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Discussion in the NPB News forum
One interesting result of my Doom and Gloom piece (other than finally getting a LOT of feedback) was the number of people who actually like the oendan.  I must say, that caught me a bit by surprise, as I thought that I was one of the only "veteran" fans who appriciated it.

My (now disproven) theory of oendan appriciation (from a foreigner's point of view) was: ...

  1. fascination - wonderment at the vibrant, non-stop energy of the fans

  2. participation - learn a few songs and bang those megaphones together

  3. distanced appriciation - after a while, you just need to distance yourself from it to appriciate it, like learning how to appriciate music at a softer volume

  4. tolerance - it's there, it's all right

  5. intolerance - make that awful noise stop!!!

  6. tolerance again - it just isn't worth fighting over

Either a number of you are still at the first two phases, or the oendan has wider appeal than I thought.  I'd really like to hear what you think of the trumpet & whistle blowing, drum pounding, wave flagging fans in the outfield bleachers.

[ Author: moto-Nutts4EP | Posted: May 24, 2001 8:54 PM ]

This is my first year following the NPB so everything is new to me. I've listened to a few games over the internet and, thanks to a fellow Tigers fan, I've gotten to see several Tigers games on videotape. I am very impressed with the Tigers fans, and the fans elsewhere as well. Except for the ugly beer and green pepper-throwing incident after the Yakult-Hanshin game the other night, from what I've seen the fans seem very respectful and enthusiastic. Their non-stop cheering, trumpet blowing, and drum banging has got to either drive the players crazy, or inspire them, I'm not sure which. The thing that impresses me most is that after a win, the fans stay in the stands and continue to cheer and sing. Here in the US half the fans leave before the 9th inning to beat the traffic, no matter how the game is going. I'm not sure how knowledgable the fans are about the game, but there something to be said for just going to a ballgame and enjoying yourself completely, whether it's in the US or in Japan.
[ Author: moto-EastMeetsWest | Posted: May 30, 2001 8:02 AM ]

I'd like to know how ex-major/minor players in Japanese league feel about Ouendan. Does it give them a lift? Make them feel great? etc.
[ Author: westbaystars | Posted: May 31, 2001 6:20 PM | YBS Fan ]

I had read someplace recently that many are impessed by how the fans can put out so much energy the entire game.  And in the same article/comment, it seems to me that the person said that Japanese going to the Majors feel that the quiet of the fans means that they're paying attention better.

I may not be regurgitating what I read quite the same, but that's what I had gotten out of it.  Of course, it'd be best to get one and ask, wouldn't it?


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Michael Westbay
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