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Pacific League Playoffs: First Stage, Game 2

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Pacific League Playoffs: First Stage, Game 2
Game Two of the best of three First Stage Pacific League playoff series is this afternoon starting at 1:30 PM JST (8:30 PM PST, 10:30 PM CST, 11:30 PM EST +- an hour for daylight savings time). Tune in here if it's not too late/early for you.
Re: Pacific League Playoffs: First Stage, Game 2
[ Author: westbaystars | Posted: Oct 2, 2004 5:33 PM | YBS Fan ]

Not exactly the best time slot for the Americas, but this was one exciting game! Read the transcript to know just what I mean - especially the bottom of the nineth.

TRANSCRIPT generated on : 2004/10/02 17:25
CHATROOM : Pacific League Playoffs/First Stage, Game 2
MODERATORS : westbaystars

13:20 Basebill: Hello Michael
13:21 westbaystars: Hi. Glad you could join us.
13:21 westbaystars: Better time for Califnoria, isn't it?
13:22 Basebill: Might be but I'm in PA
13:22 westbaystars: Oh. I thought you were in LA.
13:22 westbaystars: Must be a different Bill.
13:24 Basebill: Ichiro has 3 hits so far tonight and has set a new MLB record for hits in a season
13:24 westbaystars: The matchup tonight is Chan (Seibu) vs. Mirabal (Nippon Ham).
13:25 westbaystars: Brooks-san posted that an hour or so ago.
13:26 Basebill: i have the Seibu/Yahoo squint-o-vision up for now
13:26 westbaystars: They're playing the national anthem now. You know, I've only heard it at Pacific League games. I don't remember ...
13:27 westbaystars: ... ever hearing it at Central League or Eastern League games.
13:27 westbaystars: You can listen to the game here:
13:29 Basebill: i've tried to pick up some of the dialogue during the games but my old ears just can't grasp it fast enough
13:29 westbaystars: Starter is Chang, not Chan, for Seibu.
13:29 westbaystars: It takes a while.
13:30 westbaystars: As you can see from my transcript lastnight, I didn't catch everything on the radio.
13:30 westbaystars: ---
13:30 westbaystars: Top of First
13:30 westbaystars: ---
13:30 westbaystars: Chang's first pitch to Shinjyo is outside for ball one.
13:30 westbaystars: The game is now underway at 1:30 exactly.
13:31 westbaystars: Shinjyo lifts a fly ball to center.
13:31 westbaystars: The center fielder moves under it, and makes the catch for out number one.
13:33 westbaystars: Kimoto is up next, as I change the radio channel which went to cover Ichiro's at bat.
13:33 westbaystars: I didn't expect interruptions today like lastnight's breaks to Nagoya Dome and Jingu.
13:33 westbaystars: Full count pitch is fouled back.
13:34 westbaystars: The next pitch is swung on and missed, strike three.
13:34 westbaystars: The ball was outside, if only he could have held up.
13:35 westbaystars: The announcers say that Chang's pitches are "heavier" than Matsuzaka's, so the batter must protect the outside part ...
13:35 westbaystars: ... more agressively.
13:35 westbaystars: Ogasawara is next.
13:35 Basebill: That's the hardest pitch to lay off of with 2 strikes
13:36 westbaystars: Going, to right center.
13:36 westbaystars: The center fielder comes over, right fielder is dashing.
13:36 westbaystars: One jumps.
13:36 westbaystars: Does he have it?
13:36 westbaystars: No! Home run!
13:36 westbaystars: Ogasawara strikes first with a two out home run to put Nippon Ham on the board first.
13:37 westbaystars: The first pitch to Seguignol is gone if it's fair!
13:37 westbaystars: But it curves, just to the right of the foul poll in right.
13:37 westbaystars: That was Ogasawara's second home run in two days for post season.
13:38 westbaystars: Seguignol grounds the ball to first.
13:38 westbaystars: Cabrera has it and makes the play himself at first.
13:38 westbaystars: That retires the side.
13:38 westbaystars: But not before Ogasawara hit a solo home run to start the scoring.
13:38 westbaystars: With Seibu still to bat, the Fighters take a 1-0 lead.
13:38 westbaystars: ---
13:39 westbaystars: Bottom of First
13:39 westbaystars: ---
13:39 westbaystars: Getting the nod from Hillman to start Game Two is Mirabal.
13:40 westbaystars: He'll face Satoh, Akada, and Kaizuka.
13:41 westbaystars: So, where is "Squint-Vision"?
13:41 westbaystars: Mirabal's first pitch is fouled back by Satoh.
13:41 Basebill: It's what I call the little motion screen Yahoo/Japan plays the Seibu games on...
13:42 westbaystars: Mirabal was 2 and 3 against Seibu during the year.
13:42 westbaystars: I checked that. It said there were no games today.
13:43 westbaystars: Satoh hits a high bounder to the left side of the infield.
13:43 westbaystars: By the time the ball comes down, the shortstop has no play at first.
13:43 Basebill: i always just click on the little TV and see when there may be a game
13:43 westbaystars: Satoh has an infield hit!
13:44 westbaystars: Kaizuka fouls off his first bunt attempt.
