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Pacific League Playoffs: Second Stage, Game 1

Discussion in the NPB News forum
Pacific League Playoffs: Second Stage, Game 1
I'll setup the chat session around 6:00 pm JST this evening, but won't be there to cover the game until about 8:00 (at the earliest). If anyone could volunteer to give what coverage they can (doesn't have to be too detailed) to provide a complete transcript, it'd be greatly appriciated.
Re: Pacific League Playoffs: Second Stage, Game 1
[ Author: gpburdell | Posted: Oct 6, 2004 12:53 PM ]

Who do you like in this game? Judging by the stats it seems the Hawks are way dominant. But in reviewing the season results, the Hawks only beat up on the Lions toward the end of the season.
Re: Pacific League Playoffs: Second Stage, Game 1
[ Author: westbaystars | Posted: Oct 6, 2004 9:24 PM | YBS Fan ]

The Second Stage of the Pacific League playoffs started this evening. While I wasn't here for the first couple of hours, niibu_yaa-san and Martin-san did a great job at making sure that there was a transcript to post. Many thanks for the great job.

And now, play ball!

TRANSCRIPT generated on 2004/10/06 21:10
CHATROOM Pacific League Playoffs: Second Stage/Seibu Lions vs. Fukuoka Daiei Hawks
MODERATORS westbaystars

16:40 westbaystars: To answer a question to the forum, I'm rooting for the Hawks.
16:41 westbaystars: Hope to see some of you here (with some commentary) when I get home at about 8:00 JST.
16:41 westbaystars: See you then.
18:03 Martin: Hawks versus Lions today
18:04 niibu_yaa: Yup Pitching for the Hawks is Arakaki Nagisa
18:04 Martin: Starting pitcher of the Hawks is Arakaki (11-8)
18:04 Martin: Starting pitcher of the Lions is T. Ishii (1-5)
18:06 Martin: The Lions won most games this season 14-11
18:06 niibu_yaa: Arakaki features a fastball with some movement and a high slider.
18:07 niibu_yaa: The count is one strike one ball.
18:07 Martin: There is one out and Akada is at bat.
18:08 niibu_yaa: thanks had some net problems there.
18:08 Martin: Akada hits hit to left field, base hit.
18:08 niibu_yaa: arakaki throws a slider for a count of 2 - 1
18:09 Martin: One out, Akada at first. At bat is now Fernandez.
18:09 Martin: Fernandez strikes out for the second out.
18:10 niibu_yaa: 2 outs Caberera is up.
18:10 niibu_yaa: count 1 and 1
18:10 niibu_yaa: Arakaki delivers another slider for strike two.
18:11 Martin: Go Cabrera!
18:12 niibu_yaa: Cabrera is safe at 1st with a base hit.
18:13 niibu_yaa: oops....spoke too soon....Cabrera is out with Arakaki's 3rd slider
18:14 niibu_yaa: Not sure what confused me there. Anyhow, they are talking about how Arakaki's really putting it together...
18:14 niibu_yaa: and getting some great movement on his slider.
18:15 niibu_yaa: Up for the Hawks is Kawasaki
18:15 niibu_yaa: Kawasaki shows a safety bunt as the first pitch goes by as a ball.
18:16 niibu_yaa: Kawasaki hit's his second offering to second for a routine out.
18:17 niibu_yaa: ?{?n is up and gets a base hit.
18:18 niibu_yaa: This brings up Iguchi
18:18 niibu_yaa: Iguchi Takes Ball Three
18:19 niibu_yaa: the 4th pitch comes in strike 1
18:19 niibu_yaa: count now 1 - 3
18:19 niibu_yaa: Iguchi hit's the 5 offering a slider........pop's it fly for the second out.
18:20 niibu_yaa: mastsunaka is up.....first pitch is a ball
18:21 niibu_yaa: the next pitch makes the count even 1 -1
18:21 niibu_yaa: ah to avoid any confusion the first out for daiei was Miyaji
18:22 niibu_yaa: count 2 - 3
18:23 niibu_yaa: The next pitch is a ball Matsunaka is on base.
18:24 niibu_yaa: Runners at 1st and 2nd 2 outs....Johjima is up
18:24 niibu_yaa: Johjima Get's a timely and Kawasaki is safe at home.
