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NPB to Have Inter-League Games in 2005

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NPB to Have Inter-League Games in 2005
The NPB will have inter-league games next year. Monday (September 27, 2004), the NPB said the teams will play three home games and three road games against each team from the other league. This is definetly a positive sign, as the teams will finally play other teams from the opposite league. [Link - Daily Yomiuri]
Re: NPB to Have Inter-League Games in 2005
[ Author: niibu_yaa | Posted: Oct 8, 2004 2:52 AM | FSH Fan ]

I'm not so sure that is a positive sign. I, for one, think that adding inter-league play takes away from the All-Star series and the Nippon Series. It may not make that much of a difference intrest wise in both of these events, but it is a possibility. Besides, I have no desire to see the Hawks vs. the Carp or the Dragons vs. the BlueWave. Possible playoff matchups aside, I don't find the idea all that compelling.

For those of you thinking about the excitement of seeing teams not used to the DH or pitchers batting, remember that this will only happen at your team's home stadium. So it'll just be more of the same. I might be able to support it a bit more if visiting teams will play by their league's rules. At least that way, as a fan, you'd be able to get some benefit out of it.

In the MLB they have had inter-league play for a few years now, and outside of the intra-city matchups or World Series rematches, I don't think most people care too much for it. Yes the NPB is much smaller than the MLB, but adding inter-league play won't strengthen it. Keep inter-league play where it belongs, in Spring training.
Re: NPB to Have Inter-League Games in 2005
[ Author: mijow | Posted: Oct 8, 2004 10:44 AM | HT Fan ]

I couldn't disagree more with niibu_yaa.

Inter-league play is precisely the shot in the arm NPB needs. It's ludicrous that the fans never get to see some of the best players go head to head, except in spring training, the Japan Series, or the All Star games. The leagues are too small to remain closed off to one another.

In fact, I'm disappointed that there won't be more Inter-league games. Actually. the best option, in my view, would be to have one league with two (or even three) divisions, and a system of playoffs that keeps the fans interested until the very end of the season.
Re: NPB to Have Inter-League Games in 2005
[ Author: westbaystars | Posted: Oct 8, 2004 5:55 PM | YBS Fan ]

I see inter-league play as a Good Thing. There aren't so many games that it takes anything away from the All-Star series or Nippon Series. And there are enough games to break up the monotony of playing the same five teams 28 times a season!

Variety! That's what inter-league play brings to even machups like the Hawks vs. Carp or Dragons vs. BlueWave.

Three games at home, three games away. That should give the vast numbers of Central League fans a fair idea of players in "that other league." And give them something to look forward to other than the same pitchers always being brought out to throw to the same hitters, who perform fairly predictably over and over and over again, like machines doing the same task. Inter-league play throws a wrench into that machine, and the result should be more more entertaining than watching the same five cards over and over.
Re: NPB to Have Inter-League Games in 2005
[ Author: torakichi | Posted: Oct 10, 2004 3:21 PM | HT Fan ]

I like the idea of home-town derbies. Although technically there wouldn't be any "home-town" games in NPB, many of the teams are still within shouting distance of each other; they might get good crowds and perhaps some new, inter-league rivalries.
Re: NPB to Have Inter-League Games in 2005
[ Author: holygoat | Posted: Oct 12, 2004 5:47 AM | HT Fan ]

I'm with niibu on this. I'm sick of inter-league in MLB, although mostly for reasons that don't apply to NPB. Inter-league play has created the laughably unbalanced schedule wherein historic rivals like the Detroit Tigers and Toronto Blue Jays only get to face each other a few times per season. Other than that, I see it as a gimmick band aid for bigger problems. Strong leagues would not need inter-league play. Outside of New York, Chicago, Los Angeles and San Francisco, there aren't any compelling inter-league matchups.
Re: NPB to Have Inter-League Games in 2005
[ Author: Guest: John Brooks | Posted: Oct 12, 2004 8:28 AM ]

- Inter-league play has created the laughably unbalanced schedule wherein historic rivals like the Detroit Tigers and Toronto Blue Jays only get to face each other a few times per season.

Inter-league play hasn't caused these two teams to play less games. The fact that the Detroit Tigers now play more games against their division changed the fact they don't play Toronto as much.

- Strong leagues would not need inter-league play.