13:45 westbaystars: The announcers say that Mirabal doesn't lose his rythim with runners on. Stays consistant.
13:45 westbaystars: Sorry, it's Akada up. Kaizuka is number three.
13:46 westbaystars: Akada grounds the ball to second. The ball is flipped to second,
13:47 westbaystars: ... but the throw to first is *not* in time. Safe.
13:49 westbaystars: The count to Kaizuka is now 2-2.
13:49 westbaystars: Mirabal's fifth pitch misses outside to run the count full.
13:50 westbaystars: Does Squint Vision work for you? It just runs for a couple of seconds then stops here.
13:51 westbaystars: After a foul ball, Akada breaks for second and Kaizuka swings and misses for strike three.
13:51 westbaystars: The throw to second is not in time. Stolen base!
13:51 Basebill: It's been running fine tonight
13:52 westbaystars: Akada stole one last night as well.
13:52 westbaystars: Hmmm. Maybe I have too many connections running.
13:52 westbaystars: Number four Cabrera stands in.
13:53 westbaystars: Mirabal misses with his first two pitches, then throws to second to hold Akada.
13:53 Basebill: I re-booted before I brought it on screen and the came to your site
13:53 westbaystars: Mirabal's third pitch just catches the outside corner.
13:55 westbaystars: After a foul ball, Cabrera lifts the ball up to the left side on an inside pitch.
13:55 westbaystars: Kaneko calls it, and makes the catch.
13:55 westbaystars: The Lions are retired.
13:55 westbaystars: At the end of one complete, Nippon Ham leads 1-0.
13:56 westbaystars: ---
13:56 westbaystars: Top of Second
13:56 westbaystars: ---
13:57 westbaystars: Obando bats fifth for Nippon Ham this evening as the DH.
13:57 Basebill: I find the Lions song remarkably annoying...
13:57 westbaystars: Ha ha ha ha.
13:57 westbaystars: It gets into your head and won't get out.
13:58 westbaystars: Obando rips the ball to left.
13:58 westbaystars: One bound, two bounds.
13:58 westbaystars: And I believe that he's standing on second with a drive into the left-center gap.
13:58 westbaystars: Yes, it was a double.
14:00 westbaystars: I hear the Hawks' fight song all through Daiei every time they make it to the Nihon Series.
14:00 westbaystars: As that's where we shop for groceries every week.
14:00 westbaystars: S. Takahashi draws a walk on five pitches.
14:00 westbaystars: That puts runners and first and second with nobody out.
14:01 Basebill: Then you've heard it a great deal over the last few years!
14:01 westbaystars: Right handed Shimada comes up next.
14:01 westbaystars: Yes! I have. And it gets into your head like the Lions' fight song.
14:02 Basebill: I guess that is the whole point
14:02 westbaystars: Shimada lays down a bunt.
14:02 westbaystars: Chang thinks about throwing to third, but changes his mind and throws to first.
14:03 westbaystars: Sacrifice moves both runners up one to second and third with one out.
14:03 westbaystars: To annoy customers with their song?
14:04 Basebill: hahaha
14:04 westbaystars: Ishimoto, playing left this afternoon, comes up next.
14:04 westbaystars: Infield is in.
14:05 Basebill: Chang looks like he is throwing hard but most of his pitches have been up
14:05 westbaystars: Chang gets ahead of Ishimoto, two strikes and one ball.
14:05 westbaystars: Radio says that he's been in the 140's.
14:06 westbaystars: The plate umpire is saying that someone got hit by the ball.
14:06 westbaystars: The umpire himself?
14:06 westbaystars: Seibu's trainer is out there, so it's not the batter.
14:06 westbaystars: It sounds like it was the umpire asking for some cold spray.
14:08 westbaystars: Hey, we're on TV now. TV Asahi started just 30 minutes late tonight.
14:08 westbaystars: The umpire looks OK now, and we're starting again.
14:09 Basebill: It looks like the ump took a foul tip off the left wrist
14:09 westbaystars: TV announcers are already announcing a full house, and looking around, that's no lie.
14:10 westbaystars: After a couple more foul balls, Chang misses high and outside to bring the count even at 2-2.
14:10 westbaystars: Chang's eighth pitch to Ishimoto is swung on and missed! Strike three.
14:11 westbaystars: Way down low, a one bounder.
14:11 westbaystars: That brings up Kaneko.
14:11 westbaystars: He lines the first pitch to right.
14:11 westbaystars: Satoh runs over toward center, sticks his glove up, and makes the catch.
14:11 westbaystars: Three outs.
14:12 westbaystars: Satoh almost ran in too far on that one.
14:12 westbaystars: But the catch is made and the side is retired.
14:12 westbaystars: Nippon Ham threatened, but failed to score.
14:12 westbaystars: They continue to lead 1-0.
14:12 westbaystars: ---
14:12 westbaystars: Bottom of Second
14:12 westbaystars: ---
14:14 westbaystars: We go to the bottom of the second with Wada leading off for the Lions.
14:15 westbaystars: wada lifts the ball high to right.
14:15 westbaystars: Shimada and Kimoto both go for it.
14:15 westbaystars: As Shimada makes the catch, Kimoto trips over his leg.
14:15 westbaystars: The two fall to the ground.