18:25 niibu_yaa: Zuletta up.....2 outs...
18:26 niibu_yaa: Zuletta follows suit with Johjima and knocks Matsunaka home.
18:26 niibu_yaa: FDH is up by 2 with 2 runners on base and 2 outs as Valdez steps up to the plate.
18:27 niibu_yaa: The first pitch comes in as a strike
18:27 niibu_yaa: Valdez hits the second offering to the shortstop for a force out.
18:28 niibu_yaa: End of the 1st Seibu 0 - Hawks 2
18:29 niibu_yaa: Arakaki should be Facing the Outfielder Wada
18:30 niibu_yaa: 1 - 0 is the count.
18:30 niibu_yaa: Wada hit's it's going back back
18:31 niibu_yaa: Back to left where Valdez grabs it for the 1st out.
18:31 niibu_yaa: Next up we have the DH Kaizuka
18:32 niibu_yaa: Arakaki is averaging about 143 km/ph
18:33 niibu_yaa: Nakajima Hiroki steps up....Kaizuka's out.
18:33 niibu_yaa: Kaizuka hit to 1st for the 2nd out.
18:34 niibu_yaa: Nakajima Follows suit and is forced out at first.
18:34 niibu_yaa: Bottom of the Second..... Seibu 0 - Hawks 2
18:35 niibu_yaa: Martin Feel free to help out here.....I'm having some net problems...
18:36 niibu_yaa: Shibahara steps up hits to second the throw is good for the 1st out.
18:36 niibu_yaa: This brings up honma who takes strike one
18:37 Martin: I'd like to help you but I don't have much time. I'm working at the moment.
18:37 niibu_yaa: Bottom of the 2nd...1 out Honma is up and swings for strike 3
18:38 niibu_yaa: This Brings up Kawasaki
18:39 niibu_yaa: who gets a base hit bringing up Miyaji
18:39 niibu_yaa: 2 outs runners on first
18:40 niibu_yaa: the count is 1 - 0
18:40 niibu_yaa: the second is out of course for making the count even
18:41 niibu_yaa: Kawasaki takes a run at second and beats the
18:41 niibu_yaa: I believe that makes the count 2-1
18:42 niibu_yaa: It does as Miyaja goes down swinging...
18:43 Martin: He strikes out: 3 outs
18:43 Martin: -----------------------------
18:43 Martin: Top of the third inning, Hwaks lead 2-0
18:44 niibu_yaa: This should bring up Hosokawa for the Lions to start the 3rd
18:44 niibu_yaa: 1 strike 1 Ball
18:45 niibu_yaa: Arakaki's 3 offering is out for ball 2
18:45 niibu_yaa: the next pitch comes in as a 143 kmph strike....count is 2 - 2
18:46 niibu_yaa: Hosokawa is playing the count....
18:46 niibu_yaa: hits deep right.........going going
18:47 niibu_yaa: and Miyaji makes a huge jump and grabs it for the first out.
18:47 niibu_yaa: This brings up Takagi
18:48 niibu_yaa: Who follows suit and hits to right where Miyaji makes out #2
18:48 niibu_yaa: The Lions make it through the line up bringing up Satoh.
18:49 niibu_yaa: It'll be interesting to see how he adjust to Arakaki his second time around.
18:50 niibu_yaa: Arakaki looks to make quick work of him and gets his slider working again
18:50 niibu_yaa: Satoh fouls back the 4th pitch for a foul and the count is 2 -1
18:51 niibu_yaa: Arakaki get Satoh Swinging with that same slider that he got the 2nd strike with. 3 outs
18:52 niibu_yaa: Bottom of the 3rd Seibu 0 - Hawks 2 Iguchi is up
18:53 niibu_yaa: Iguchi takes strike one looking.
18:53 niibu_yaa: the second pitch is in high for a ball.
18:53 niibu_yaa: the third pitch is struck back for a foul.... 2 - 1
18:54 niibu_yaa: Ishii learns from Arakaki throws a slider and get Iguchi swinging
18:55 niibu_yaa: This brings up matsunaka.
18:55 niibu_yaa: Matsunaka flys the 4 pitch to second for out 2
18:56 niibu_yaa: This Brings up Johjima who put the hawks on the board in the first with a timely
18:56 niibu_yaa: HAITAA
18:57 niibu_yaa: Johjima hits a Slider for Homerun!!!