The fact that the NPB will have inter-league games in 2005 will make it interesting for the fans of opposite leagues being able to watch teams play from the other league. I just can't see how the introduction of inter-league games in the NPB for 2005 will be anything but positive.

Also, I am one who disagrees with the fact inter-league play takes way from the regular season. It will be a positive sign for the fans in the NPB and has already been a positive sign in MLB.
Re: NPB to Have Inter-League Games in 2005
[ Author: Guest: FlynnSox | Posted: Oct 12, 2004 3:15 PM ]

I think MLB inter-league [is awful], but it should work for NPB.

There're 14/16 teams in the American/National Leagues. That's a [heck] of a lot more variety than NPB could have without inter-league.
Re: NPB to Have Inter-League Games in 2005
[ Author: Guest | Posted: Oct 15, 2004 11:22 AM ]

I agree, the MLB should find a more balanced way of scheduling inter-league games (perhaps the AL should expand to 16 teams like the NL).

NPB inter-league should work out well because of the even number of teams and only having two groups (CL and PL). A match I would like to see is FDH vs. YG.
Re: NPB to Have Inter-League Games in 2005
[ Author: matteo | Posted: Oct 11, 2004 4:23 PM ]

With the adoption of inter-league games, will that make a change to the playoffs?
Playoffs in 2005?
[ Author: westbaystars | Posted: Oct 11, 2004 5:06 PM | YBS Fan ]

No, inter-league play will have no effect on the playoffs. But the excitement of the playoffs is being seen by many in the Central League, and they are starting to consider adopting a similar scheme.
Re: Playoffs in 2005?
[ Author: Jingu Bleacher Bum | Posted: Oct 15, 2004 5:25 PM | YAK Fan ]

I have to agree with westbaystars on this one - variety is the key. For the people who live around Tokyo or Osaka, it might not be such a big deal, but for the people living in cities with only one baseball team, and only get to see 5 different teams a year, it's a chance to see star players from the other league up close and personal. Yeah, most NPB teams travel around to other cities some times, but most of that travelling takes place way out in the farmlands of the Tohoku region and what not.

By the way, will this inter-league play mess that up? Or does anybody know if the teams will still play home games at other stadiums in Shikoku or Kyushuu?

It also gives us a chance to see some old Nippon Series rematches, like I'm looking forward to seeing my Swallows play the Lions next door to me at Seibu Dome, in a rematch of the 1992 and '93 Series. (Yeah the teams are totally different, but the memory is still there.)

As for keeping inter-league play in Spring Training, I like to see them play each other at that time, too, but I don't really think the teams are taking the games too seriously. They're kind of like the "throw away" games when all the rained out games are made up at the end of the season.
Re: Playoffs in 2005?
[ Author: Sara B | Posted: Oct 20, 2004 8:18 PM | HT Fan ]

I'll agree with some of the above fans. I think inter-league play is terrible in MLB - a contrived way of creating interest that takes away from the All-Star Game and World Series. But it should be a very good thing for NPB, where I find myself frankly bored at the same old, same old match-ups. How many times did we need to see Yokohama beat up Hanshin last year?

[From westbaystars: Or Hanshin beat up on Yokohama the year before?]
Re: Playoffs in 2005?
[ Author: WayneMcGwire | Posted: Oct 21, 2004 12:20 AM ]

- It also gives us a chance to see some old Nippon Series rematches, like I'm looking forward to seeing my Swallows play the Lions next door to me at Seibu Dome, in a rematch of the 1992 and '93 Series. (Yeah the teams are totally different, but the memory is still there.)

Right. Comparing with other post-season matchups, Seibu vs. Yakult post-season is the memory still that clear in my mind. Perfect match like AKD - Hoh vs. 4 Yakult sluggers Furuta - Hirosawa (was slugger those years) - Howell - Ikeyama with totally more than 140 season home runs, definitely more impressive than this year's matchup with one non-slugging team.

Merely watching those two teams against each other in season game is exciting enough, although there may be only Furuta left playing.
Re: NPB to Have Inter-League Games in 2005
[ Author: Guest: John Brooks | Posted: Oct 30, 2004 8:32 PM ]

Inter-league games will be held from late-May to Mid-June NPB officals said. The Baseball Executive Committee decided that the games would go from May 6 to June 16. [Link - Daily Yomiuri]

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Michael Westbay
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