14:16 westbaystars: Shimada looks very shaken up.
14:16 westbaystars: The team gathers around, including Hillman-kantoku.
14:16 westbaystars: He finally says he's OK, and everyone returns to their positions.
14:17 westbaystars: Fernandez comes up next.
14:18 westbaystars: Fernadez breaks his bat, and lines the ball right at Kaneko at short.
14:19 westbaystars: His bat exploded into several pieces, two large, and several small fragments.
14:19 westbaystars: That brings up Nakajima.
14:20 westbaystars: Nakajima grouns the ball right to Kaneko, who throws him out, and the Lions are down in order.
14:20 westbaystars: At the end of two complete, Nippon Ham continues to lead 1-0.
14:20 westbaystars: ---
14:20 westbaystars: Top of Third
14:20 westbaystars: ---
14:21 westbaystars: The Fighters are up to the top of their order in Shinjyo.
14:22 westbaystars: Sorry, I keep spelling it how it used to be spelled. Should be Shinjo.
14:22 westbaystars: He's the only one on the scoreboard with his name in Romaji.
14:22 Basebill: it should be spelled FLAKE
14:23 westbaystars: The foreign players (except Chang) are all in Katakana.
14:23 westbaystars:
14:23 westbaystars: Shinjo grounds the ball up the third base side.
14:24 Basebill: I noticed and I haven't a clue hoe to read it
14:24 westbaystars: Fernandez fields the ball and throws to first for the first out.
14:24 westbaystars: Chang or Shinjo?
14:24 westbaystars: Kimoto comes up next.
14:25 Basebill: katakana
14:26 westbaystars: Oh. カブレラ = Cabrera.
14:26 westbaystars: Full count to 木元 (Kimoto).
14:26 westbaystars: And he watches strike three go by!
14:27 westbaystars: Nice pitch on the inside part of the plate.
14:27 westbaystars: That brings up Ogasawara who homered in the first for the only run in the game so far.
14:27 Basebill: i'm still struggling with kanji, though I have gotten a lot better at names over the years
14:28 westbaystars: I taught myself Katakana first, since I could figure those words out better, and so many computer related words were ...
14:28 westbaystars: ...
14:28 westbaystars: ... in Katakana.
14:29 Basebill: Michio gives the appearance of a long swing, but it is so quick..
14:29 westbaystars: Then I got a Kanji-English dictionary and learned how to read Kanji for meaning (but not how to pronounce them).
14:29 westbaystars: Full count to him.
14:30 westbaystars: And he strikes out to end the inning.
14:30 westbaystars: The way he holds the bat out over the plate before he sets looks hard and unballanced.
14:31 westbaystars: But it seems to work for him. Kind of like Rhodes' shaking the bat feircely before setting.
14:31 westbaystars: Nonetheless, the Fighters are down in order for the first time this afternoon.
14:31 westbaystars: ---
14:31 westbaystars: Bottom of Third
14:31 westbaystars: ---
14:32 Basebill: yaz had an extremely odd stance when he first came up, and Stargell would windmill the bat before the pitch
14:33 westbaystars: Hosokawa leads off the Lions' half of the third.
14:34 westbaystars: He hits a double.
14:34 westbaystars: It sounds like the Ogasawara might had had a glove on it, but now the announcer is saying it was a clean hit.
14:34 westbaystars: TV is off at commercial still.
14:35 westbaystars: That puts the tying run at second base and Y. Ishii at the plate.
14:35 westbaystars: Ishii immediately grounds the ball to second.
14:35 westbaystars: The only play is to first while Hosokawa moves to third.
14:35 westbaystars: Not a sacrifice, but the same result.
14:35 westbaystars: That brings the Lions to the top of their order in Satoh.
14:36 westbaystars: Satoh lines the ball over the second baseman and into right-center.
14:36 westbaystars: Hosokawa has no problem jogging in from third base.
14:36 westbaystars: This ball game is tied up.
14:36 westbaystars: 1-1.
14:37 westbaystars: Akada is squaring to bunt with Satoh on first and one out.
14:37 westbaystars: He takes ball one.
14:37 westbaystars: Mirabal, we're now informed, has given up the most runs in the Pacific League this year.
14:38 westbaystars: Akada is no longer looking to bunt.
14:40 westbaystars: With Satoh on the run and the count 2-2, Akada swings at a low pitch and pulls it through the right side.
14:40 westbaystars: Satoh kicks second and heads to third.
14:40 westbaystars: The ball is brought back in, and we have runners at first and third with one out.
14:40 westbaystars: Kaizuka comes up to the plate.
14:41 westbaystars: Kaizuka grounds a high one bounder over the pitcher's mound.
14:41 westbaystars: The second baseman grabs the ball behind the second base bag.
14:42 westbaystars: He flips the ball to Kaneko for one,
14:42 westbaystars: the throw to first is in time! Double play.
14:42 westbaystars: That kills the Lions' rally and they'll have to settle for one run.
14:42 westbaystars: But that one run ties the game at 1-1 after three complete.
14:42 westbaystars: ---
14:42 westbaystars: Top of Fourth
14:42 westbaystars: ---
14:43 westbaystars: The Fighters start off with number four batting Seguignol.