18:58 niibu_yaa: This Brings up Zuletta who hits to right for an out.
18:58 niibu_yaa: That Johjima Homerun was a wicked shot to Left.
18:59 niibu_yaa: Top of the 4th Seibu 0 - Hawks 3
19:01 niibu_yaa: This brings up Akada
19:02 niibu_yaa: Akada becomes the first out...bringing up Fernandez
19:02 niibu_yaa: catching up.....
19:02 niibu_yaa: Fernandez gets a slider for strike the count is 2 - 2
19:03 niibu_yaa: Fernandez keeps alive hitting the next offering foul
19:04 niibu_yaa: Fernandez hit's toward Centre field where Shibahara apparently mishandles it and Fernandez is safe
19:04 niibu_yaa: Cabrera is up
19:05 niibu_yaa: count is 1 - 2
19:05 niibu_yaa: Cabrera hits toward centre and it's caught for an....
19:06 niibu_yaa: wait....Fernandez is caught off base and thrown out for a double play.
19:06 niibu_yaa: 3 outs--------------------------
19:07 niibu_yaa: Bottom of the fourth Seibu 0 - Hawks 3
19:08 niibu_yaa: Valdez steps up.....
19:09 niibu_yaa: Valdez pops up for out #1......bringing up Shibahara
19:09 niibu_yaa: who watches the first three pitches come in out of course 0 - 3
19:10 niibu_yaa: Ishii get's his control back....and the next two pitches come in as strikes Full counts.
19:10 niibu_yaa: Shibahara Fouls one keeping alive
19:11 niibu_yaa: Shibahara drops one into Centre and safely boards 1st
19:12 niibu_yaa: Bringing up Honma
19:14 niibu_yaa: Not sure what happened there...but it sounds like Shibahara got caught stealing.
19:15 niibu_yaa: Then Honma splits 3rd and 2nd for out number 3
19:16 niibu_yaa: ------
19:16 niibu_yaa: Top of the 5th......Seibu 0 - Hawks 3 and Wada is up for the Lions
19:17 niibu_yaa: Looks like Arakaki is starting this inning a bit off as he throws 2 balls to start.
19:17 niibu_yaa: Just as say that his 3rd pitch is in for a strike.
19:18 niibu_yaa: Wada hit's toward centre for his first hit of the night.
19:18 niibu_yaa: This brings up Kaizuka
19:19 niibu_yaa: Who hits a liner to short which Kawasaki grabs on a jump for the first out.
19:20 niibu_yaa: Nakajima is up...and takes a slider for strike one.
19:20 niibu_yaa: Arakaki gets ahead of Nakajima with a slider.... 2 - 0
19:21 niibu_yaa: The announcers are talking about how Arakaki starts off innings with his timing not quite on.
19:22 niibu_yaa: Ooooow
19:23 niibu_yaa: Arakaki gets a bit off course and hits Nakajima
19:24 niibu_yaa: Bringing up Hosokawa.......1 out runners on 1st and 2nd
19:25 niibu_yaa: 2 - 1.....Hosokawa hits foul to keep the count.
19:25 niibu_yaa: The next pitch looks good....but is a just bit out.... 2 - 2
19:26 niibu_yaa: Hosokawa fouls the next one change in the count
19:26 niibu_yaa: Arakaki comes through with a wicked slider....and Hosokawa goes down. 2 outs
19:27 niibu_yaa: Takagi steps up runners at 1st and 2nd , 2 outs
19:27 niibu_yaa: The counts 1 -1 on Takagi.
19:28 niibu_yaa: Takagi hits one foul 2 - 1
19:31 niibu_yaa: Takagi hits to 3rd....the throw is good 3 out change
19:32 niibu_yaa: Kawasaki is up for the Hawks
19:32 niibu_yaa: Kawasaki gets a base hit...bringing Miyaji
19:34 niibu_yaa: Miyaji gets a hit (his first tonight I believe) runners on 1st and 2nd no outs.
19:34 niibu_yaa: This brings up Iguchi
19:35 niibu_yaa: Iguchi bunts...
19:35 niibu_yaa: it works and he is forced out at 1st
19:36 niibu_yaa: Matsunaka steps up....
