22:03 FireFoxLuckyVII: VERY nice
22:03 Liono: maybe down to matsuzaka in game 5??
22:03 westbaystars: The key to the game was just going out there and "having fun."
22:03 FireFoxLuckyVII: It really picked up in the forurh
22:04 westbaystars: Well, I'll be here tonight and Monday night.
22:04 westbaystars: Sorry, tomorrow and Monday.
22:05 FireFoxLuckyVII: And I too
22:05 westbaystars: Lions have a 2-1 advantage and only need one more to go to Nagoya.
22:05 Liono: thanks
22:05 MHtrStevie: Yes... I can cover Game 4 on the show tomorrow!
22:06 FireFoxLuckyVII: Maybe ill catch the wooze again and come early
22:06 westbaystars: Like fans with tickets to games for and five?
22:06 westbaystars: Excited it'll go that extra game?
22:06 FireFoxLuckyVII: YAY!lol
22:06 MHtrStevie: Any time for a weird question before you go, Westbay-san?
22:06 westbaystars: Sure.
22:07 westbaystars: Or, how weird?
22:07 FireFoxLuckyVII: When you put your pants on, which leg do you put in first?
22:07 FireFoxLuckyVII: lol
22:08 MHtrStevie: Any idea why the English phrase "timely hit" became so popular in Japanese baseball commentary?
22:08 westbaystars: Left.
22:08 FireFoxLuckyVII: lol
22:08 westbaystars: Nope, haven't got a clue.
22:08 FireFoxLuckyVII: because, it was popular at the TIME
22:09 MHtrStevie: Seems a strange phrase to pick up... =)
22:09 westbaystars: But it is part of the Japanese baseball vocabular, that's for sure.
22:09 FireFoxLuckyVII: it was such a HIT at the TIME
22:09 FireFoxLuckyVII: lo sry
22:10 westbaystars: The phrase was used in the U.S. though, wasn't it?
22:10 FireFoxLuckyVII: for a bit at least
22:10 westbaystars: Perhaps not exactly the same, but listening to games on the radio, it never struck me as odd.
22:11 FireFoxLuckyVII: taht would be how it came over, no?
22:11 westbaystars: Most of my baseball listening in the U.S. was during the 1970s, and I think the term was used then.
22:12 MHtrStevie: I'm sure it was... I guess it doesn't stand out as much in English commentary.
22:12 FireFoxLuckyVII: being the same language
22:12 westbaystars: It evolved from a "timely base hit" to a "timely" in Japanese.
22:12 MHtrStevie: I just thought it was an interesting phrase to pick up on...
22:13 westbaystars: Using "timely" as a noun is probably what sounds odd.
22:13 FireFoxLuckyVII: bingo!
22:14 FireFoxLuckyVII: i found it odd
22:14 MHtrStevie: Does it get used even when a hit isn't so... timely?
22:15 FireFoxLuckyVII: lol
22:15 FireFoxLuckyVII: they dont know n e other terms
22:15 westbaystars: The Japanese meaning is a RBI base hit.
22:15 westbaystars: Usually with a runner in scoring position.
22:16 MHtrStevie: That's what I thought...
22:16 MHtrStevie: Thought I had heard it with more meaningless hits, but was probably mistaken...
22:16 westbaystars: I don't think that driving in a runner from first is considered a timely.
22:16 FireFoxLuckyVII: late
22:16 MHtrStevie: Morning, PeterG!
22:17 MHtrStevie: Sadly, you missed the end of the game...
22:17 westbaystars: Or a "timely home run."
22:18 westbaystars: Seibu won 6-5. They are now up 2 games to 1 in Stage II.
22:19 westbaystars: Funny you bring that up about "timely." I had corrected Lucky-san's usage of the word earlier.
22:19 MHtrStevie: This playoff is working out quite well...
22:19 FireFoxLuckyVII: how?
22:19 westbaystars: Someone gave me an article from one of those gaijin reporters for the Japan Times.
22:19 MHtrStevie: I was skeptical earlier in the season about a 3-team playoff in a 6-team league...
22:20 westbaystars: He was outspokenly against the playoffs when they were announced.
22:20 westbaystars: But admitted that they've turned out to be quite exciting.
22:20 FireFoxLuckyVII: how did u correct me? When i had the wooze
22:20 MHtrStevie: But it's really been exciting, from which team would get the #3 slot to the exciting play so far...
22:21 FireFoxLuckyVII: yeah
22:21 westbaystars: Anybody who's taken the time to watch them knows that now.
22:21 westbaystars: Sadly, there are still many who don't even know that there are playoffs going on.
22:22 MHtrStevie: And this Lions/Hawks series has me intrigued, looking at the regular season series...
22:22 westbaystars: Some of the guys at work had no idea about Nippon Ham's great series against the Lions.
22:22 MHtrStevie: Under last year's rules, Hawks would have automatically gone to the series.
22:23 MHtrStevie: However, the Lions had better series against everyone, including winning against the Hawks...
22:24 MHtrStevie: Hawks were #1 thanks to thoroughly whipping the cellar-dwelling BlueWave...
22:24 MHtrStevie: But they lost their season series against both the Lions and the Marines.
22:25 westbaystars: That's how it normally goes. The league champion plays close to .500 agaist most teams, but really whipps one team.
22:25 MHtrStevie: Thanks to the playoffs, Lions have a chance to play their way in...
22:25 habs: Why are the Baystars and other teams still playing make up games?
22:26 westbaystars: Take the Central League winners and compare how they did to the bottom teams.
22:26 FireFoxLuckyVII: baystars...*shakes head*
22:26 westbaystars: The Pacific League at a 133 (I think) game season, while the Central League was 140.
22:26 westbaystars: Yokohama was rained out a lot. Sometimes by the weather information on DAYS IT DIDN'T EVEN RAIN!
22:27 westbaystars: They were supposed to make up games yesterday and today, both rained out.
22:27 MHtrStevie: The PL had many more slots in the middle of the season to make up rain-outs, right?
22:27 westbaystars: The Pacific League did a very efficient job at making up games.
22:28 FireFoxLuckyVII: *Shakes had again*
22:28 westbaystars: They made them up as soon as they could.
22:28 FireFoxLuckyVII: So what about that new league?
22:28 westbaystars: I don't know why the Central Leauge elected to bunch them all in wet October.
22:29 FireFoxLuckyVII: Down in the Sourthern Islands?
22:29 westbaystars: Oh, the one on Shikoku?
22:29 FireFoxLuckyVII: Ye

This is a site about Pro Yakyu (Japanese Baseball), not about who the next player to go over to MLB is. It's a community of Pro Yakyu fans who have come together to share their knowledge and opinions with the world. It's a place to follow teams and individuals playing baseball in Japan (and Asia), and to learn about Japanese (and Asian) culture through baseball.

It is my sincere hope that once you learn a bit about what we're about here that you will join the community of contributors.

Michael Westbay
(aka westbaystars)

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