14:45 westbaystars: The count goes full.
14:46 westbaystars: Seguignol lifts the ball deep to left.
14:46 westbaystars: Going, going,
14:46 westbaystars: caught at the warning track.
14:46 westbaystars: One long out.
14:46 westbaystars: Obando follows.
14:48 westbaystars: Obando lifts the ball to center, but not too deep.
14:48 westbaystars: Akada comes in a couple of steps, and makes the catch for out number two.
14:48 westbaystars: That brings up Takahashi.
14:50 westbaystars: Takahashi lifts the ball high to the left side of the infield.
14:51 westbaystars: After catcher Hosokawa went out along the third base side a ways, Fernandez rushes in and makes the catch near the mound
14:51 westbaystars: That retires the side in order on fly balls.
14:52 westbaystars: ---
14:52 westbaystars: Bottom of Fourth
14:52 westbaystars: ---
14:53 westbaystars: Tsuboi comes in to play right field.
14:53 westbaystars: Apparently that collision earlier did hurt Shimada a bit.
14:53 westbaystars: Cabrera leads off the Lions' half of the fourth inning.
14:54 westbaystars: He grounds the ball to short and is thrown out by too far to mention.
14:54 westbaystars: One out.
14:54 westbaystars: That brings up Wada.
14:55 westbaystars: Welcome back yakyuujin. ABC not carrying the game there?
14:55 westbaystars: Or is it more fun here?
14:55 westbaystars:
14:56 westbaystars: Mirabal falls behind to Wada, one strike, three balls.
14:56 westbaystars: The next pitch is way up high, ball four.
14:56 westbaystars: Next up is Fernandez, who hit two home runs last night.
14:57 westbaystars: You don't want to walk batters in front of him.
14:57 yakyuujin: no tv as usual
14:58 westbaystars: TV Asahi (ABC) is doing much better today.
14:58 westbaystars: Fernandez hits the ball toward the back screen.
14:58 westbaystars: Shinjo goes stright back to the fense.
14:59 westbaystars: Turns.
14:59 westbaystars: Takes a couple of steps back in.
14:59 westbaystars: And makes the catch just in front of the warning track line.
14:59 westbaystars: Nakajima comes up next.
15:00 westbaystars: Nakajima grounds the ball to short.
15:00 westbaystars: Kaneko fields the ball, throws to first, and the side is retired.
15:00 westbaystars: Mirabal walked one, but he was stranded.
15:00 westbaystars: At the end of four complete, the score remains tied at 1-1.
15:00 westbaystars: ---
15:01 westbaystars: Top of Fifth
15:01 westbaystars: ---
15:01 yakyuujin: there was a korean drama on tv today.......
15:01 yakyuujin: which means they understand there is a market for that
15:02 yakyuujin: but they cannot show a baseball game in kansai
15:02 westbaystars: For Japan-Korea relations, that sounds good to me.
15:03 westbaystars: But Japan-Korea inter-league play also has appeal to me.
15:03 westbaystars: Former Hanshin Tiger Tsuboi bats for the first time this game.
15:03 westbaystars: He came in defensively last inning for Shimada.
15:04 westbaystars: Shimada collided with second baseman Kimoto in the first inning or so.
15:04 westbaystars: Tsuboi grounds the ball up the middle.
15:05 westbaystars: Nakajima gets a glove on it on the first base side of second base behind the bag, but the ball bounces off into ...
15:05 westbaystars: ... shallow right.
15:05 westbaystars: Second baseman Ishii turns around and chaces the ball down.
15:05 westbaystars: He throws to Fernandez who came over from third to cover second to keep the runner from advancing.
15:06 westbaystars: Ishimoto bunts the ball in the air up the third base side.
15:06 westbaystars: Catcher Hosokawa makes a sliding catch between Chang's legs for the out.
15:06 westbaystars: Tsuboi holds at first.
15:07 westbaystars: That brings up number nine batting Kaneko.
15:07 westbaystars: With the runner going, Kaneko swings and misses.
15:08 westbaystars: The ball has Tsuboi out by a long way!
15:08 westbaystars: Hit and run? The announcers don't think so.
15:08 westbaystars: The next pitch is grounded to second. The throw to first retires the side.
15:09 westbaystars: The Ham got a lead-off hit, but are retired three up, three down.
15:09 westbaystars: ---
15:09 westbaystars: Bottom of Fifth
15:09 westbaystars: ---
15:11 westbaystars: 54 pitches so far for Mirabal.
15:11 westbaystars: He faces number eight batting Hosokawa to start the Lions' half of the fifth.
15:13 westbaystars: Hosokawa works the count full.
15:13 westbaystars: The shoubu pitch is high, ball four.
15:13 westbaystars: The Lions' lead-off runner is on.
15:14 westbaystars: They showed an interesting graph. Mirabal, through the first three innings threw 2/3rds of his pitches as straights.
15:14 westbaystars: (Fast balls.)
15:14 westbaystars: Since the fourth, only 1/3rd are straights.
15:14 westbaystars: Y. Ishii comes up next.
15:15 westbaystars: With the runner going, Ishii lifts the ball to center.
15:15 westbaystars: Hosokawa stops half way, watches Shinjo make the catch, and heads back to first.