19:36 niibu_yaa: the first pitch for Matsunaka is a ball
19:37 niibu_yaa: .....back up a bit....Iguchi bunt doesn't runners are still at 1st and 2nd
19:38 niibu_yaa: Matsunaka takes strike 1....the count is 1 -3
19:38 niibu_yaa: Matsunaka hits foul...full count.
19:39 niibu_yaa: Matsunaka manages a few more fouls....staying alive
19:40 niibu_yaa: full count 2 - 3
19:42 niibu_yaa: Matsunaka hits another foul.......
19:43 niibu_yaa: Matsunaka is walked......bringing up Johjima
19:43 niibu_yaa: Johjima hits.......
19:43 niibu_yaa: Home In...
19:43 niibu_yaa: Home In........
19:44 niibu_yaa: Johjima come through again with a timely driving in two runs.
19:44 niibu_yaa: Sounds like Ishii may be through for the night.\r
19:46 niibu_yaa: It sounds like the stadium announcer said...Yamazaki or Yamada....
19:46 niibu_yaa:'s certainly a pitching change...just waiting for who is coming in.
19:47 niibu_yaa: And it is Yamazaki
19:48 niibu_yaa: Yamazaki faces Zuleta
19:48 niibu_yaa: Yamazaki fires and Zuleta is hit.
19:48 niibu_yaa: Bringing up Valdez
19:49 niibu_yaa: who first pitch is a strike...
19:50 niibu_yaa: Bases Loaded 1 out......Valdez is up with a count of 1- 2
19:50 niibu_yaa: Toyoda is apparently warming up for the Lions.
19:50 niibu_yaa: count is 1 - 3
19:51 niibu_yaa: Yamazaki is in with a good curve..... 2 - 3
19:52 niibu_yaa: Yamazaki reaches back ..... and takes Valdez down swinging.
19:52 niibu_yaa: Shibahara is up......
19:53 niibu_yaa: 2 - 1
19:53 niibu_yaa: Shibahara hits the next one back foul still 2 - 1
19:54 niibu_yaa: Yamazaki is able collect himself after hitting Zuleta and forces Shibahara to ground out.
19:54 niibu_yaa: 3 outs.........
19:55 niibu_yaa: Wow...I don't know about you but that was a pretty impressive 2 outs for Yamazaki.
19:56 niibu_yaa: Top of the 6th Lions 0 - Hawks 5
19:57 niibu_yaa: It's been so long since the Lions were last up I'm not sure who will lead them off this inning.
19:59 niibu_yaa: Satoh steps up....and takes 2 strikes.
19:59 niibu_yaa: the next pitch delievered is off course 2 - 1
20:00 niibu_yaa: Arakaki's speed has slowed down marked'ly this inning.
20:00 niibu_yaa: Averaging about 129...130
20:02 niibu_yaa: I spoke too soon as he smokes a 144 kmph ball by Satoh for out #1
20:02 westbaystars: Good evening, all.
20:02 westbaystars: Fernandez follows with a base hit up the middle.
20:02 westbaystars: So, how's the play-by-play going? Looks pretty coomplete.
20:03 niibu_yaa: Hey mr. calls....can you take over from here?
20:03 westbaystars: Cabrera comes up to bat.
20:03 westbaystars: Will do.
20:03 westbaystars: Thanks a lot for taking care of it up to here.
20:04 westbaystars: Runners at first and second, one out.
20:04 westbaystars: Cabrera reaches out and pokes the ball back up the middle.
20:05 westbaystars: The middle infielders converge behind the base, but the ball goes through.
20:05 westbaystars: The runner at second kick third and head home without a throw.
20:05 westbaystars: Seibu puts their first run on the board against Arakaki.
20:05 westbaystars: They now trail 1-5.
20:05 westbaystars: Wada follows by grounding the ball to first.
20:06 westbaystars: Matsunaka fields the ball on one bound, throws to second for one,
20:06 westbaystars: the throw to Arakaki covering first is in time!
20:06 westbaystars: 4-6-1 inning ending double play!
20:06 westbaystars: But not before the Lions manage to put a run on the board.
20:07 westbaystars: Going to the bottom of the sixth (I think), Daiei's lead is cut by one to 5-1.
