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Fighter Move - Swallows to Dome?

Discussion in the NPB News forum
Fighter Move - Swallows to Dome?
I know the Fighters are planning a move to Sapporo. But in a recent Japan Times article, there was the following...

- The sources added that after the move to Hokkaido, the Fighters will have to obtain consent to use Tokyo Dome from the Yomiuri Giants and Yakult Swallows of the Central League, who will share the stadium as their home field.

Why move from Jingu?
Re: Fighter Move - Swallows to Dome?
[ Author: westbaystars | Posted: Jun 12, 2002 10:25 PM | YBS Fan ]

Very unusual. I found the original article here, for those of you who are interested. I would be very interested to know who "the sources" (mentioned twice) are. There's no inidication if this came off of a wire service or from the Commissioner's Office. Wasn't there a time when the press sited their non-annonymous sources? How am I supposed to take them seriously with such a vague source?

Nontheless, I turned to my usual source, Nikkan Sports (which I have more faith in than the "Japan Times"). I went back to the June 6th paper for news on the Nippon Ham move to Sapporo. The article there mentioned that a meeting took place on the 4th between Tokyo and Sapporo officials, and they were working toward an agreement that both Nippon Ham and Seibu would like. Otherwise, any further discussion on the matter has been put off until the owners' next meeting on July 7th, when they hope to make a final decision.

There was nothing about the Jingu birds setting up a nest in Tokyo Dome. I may have missed it since then, but I would have thought that such a move would make a rather eye catching headline.
Re: Fighter Move - Swallows to Dome?
[ Author: Guest: Gary Garland | Posted: Jun 14, 2002 5:33 AM ]

I hate dome ballparks. I doubt that Yakult is going to move into Tokyo Dome. What the Japan Times writer said may have been a slip of the pen. As for Nippon Ham obtaining permission from Yakult, the way I've been reading the vernacular press is that it's because both teams are in Tokyo and thus would be competition for the fan dollar if the Swallows are at home at the same time. I love Jingu and would hate to see it go the way of Nishinomiya Stadium.
Re: Fighter Move - Swallows to Dome?
[ Author: es1981 | Posted: Jun 18, 2002 5:26 PM ]

As good a place as any to get my feet wet with my first post.

I've always been one who becomes a fan of the home team, just as a function of seeing them regularly, coming to appreciate the players, the atmosphere, enjoying the sense of being part of the local community, etc. So, I'm a Dodgers fan, as home is Ventura.

When I came to Japan a few months ago, I had a lot of "local" baseball options here in Kanagawa prefecture. The Giants are just such a band-wagon, so I wasn't drawn to them. The BayStars simply don't appeal to me. Being a Fighters fan would be too much like being an LA Clippers fan. The Lions and Marines are too far away for the after-game train ride, and so is everyone else but the Swallows.

There are a number of things which appeal to me about the Swallows, particularly Furuta, Petagine, and my favorite player, Inaba. But also playing a big role in their appeal to me is Jingu. I like the feel of the park - it has character (though that turf is ridiculous). It'd be a shame to trade that for the Tokyo Dome, taking Nippon Ham's place as the Clippers to the Giants' Lakers, and trading a baseball park for a concert hall.

One Step Closer to Sapporo Fighters
[ Author: westbaystars | Posted: Jun 18, 2002 10:25 PM | YBS Fan ]

Not meaning to upstage es1981-san's first post, today's Nikkan Sports reported that the Lions' owner had a meeting with Sapporo officials yesterday (June 17) with the two parties coming to an understanding. It seems that Tsutsumi-owner was under the impression that Sapporo wanted the Lions as a "semi-franchise," while he learned at this meeting that what Sapporo wants is a franchise. And Nippon Ham is willing to give them that.

With this new found enlightenment, the final real obstical to the Fighters moving north has been hurdled and there isn't expected to be any opposition at next month's owners' meeting.

The Lions, who had previously planned on hosting 20 games in Sapporo in 2003, have reduced that number to 6. Nippon Ham plans on playing 10 games in Sapporo Dome in 2003, then playing there full time in 2004 with 15 games at Tokyo Dome. (No mention of asking for the Swallows' permission.)
Re: Fighter Move - Swallows to Dome?
[ Author: Guest: Brett Bull | Posted: Jun 20, 2002 12:53 PM ]

Today's column by Jim Allen in the Daily Yomiuri reiterates that use of Tokyo Dome (I guess by any team) is only through permission of the Giants and Swallows.

To me, this is a huge move for Japanese baseball and not just for the Fighters. As they are now, the Fighters are about dead. Most of the few people that go to the games are people that have gotten tickets for free. The oendan being the main exception.

In Sapporo, I really think the Fighters could establish something similar to what the Hawks have in Fukuoka. The shadow (or fist) of the Giants just kills them now. Spreading out the teams can only help Japanese baseball. Interest in the game should increase over time.

At the end of the column, there is one thing that I disagree with. Allen says that it is not the fault of the fans that the Fighters have no fan support. That is nonsense.

Admittedly, a winning team is the best way to boost attendance, and the Fighters have had some terrible teams. But even if the Fighters had won the Japan Series three times in the last 10 years they'd still merely be the team that uses the Dome when the giant thugs aren't.

Putting a winning team on the field is, of course, the priority. But that takes money. Money comes from support. The best way to get any support is get away from the Giants.

Re: Fighter Move - Swallows to Dome?
[ Author: westbaystars | Posted: Jun 20, 2002 2:38 PM | YBS Fan ]

The above mentioned Yomiuri article is here (until Jim archives it here). The relevant text is:
Actually, the Fighters' move opens up a new alternative for the Lions: home games at Tokyo Dome. Although that will need the permission of the Tokyo-based Giants and Swallows, especially the former, whose Field Turf they would be using, the Tokyo Dome would be a great weeknight venue for the Lions to showcase their exciting team.
From this, I conclude that the Swallows have some vested interest in The Big Egg, but aren't necessarily planning on moving there. I'll fire letter off to Allen-san to see if he can clarify this.

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Michael Westbay
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