15:15 westbaystars: One out, runner still at first.
15:15 westbaystars: Back to the top of the order in Satoh.
15:16 westbaystars: Satoh drove in the only run for the Lions a couple of innings ago with a single to right.
15:16 westbaystars: Satoh hits a high bounder just right of second base.
15:17 westbaystars: By the time the ball comes down, Kimoto doesn't have a play anywhere!
15:17 westbaystars: Both runners are safe.
15:17 westbaystars: Bench report from Nippon Ham says that nobody is warming up in the pen right now.
15:17 westbaystars: But three had warmed up earlier in the game.
15:18 westbaystars: Akada comes up with one out and runners at first and second.
15:18 westbaystars: He pulls a bunt up the first base side.
15:18 westbaystars: Safety bunt?
15:19 westbaystars: It goes down as a sacrifice bunt, even if that wasn't his intent.
15:19 westbaystars: That brings up Kaizuka.
15:19 westbaystars: The Lions now have two outs and runners at second and third.
15:20 westbaystars: Kaizuka, after a big swing and miss, grouns the ball to the first base side of the mound.
15:20 westbaystars: Mirabal fields the ball himself, and out-runs Kaizuka to the bag, taking it himself.
15:21 westbaystars: The Lions threaten, but fail to score yet again.
15:21 westbaystars: At the end of five complete, the game remains tied at 1-1.
15:21 westbaystars: ---
15:21 westbaystars: Top of Sixth
15:21 westbaystars: ---
15:23 westbaystars: Fighters fans in left have signs saying "Definately win! Go to Fukuoka" and "Road to Nagoya."
15:24 westbaystars: They're a long way from home (Hokkaido), but still have a good following in the Kanto area.
15:24 westbaystars: Shinjo leads off for the Fighters.
15:24 westbaystars: Shinjo rips the ball to left.
15:25 westbaystars: Base hit!
15:25 westbaystars: The Fighters have their lead-off runner on.
15:25 westbaystars: Next up is Kimoto.
15:26 westbaystars: Shinjo looked very disappointed when Tsuboi was thrown out stealing last inning.
15:26 westbaystars: But the smile has returned to his face here.
15:26 westbaystars: Chang misses with his first three pitches to Kimoto.
15:26 westbaystars: He's thrown 85 pitches so far this game.
15:27 westbaystars: The next pitch is called strike on.
15:27 westbaystars: The next pitch is in the dirt, taken for ball four.
15:28 westbaystars: Hokkaido Nippon Ham has their first two runners on in the sixth with Osagawara coming up next.
15:28 westbaystars: That brings out the pitching coach, and both barrels up loaded in the Lions' bull pen.
15:29 westbaystars: Chang has increased the number of curves he's thrown from none in the first three to about 1/4th since the fourth.
15:29 westbaystars: And his first pitch to Ogasawara is a curve way up and away for ball one.
15:30 westbaystars: The 1-1 pitch is pulled up the first base side and through!
15:30 westbaystars: Shinjo is being waved around third as Satoh comes up with the ball.
15:30 westbaystars: He slides into home - without a throw!
15:31 westbaystars: Safe!
15:31 westbaystars: Nippon Ham takes a 2-1 lead.
15:31 westbaystars: Kimoto held at second base. (Why?)
15:31 westbaystars: So we have runners at first and second, nobody out, and Seguignol at the plate.
15:32 westbaystars: A pick-off play at second almost gets Kimoto.
15:32 westbaystars: Seguignol finished the season tied with Daiei's Triple Crown winner Matsunaka with 44 home runs.
15:33 westbaystars: Another pick-off play at second, and he looked out!
15:33 westbaystars: But the ball got away. But not far enough for Kimoto to advance to third.
15:34 westbaystars: The count is now even at 2-2 to Seguignol.
15:34 westbaystars: The next pitch is grounded through the right side of the infield to right-center.
15:34 westbaystars: Kimoto rounds third and scores without a throw.
15:35 westbaystars: That's all for Chang.
15:36 westbaystars: I think Ogasawara went to third, but will have to wait until after commercials to confirm.
15:37 westbaystars: The Fighters are now up 3-1.
15:38 westbaystars: Ogasawara is on second base. He didn't go to third, as the throw didn't come home.
15:38 westbaystars: Ohnuma comes in to pitch for Seibu.
15:38 westbaystars: The first batter Ohnuma faces is Obando, with nobody out and runners at first and second.
15:39 westbaystars: He's not there to bunt, that's for sure.
15:39 westbaystars: Obando lines the ball through the right side, base hit!
15:39 westbaystars: The ball gets out to Satoh quickly, and Ogasawara is held at third.
15:40 westbaystars: The bases are now loaded with nobody out for Takahashi.
15:41 westbaystars: Ohnuma falls behind, one strike, three balls.
15:42 westbaystars: The next pitch is down low, bouncing off the plate, but Takahashi fails to hold up.
15:42 westbaystars: Full count.
15:42 westbaystars: The shoubu pitch is low and away, but swung on and missed! Strike three.
15:43 westbaystars: That's the first out of the inning.
15:43 westbaystars: And that's all for Ohnuma, who was called in to face Takahashi only.
15:43 westbaystars: Mitsui is announced as the next pitcher.