20:07 westbaystars: ---
20:07 westbaystars: Bottom of Sixth
20:07 westbaystars: ---
20:08 westbaystars: Leading off for Daiei is Honma.
20:08 Martin: Do you know why the Lions started with T. Ishii?
20:08 westbaystars: He lifts the first pitch from Yamazaki to shallow right.
20:08 Martin: he's only 1-5 this season
20:08 westbaystars: One out.
20:09 westbaystars: Kawasaki follows with a ground out to third.
20:09 westbaystars: Two pitches, two outs.
20:09 westbaystars: I think it's a righty-lefty platoon.
20:10 westbaystars: Number two batting Miyaji takes ball one, then ball two to the backstop.
20:10 westbaystars: But I haven't followed the Lions well enough to be sure.
20:10 westbaystars: The next pitch is grounded to short.
20:10 westbaystars: Yamazaki is out of the inning on just six pitches.
20:11 westbaystars: ***
20:11 westbaystars: *** Yakult scored in the bottom of the seventh to take a 2-1 lead over Hanshin.
20:11 westbaystars: *** Yokohama scored in the top of the sixth but continue to trail Hiroshima 2-3.
20:11 westbaystars: ---
20:11 westbaystars: Top of Seventh
20:11 westbaystars: ---
20:12 westbaystars: *** Radio announcer mentioned earlier that Hiroshima's Shima is now 3 hits away from Rose's CL hit record.
20:12 westbaystars: Kaizuka leads off the seventh for the Lions.
20:13 westbaystars: He hit a sharp line drive that Kawasaki jumped and grabbed earlier to prevent Seibu from a rally.
20:13 westbaystars: Here he takes Arakaki's first pitch deep, but not deep enough, to the left field corner.
20:13 westbaystars: Valdez has the ball for out number one.
20:14 westbaystars: That brings up Nakajima, who's into the hole two strikes and no balls real quick.
20:14 westbaystars: And he lines the ball toward left, but it's stabbed by a jumping Kawasaki!
20:14 westbaystars: Another nice jumping grab by Daiei's shortstop.
20:14 westbaystars: That brings up Shibata.
20:15 westbaystars: With two outs and nobody on.
20:15 Martin: It's goin too fast now for the Lions.
20:16 westbaystars: A foul fly just in the stands evens the count at 2-2.
20:16 westbaystars: Arakaki's fifth offering to Shibata is swung on and missed! Strike three!
20:17 westbaystars: Daiei fans get ready to let loose their jetto fusen at the end of Daiei's fight song.
20:17 westbaystars: ---
20:17 westbaystars: Bottom of Seventh
20:17 westbaystars: ---
20:17 westbaystars: I didn't expect the game to be this far in when I got home.
20:17 westbaystars: It's a quick paced game.
20:18 westbaystars: Oh, I just realized you were talking about the pitcher Ishii, not the fielder.
20:18 westbaystars: I thought that Itoh-kantoku was going to go with Matsuzaka on three day's rest.
20:19 westbaystars: Ohnuma comes in to become the third pitcher for Seibu.
20:19 Martin: That would we too bad for his arm
20:19 westbaystars: The first batter Ohnuma faces is Iguchi.
20:19 westbaystars: And he throws a one-bounder to him.
20:19 Martin: Matsuzaka's arm I mean.
20:20 westbaystars: The ball bounced a meter before the plate, still on the "grass" part.
20:20 westbaystars: *** Yokohama scores two more to take a 4-3 lead.
20:20 westbaystars: Iguchi lines the ball right into the left field stands!
20:21 westbaystars: He comes around the bases with a big grin on his face.
20:21 westbaystars: This is what Oh-kantoku was talking about when he said he would let his bats do the work.
20:22 Martin: The Hawks have good batter indeed.
20:22 westbaystars: Oh's comment yesterday what that he wasn't going to have the pitcher bother holding runners on because his offense ...
20:23 westbaystars: ... would take care of it.
20:23 westbaystars: Triple Crown winner Matsunaka comes up.
20:23 Martin: He is right till now.
20:23 westbaystars: He lifts the ball high and deep to right!
20:23 westbaystars: The crowd stands.
20:23 westbaystars: Satoh goes back to the wall, hoping it's higher than deep.
20:24 westbaystars: But it's not! The ball goes into the stands!
