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Warning: Woods at Bat

Discussion in the NPB News forum
Warning: Woods at Bat
Nikkan Sports reports that Yokohama's Tyrone Woods, with a huge 160 meter jyogai (out of the stadium) home run on June 8, increasing his Central League leading home run total to 19, and total hit out of stadiums to five (three at Yokohama Stadium), is creating a safety problem not only beyond the left field rim of the stadium, but in Yokohama Koen ("koen" == "park") beyond the right field side of the scoreboard as well. To assure safety of pedestrians outside the stadium, Yokohama is considering placing three security guards outside the stadium to warn people when Woods comes to bat.

I don't know how well signs outside stating "Warning: Woods at bat. Please be careful of hit baseballs" will effect safety, but it sure does sound like a great way to create interest in passers by.
Re: Warning: Woods at Bat
[ Author: torakichi | Posted: Jun 11, 2003 9:35 AM | HT Fan ]

Ha ha, that's a good one, "Warning: Woods at bat." As you say, though, I can't see it doing much for safety. Same as those announcements at the grounds when someone slices a foul ball into the stands: "Be careful of foul balls" long after it's caught some old lady square on the nose.

Seriously, though, I was at Koshien earlier this season, and saw an old man get cracked right on the forehead by a foul ball. It was the last batter in the top of the 7th, so everyone had both hands full of (and their line of sight blocked by) balloons.

Crack! The ball flew low and hard, just clearing the first-base fence. The poor guy had no time to react, and it got him flush on the bonce. He was taken away by stretcher; I still wonder what happened to him.
Re: Warning: Woods at Bat
[ Author: spventi | Posted: Jun 11, 2003 10:01 PM ]

This is a second-hand story, so I might have some of the facts mixed up, but a friend of mine once told me that one of the funniest things he ever saw was at the old Kawasaki stadium, where there was so little room behind home plate that foul balls left the stadium several times a game, and there were ushers with whistles strategically stationed so that they could warn passers-by. He said the chorus of whistles that you could hear every time there was a pop foul behind home got to be rather hilarious.
Re: Warning: Woods at Bat
[ Author: btimmer | Posted: Jun 14, 2003 4:18 AM ]

I believe every stadium has ushers blowing whistles to alert the fans to foul balls. Along with PA announcements to warn you about the dangers of foul balls that are repeated after each one goes into the stands.
Re: Warning: Woods at Bat
[ Author: CFiJ | Posted: Jun 15, 2003 11:54 AM ]

Tokyo Dome, at least, even have them in the outfield walls frantically blowing for home runs during batting practice and the actual game.

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