15:44 westbaystars: And I need to go get a drink.
15:47 westbaystars: The first batter Mitsui faces is Tsuboi.
15:47 westbaystars: And Tsuboi wastes no time in grounding a base hit through the right side!
15:47 westbaystars: Ogasawara scores from third, and the Fighters are now up 4-1.
15:48 westbaystars: Bases still loaded, one out, and pinch hitter Echevarria comes up to bat.
15:49 westbaystars: Mitsui misses with hit first two offerings to Echevarria.
15:49 westbaystars: And the next one, too. First base umpire says he didn't swing.
15:49 westbaystars: No strikes, three balls.
15:50 westbaystars: The fourth pitch is a gift strike from the umpire, maybe just on the outside corner.
15:51 westbaystars: The next pitch is called strike two. Full count.
15:51 westbaystars: Mitsui's shoubu pitch misses inside and low! Ball four!
15:51 westbaystars: Oshidashi.
15:51 westbaystars: Seguignol scores from third, and the Fighters lead 5-1.
15:52 westbaystars: Itoh-kantoku comes out, and Mitsui is through.
15:52 westbaystars: The fourth pitcher of the inning is Onodera (I think - could barely hear in the background).
15:54 westbaystars: Yes, it is Onodera.
15:54 westbaystars: And his first pitch to Kaneko is swung on and missed for strike one.
15:55 westbaystars: After two quick strikes, Onodera wastes a pitch outside for ball one.
15:55 westbaystars: The next pitch catches the inside corner and is called strike three.
15:56 westbaystars: That's the second out of the inning.
15:56 westbaystars: And it brings up Shinjo, who led off the inning with a base hit to left.
15:56 westbaystars: The first pitch is a high bounder to short.
15:57 westbaystars: Nakano dashes to second to make the out himself, and the side is retired.
15:58 westbaystars: But not before the Fighters scores four on a hand full of singles and a walk.
15:58 westbaystars: Going to the bottom of the sixth, Nippon Ham now leads 5-1.
15:58 westbaystars: ---
15:58 westbaystars: Bottom of Sixth
15:58 westbaystars: ---
16:00 westbaystars: Cabrera leads off poping out to Takahashi in foul territory for the first out of the inning.
16:00 westbaystars: That brings up Wada.
16:01 westbaystars: Mirabal is still on the mound for the Fighters.
16:01 westbaystars: Wada grounds the ball to Kimoto at second.
16:01 westbaystars: The throw to first is in time, two outs.
16:01 westbaystars: That brings up Fernandez.]
16:03 westbaystars: After two strikes, Mirabal's third pitch is down the middle and ripped to left for a base hit.
16:03 westbaystars: That brings up Nakajima, 0 for 2 so far today.
16:04 westbaystars: Nakajima grounds to his counterpart Kaneko at short.
16:04 westbaystars: Kaneko flips to second for the force, and the Lions are down fairly quiety.
16:04 westbaystars: At the end of six complete, the score is now Fighters 5 - 1 Lions.
16:04 westbaystars: ---
16:04 westbaystars: Top of Seventh
16:04 westbaystars: ---
16:06 westbaystars: Some Fighters fans shoot off their jetto fusen for the Fighters' Lucky Seven.
16:06 westbaystars: Onodera is still on the mound for the Lions.
16:06 westbaystars: Kimoto leads off.
16:07 westbaystars: Onodera strikes Kimoto out looking for out number one.
16:07 westbaystars: That brings up Ogasawara.
16:07 westbaystars: He hits a high one bounder off the front of the plate.
16:08 westbaystars: He crosses first as the ball comes down into Onodera's glove, his throw waaaaay too late.
16:08 westbaystars: One out base runner is on.
16:08 westbaystars: That brings up Seguignol.
16:11 westbaystars: With two strikes, Seguignol fouls off about five in a row.
16:11 westbaystars: He's making Onodera work.
16:11 westbaystars: Admireably, Onodera keeps coming after him with strikes.
16:12 westbaystars: Onodera's seventh and eighth pitches missed to even the count at 2-2.
16:13 westbaystars: The next pitch is swung on and missed, strike three.
16:13 westbaystars: That's the second out of the inning, still with a runner at first.
16:13 westbaystars: That brings up Obando.
16:13 westbaystars: He lifts the ball high to right.
16:14 westbaystars: Satoh comes in, makes the catch, and the side is retired.
16:14 westbaystars: ---
16:14 westbaystars: Bottom of Seventh
16:14 westbaystars: ---
16:16 yakyuujin: sorry.....i logged in and left my computer
16:16 westbaystars: Hosokawa leads off the Lions' Lucky Seven.
16:16 yakyuujin: doesn't seem like i will be able to stay.......thanx for the coverage tho
16:16 yakyuujin: bye
16:16 westbaystars: Not a problem.
16:16 westbaystars: Bye.
16:17 westbaystars: Mirabal misses with his first three pitches to Hosokawa.
16:17 westbaystars: Is he tiring?
16:17 westbaystars: The fourth pitch is down the middle for strike one.
16:17 westbaystars: And his fifth pitch misses low and away, ball four.
16:18 westbaystars: The Lions have their lead-off runner on.