20:24 westbaystars: Back to back home runs!
20:24 westbaystars: Daiei now leads 7-1.
20:24 westbaystars: Itoh-kantoku doesn't look too pleased.
20:24 westbaystars: That brings up Johjima.
20:25 westbaystars: He's three for three tonight with on home run and a pair of singles.
20:25 Martin: Incredible!
20:25 Martin: 4 RBI's
20:25 westbaystars: He lifts the ball to left, but playable.
20:25 westbaystars: Wada comes in and makes the catch for out number one.
20:26 westbaystars: That brings up Zuleta.
20:26 westbaystars: The radio announcer said that the numbers 3, 4, 5, and 6 have all seven RBIs so far tonight.
20:26 westbaystars: For the Hawks.
20:27 Martin: Don't you watch tv
20:27 westbaystars: No doubt about Zuleta's!
20:27 westbaystars: This ball is deep into the left field seats!
20:27 westbaystars: I'm watching TV, but listing to the radio.
20:27 westbaystars: Radio tends to have better information.
20:28 westbaystars: Wow! Wada didn't even move in left when Zuleta hit that ball.
20:28 Martin: No! Not another HR!
20:28 westbaystars: With the score now 8-1, Valdez comes up.
20:28 westbaystars: Third of the inning.
20:28 westbaystars: Valdes pulls a low liner to the right side.
20:28 Martin: The Lions are theethless tonight!
20:29 Lucky: 8-1 Hawks?
20:29 westbaystars: Takagi lunges for the ball and just makes the catch.
20:29 westbaystars: That's the second out of the inning.
20:29 westbaystars: Yes. Three Hawk home runs so far this inning.
20:29 westbaystars: Shibahara comes up next.
20:30 Martin: 4, Johjima had one HR earlier in the game.
20:30 Lucky: pretty tiny audience toay?
20:30 westbaystars: It took Seibu six inning to get their first run.
20:30 Lucky: omg
20:31 Martin: Sorry, 3 this inning.
20:31 westbaystars: Shibahara goes deep to left!
20:31 Lucky: SEIBU took 6 innings?
20:31 westbaystars: Wada goes back.
20:31 westbaystars: At the wall.
20:31 westbaystars: And makes the catch.
20:31 Lucky: gone
20:31 Lucky: THree
20:31 westbaystars: That ends the inning.
20:32 Lucky: Lets go lions!
20:32 Lucky: I don't like Zuleta!
20:32 Martin: Ah, another Lions fan.
20:32 westbaystars: But not before three solo home runs by Iguchi, Matsunaka, and Zuleta.
20:32 Lucky: boo
20:32 westbaystars: At the end of seven complete, Daiei extends their lead to 8-1.
20:32 westbaystars: ---
20:33 westbaystars: Top of Eighth
20:33 westbaystars: ---
20:33 Lucky: No, I'm anti Hawks
20:33 Lucky: PL=
20:33 Martin: I would like Zuleta in a Lions' uniform, hahaha.
20:33 Lucky: Fighters
20:33 Lucky: CL=Hanshin
20:34 Lucky: whats up Baystars?
20:34 westbaystars: They took the lead in Hiroshima a while ago.
20:34 westbaystars: Leading off for Seibu is Mise.
20:35 westbaystars: No, in to pitch is Mise.
20:35 westbaystars: Arakaki isn't going all the way.
20:36 westbaystars: Mise gets Takagi swinging for the first out of the inning.
20:36 westbaystars: That brings up the top of Seibu's order in Satoh.
20:36 niibu_yaa: know it's bad when the announcers are sighing and saying "Hazugashii"
20:37 westbaystars: Satoh grounds out to short for out number two.
20:37 westbaystars: Third correction on the leadoff batter: It was G.G. Satoh who struck out.
20:38 westbaystars: Pinch hitting for Takagi.
20:38 westbaystars: Next up is Akada.
20:38 westbaystars: He has two hits this evening.
20:39 westbaystars: And Akada goes down swinging to retire the side.
20:39 westbaystars: Rookie Mise retires the Lions in order.
20:39 westbaystars: The Lions are down to one more chance trailing 1-8.
20:39 westbaystars: ---
20:39 westbaystars: Bottom of Eighth
20:39 westbaystars: ---
20:39 niibu_yaa: Any Idea who Oh starts tomorrow? Wada?
20:40 Martin: Mise will have more problems next inning.
20:40 westbaystars: Today's Nikkan Sports had Arakaki for game one, the Wada for game two slated.
20:41 westbaystars: They had Ishii then Matsuzaka for Seibu.
20:41 Martin: Who will start for the Lions tomorow?
20:41 Martin: Thanks
20:42 westbaystars: So Matsuzaka vs. Wada is the most likely matchup tomorrow.
20:42 niibu_yaa: Yeah that makes sense.....that way Wada could possibly pitch game 2 or 3 of the Nippon Series.
20:42 westbaystars: Number nine batting Torigoe goes down swinging all the way around.
20:42 westbaystars: One out.
20:42 Lucky: good matchup
20:42 Lucky: bye
20:43 westbaystars: It's tough to choose a matchup to maximize use in three short serieses.
20:43 westbaystars: Have a good one, Lucky.
20:43 westbaystars: Kawasaki nines the ball to left-center, base hit!
20:43 westbaystars: Kawasaki doesn't slow down around first and heads for second.
20:44 westbaystars: While the ball is just being fielded by Akada off the wall, Kawasaki hits second and makes a big turn around it,
20:44 westbaystars: then heads back.
20:44 westbaystars: One out double.
20:44 westbaystars: That brings up Miyaji.
20:46 westbaystars: The count goes full.
20:46 niibu_yaa: There was an article in the Detroit Free Press during the olympics saying "Tsuyoshi Wada was the Japanese Mickey Lolich"
20:46 westbaystars: Miyaji lines the ball to right.
20:46 westbaystars: Satoh runs back, leaps into the air on the run, and makes the catch.
20:47 westbaystars: Kawasaki tags and heads to third.
20:47 westbaystars: Two down, Iguchi at the plate.
20:47 westbaystars: Iguchi hit a home run to lead off the last inning.
20:47 westbaystars: Iguchi hits the Hawks' 14th hit of the evening through the left side and all the way to the wall.
20:48 westbaystars: By the time the ball gets back into the infield, Iguchi has a stand-up RBI double.
20:48 westbaystars: Daiei takes a 9-1 lead.
20:48 westbaystars: That brings up Matsunaka.
20:49 westbaystars: And I don't know why Ohnuma is still pitching to this part of the order that killed the ball off of him last inning.
20:49 westbaystars: Is he mopping up?
20:49 westbaystars: *** Yakult defeated Hanshin 2-1.
20:49 westbaystars: *** Hanshin, after winning 3 in a row against Yakult, have now dropped the same.
20:50 Martin: I think Itoh is saving pitcher for tomorow.
20:50 westbaystars: Matsunaka fails to hold up on Ohnuma's fifth offering to bring the count to full.
20:50 westbaystars: The next pitch is a changeup inside and in the dirt.
20:50 niibu_yaa: Must be....might as well save your relievers for next game.
20:50 westbaystars: Matsunaka swings and misses to retire the side.
20:51 westbaystars: So, Ohnuma gets out of the inning with just giving up one run this time.
20:51 Martin: That's much better then the 3 hr.
20:51 westbaystars: Going to the Lions' last chance, they now trail 9-1.
20:51 westbaystars: ---
20:51 westbaystars: Top of Nineth
20:51 westbaystars: ---
20:52 westbaystars: Sugiuchi comes in to close.
20:52 Martin: Let's hope Fernandez, Cabrera and Wada will do something now.
20:52 westbaystars: This is Sugiuchi's third year, he's 23 years old, but he looks like he might be 18.
20:53 niibu_yaa: Yeah, Sugiuchi is a good choice. I hope they took Johjima out as well.
20:53 westbaystars: That's where we are in the order, IIRC.
20:54 westbaystars: It looks like Johjima is still in there.
20:54 niibu_yaa: I think I mentioned something about Sugiuchi on that same line last year.
20:54 westbaystars: I don't think he wants to miss an inning of this.
20:54 westbaystars: Suguchi's first pitch is called strike one.
20:54 westbaystars: The next pitch to Fernadez is swung on and missed. That was a big swing!
20:55 westbaystars: And Sugiuchi goes right after Fernandez, but Fernandez lines the ball through the left side for a single.