16:18 westbaystars: Pitching coach heading out to the mound with the interpreter.
16:18 westbaystars: Yokoyama is warming up in the Fighters' bull pen.
16:19 westbaystars: That brings up Y. Ishii.
16:19 westbaystars: Mirabal gets two quick strikes on Ishii.
16:20 westbaystars: He's thrown 85 pitches so far.
16:20 westbaystars: He then misses with the next two to even the count at 2-2.
16:21 westbaystars: The fifth pitch is in the dirt, and bounces away from Takahashi.
16:21 westbaystars: Hosokawa takes second.
16:21 westbaystars: ... on the wild pitch.
16:22 westbaystars: The shoubu pitch is watched on the inside corner, strike three!
16:22 westbaystars: Nice pitch.
16:23 westbaystars: That takes a lot of wind out of the Lions' offense.
16:23 westbaystars: One out, runner still at second.
16:23 westbaystars: Back to the top of the order in Satoh.
16:26 westbaystars: Satoh grounds the ball to Ogasawara at third.
16:26 westbaystars: Ogasawara looks the runner back to second, fires to first, out.
16:26 westbaystars: Two outs.
16:26 westbaystars: Akada comes up with Hosokawa still on second.
16:27 westbaystars: Akada hits a high bounder to the left side.
16:28 westbaystars: Ogasawara gets it, and doesn't throw! No play anywhere.
16:28 westbaystars: Infield hit.
16:28 westbaystars: Hosokawa moves to third.
16:28 westbaystars: That brings up Kaizuka who led the Pacific League in batting with runners in scoring position.
16:30 westbaystars: With Akada running, Kaizuka fouls the ball off the left side.
16:30 westbaystars: Cabrera is waiting on deck.
16:30 westbaystars: But he won't get a chance as Kaizuka grounds the ball to Kaneko at short.
16:31 westbaystars: Kaneko comes up with the ball in front of the second base bag, fires to first,
16:31 westbaystars: and the side is retired.
16:31 westbaystars: The Lions fail to score in the seventh.
16:31 westbaystars: At the end of seven complete, the Fighters continue to lead 5-1.
16:31 westbaystars: ---
16:31 westbaystars: Top of Eighth
16:31 westbaystars: ---
16:33 westbaystars: Mori comes in to pitch for the Lions.
16:34 westbaystars: The Lions can't afford to give up any more.
16:34 westbaystars: Takahashi leads off for the Fighters.
16:34 westbaystars: Mori's first pitch is a curve ball, over and called strike one.
16:35 westbaystars: It looks like the sun is hitting the batter's box now.
16:35 westbaystars: That's got to be a little tough.
16:36 westbaystars: And Takahashi watches strike three go by, one out.
16:36 westbaystars: Takahashi didn't look like he agreed with the call, but it was there.
16:36 westbaystars: Tsuboi comes up.
16:37 westbaystars: He's had hits his only two other at bats this afternoon.
16:37 westbaystars: But he watches strike three go by, Mori going after him on three pitches.
16:37 westbaystars: I like to see that in a pitcher. Throw strikes! No waste!
16:38 westbaystars: Echevarria comes up next.
16:39 westbaystars: he lifts the ball up to the right side.
16:39 westbaystars: Cabrera calls off Ishii, and makes the catch.
16:39 westbaystars: The Fighters go down in order.
16:39 westbaystars: ---
16:39 westbaystars: Bottom of Eighth
16:39 westbaystars: ---
16:41 westbaystars: Cabrera leads off lifting a fly to shallow right, caught by Kimoto going out.
16:42 westbaystars: One quick out.
16:42 westbaystars: Wada follows lining the first pitch to center for a base hit.
16:43 westbaystars: Mirabal is still on the mound.
16:43 westbaystars: That brings up Fernadez, who is 3 for 6 in the series, incluiding two home runs last night.
16:45 westbaystars: Fernandez lifts the ball high, between the mound and second base.
16:46 westbaystars: Kimoto calls for the ball, and makes the catch for the second out of the inning.
16:46 westbaystars: That brings up Nakajima with Wada at first and two outs.
16:47 westbaystars: Nakajima grounds the first pitch past first base and into right field.
16:47 westbaystars: Wada holds at second, and the Lions are trying to put a two-out rally together.
16:48 westbaystars: That brings up Takahashi.
16:49 westbaystars: He's 2 for 5 in the series, with a home run last night.
16:49 westbaystars: But he lifts the ball to right here, and is out number three.
16:49 westbaystars: The Lions are down to their last chance, still trailing 1-5.
16:49 westbaystars: ---
16:49 westbaystars: Top of Nineth.
16:49 westbaystars: ---
16:52 westbaystars: Kaneko leads off against Mori, in his second inning of work.
16:53 westbaystars: Mori strikes Kaneko out swinging for out number one.
16:53 westbaystars: Next up is the top of the Fighers' order in Shinjo.
16:54 westbaystars: Shinjo grounds the ball to the left side.
16:54 westbaystars: And is thrown out for the second quick ouit of the inning.
16:55 westbaystars: Mori's been perfect in his outing so far.
16:55 westbaystars: That brings up Kimoto.
16:56 westbaystars: Kimoto grounds the ball past the first base bag right to Cabrera.