20:55 westbaystars: Lions' lead-off runner is on.
20:55 westbaystars: That brings up Cabrera.
20:55 westbaystars: Who swings and watches the ball!
20:55 westbaystars: No doubt about that one.
20:56 Martin: Fernandez' 3rd hit this game.
20:56 westbaystars: That ball is deep into the left field stands!
20:56 Martin: Yes, go Lions!
20:56 westbaystars: Cabu jogs around the bases and, home in!
20:56 niibu_yaa: I guess not, Johjima may have won the game for them on his first two at bats.
20:56 Martin: Thank you Sugiuchi!
20:56 westbaystars: The Lions add two run to their one and now trail by a mear 3-9.
20:57 westbaystars: Wada follows.
20:57 Martin: Always keep hoping Lions!
20:57 westbaystars: And he lines the ball through the left side of the infield for Seibu's 9th hit of the night.
20:57 westbaystars: That brings out the Hawks' pitching coach.
20:57 niibu_yaa: Wow....there is about a 60 second delay in what you are seeing and what is on KBC net broadcast.
20:58 westbaystars: Johjima and and the infield join Obana-pitch coach and Sugiuchi on the mound.
20:58 westbaystars: Sugiuchi is out of there.
20:58 westbaystars: He's not closing tonight.
20:59 westbaystars: Satoh Makoto is announced as the Hawks' fourth pitcher of the night.
20:59 westbaystars: I'm about 20 second behind seeing it and typing it.
20:59 westbaystars: *** Yokohama now leads 6-3 in the top of the seventh.
21:00 westbaystars: Satoh has a 1.08 ERA against Seibu this year.
21:01 westbaystars: The first batter he faces is pinch hitter Inubushi.
21:01 westbaystars: And Satoh's first pitch is fouled away on the right side.
21:03 westbaystars: Inubushi hits a come-backer to Satoh.
21:03 westbaystars: The ball hits off his glove and rolls up the mound.
21:03 westbaystars: Satoh spins around looking for the ball, finds it, and fires to first.
21:03 westbaystars: Just in time!
21:03 westbaystars: That's the first out of the inning.
21:04 westbaystars: Runner moves to second and Nakajima comes up.
21:04 westbaystars: Nakajima grounds the ball on one bound over Satoh's head, but Satoh jumps and grabs it!
21:04 westbaystars: Satoh turns and looks at the runner off of second - too far!
21:05 westbaystars: He runs toward him, then throws to second. Mistake!
21:05 westbaystars: The throw to third saves him and they've got him in a run down.
21:05 westbaystars: The tag is made near second for the second out.
21:05 westbaystars: And before I can say all of that, Noda grounds right back to Satoh, who throws to first,
21:05 westbaystars: and the game is over.
21:06 westbaystars: Three pitcher grounders in a row finish off the Lions.
21:06 westbaystars: ***
21:06 westbaystars: *** Game Final
21:06 westbaystars: *** Seibu Lions 3 - 9 Fukuoka Daiei Hawks
21:06 westbaystars: ****
21:07 westbaystars: The Hawks ready their white "victory" jetto fusen.
21:07 niibu_yaa: alright...thanks.
21:07 westbaystars: And Arakaki comes out to give the Hero Interview along with Johjima.
21:07 westbaystars: Catch you tommorow?
21:08 westbaystars: Arakaki says that he just threw to Johjima's mit.
21:09 Martin: See you tommorow.
21:09 westbaystars: See you then.
21:10 westbaystars: By all.
21:10 niibu_yaa: Arakaki's not completely lost his Okinawan accent..
Re: Pacific League Playoffs: Second Stage, Game 1
[ Author: himself | Posted: Oct 7, 2004 3:34 AM | FSH Fan ]

Great result for the Hawks!

However, I do expect this series to be a tough one for both teams.

This is a site about Pro Yakyu (Japanese Baseball), not about who the next player to go over to MLB is. It's a community of Pro Yakyu fans who have come together to share their knowledge and opinions with the world. It's a place to follow teams and individuals playing baseball in Japan (and Asia), and to learn about Japanese (and Asian) culture through baseball.

It is my sincere hope that once you learn a bit about what we're about here that you will join the community of contributors.

Michael Westbay
(aka westbaystars)

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