16:56 westbaystars: Cabu-chan takes the ball to the bag himself, and Mori has two perfect innings of work.
16:56 westbaystars: That brings us to the Lions' last chance, trailing 1-5.
16:56 westbaystars: ---
16:56 westbaystars: Bottom of Nineth
16:56 westbaystars: ---
16:58 westbaystars: Mirabal is going for a complete game.
16:58 westbaystars: He faces Y. Ishii.
16:58 westbaystars: Who promptly grounds out to short for the first out.
16:59 westbaystars: Satoh lines the ball up the middle for his fourth hit of the game.
16:59 westbaystars: The Lions are still alive!
17:00 westbaystars: Akada follows.
17:00 westbaystars: And Akada hits a one bounder over Ogasawara's head at third going into the corner.
17:01 westbaystars: Morimoto, now in left, fields the ball and throws in to hold Ishii at second.
17:01 westbaystars: Runners at first and second, one out.
17:01 westbaystars: Shibata comes up to pinch hit for Kaizuka.
17:01 westbaystars: Fighters' pen is at work now.
17:02 westbaystars: Shibata fails to hold up on a fork ball in the dirt.
17:02 westbaystars: Shibata is 3 for 6 against Mirabal this season.
17:04 westbaystars: The count goes full.
17:07 westbaystars: After a number of foul balls, Mirabal misses with ball four!
17:07 westbaystars: Base are loaded.
17:07 westbaystars: Cabrera steps up to bat.
17:08 westbaystars: Cabu-chan is swinging for the fenses.
17:09 westbaystars: He lifts the ball to center, deep,
17:10 westbaystars: Shinjo back, at the wall,
17:10 westbaystars: makes the catch leaning against the center field fense!
17:10 westbaystars: Akada touches up and scores from third.
17:11 westbaystars: A very long, exciting out, but the score is only cut to three, 2-5.
17:11 westbaystars: That brings up Wada.
17:11 westbaystars: Both runners moving up to second and third on the fly.
17:11 westbaystars: Wada is also trying to tie this game with the swing of his bat.
17:11 westbaystars: But whiffing.
17:12 westbaystars: Mirabal falls behind in the count, one strike, three balls.
17:13 westbaystars: He hits the ball, but foul off the left side.
17:14 westbaystars: Fouls off the next offering to the right side.
17:14 westbaystars: Full count continues, with two down and runners at second and third.
17:14 westbaystars: Mirabal has thrown 134 pitches so far.
17:15 westbaystars: His 135th is a line drive to center.
17:15 westbaystars: One run in. Two runs in.
17:15 westbaystars: We have a one run ball game!
17:15 westbaystars: The Lions now trail 4-5.
17:16 westbaystars: The sayanora run is coming to the plate.
17:16 westbaystars: And Mirabal heads to the dugout.
17:16 westbaystars: Former BayStar Yokoyama comes in to pitch.
17:18 westbaystars: Yokoyama finished top in the Pacific League with 28 saves, tied with Daiei's Mise.
17:19 westbaystars: The first batter he'll face is Fernandez.
17:20 westbaystars: Yokoyama's first pitch to Fernandez is a slider outside, swung on and missed for strike one.
17:20 westbaystars: Fernandez is 2 for 9 with a home run against Yokoyama this year.
17:21 westbaystars: With the runner going, Fernandez swings and misses, strike two.
17:21 westbaystars: There's no throw to second.
17:21 westbaystars: The Fighters' dugout is telling Yokoyama to look at the runner.
17:22 westbaystars: The third pitch is waaaay outside, Takahashi just getting it.
17:23 westbaystars: The next pitch is lifted to center.
17:23 westbaystars: Shinjo comes in, makes the catch, and lifts his arms into the air!
17:23 westbaystars: Nippon Ham wins Game Two of the First Stage of Pacific League playoffs, 5-4.
17:23 westbaystars: ***
17:23 westbaystars: ***
17:24 westbaystars: Game Final
17:24 westbaystars: Hokkaido Nippon Ham Fighters 5 - 4 Seibu Lions
17:24 westbaystars: ***
17:24 westbaystars: Hope to see some of you at the start of tomorrow's game as well.
17:24 westbaystars: Until then, take care.
Re: Pacific League Playoffs: First Stage, Game 2
[ Author: Guest: Der Komminsk-sar | Posted: Oct 3, 2004 7:47 AM ]

Thanks for doing these - it's appreciated.
Re: Pacific League Playoffs: First Stage, Game 2
[ Author: Guest: Andrew | Posted: Oct 4, 2004 9:57 AM ]

Nice job! Chang hasn't been the same since the Olympics where he got shelled (I can recall that Canada game). He was one of the best pitchers in the NPB until after the Olympics.

This is a site about Pro Yakyu (Japanese Baseball), not about who the next player to go over to MLB is. It's a community of Pro Yakyu fans who have come together to share their knowledge and opinions with the world. It's a place to follow teams and individuals playing baseball in Japan (and Asia), and to learn about Japanese (and Asian) culture through baseball.

It is my sincere hope that once you learn a bit about what we're about here that you will join the community of contributors.

Michael Westbay
(aka westbaystars)

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