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Taiwan NT to play in Long Beach, CA 7/30/05

Discussion in the Around Asia forum
Taiwan NT to play in Long Beach, CA 7/30/05
Anyone else going to the game? I'll try and take some pics and post them if i get a chance.
Does anyone happen to know who will be on Taiwan's roster?


Re: Taiwan NT to play in Long Beach, CA 7/30/05
[ Author: Guest: BC | Posted: Jul 31, 2005 11:24 AM ]

Well, I was able to get down to the Chinese Taipei National Team game versus a combined Long Beach Armada/Samurai Bear team today (July 30, 2005) in Long Beach, CA. The Chinese Taipei team is in Southern Cal for a 2 week period and will be playing in Dodger Stadium and Dedeaux Field at USC as well later this week.

The two teams played a 7 inning game. The most impressive player there, without a doubt, was Lo Kuo Hui - the kid who recently signed with Mariners. He played center field defensively and later switched to left field in the bottom of the 7th inning. Lo had a total of 4 at bats in the game. He walked in his first at bat, showing a good eye and patience. He managed to steal a base in that same outing as well. His second at bat, he launched a 2 run home run, displaying good bat speed and hit the ball over the left field wall, approximately 375 feet or so. It was a line drive shot and flew out quickly. After walking his third at bat, Lo crushed another pitch to right center field for a triple and another 2 RBI's. He accounted for 4 of Taiwan's 6 runs.

The Long Beach/Samurai team was held hitless until the 6th inning by number 60 - the pitcher for Taiwan (I couldn't catch his name - the PA dude was butchering the names), but did manage to score 1 run in the game.

Warren Cromartie, ex Japan baseball star and coach of the Samurai Bears was at the close of the game and was impressed by Lo, surprised at how young he was - 19. After the game, Lo was singled out for fielding practice - I guess there were some scouts there who wanted to see his defensive prowess.

All in all, I think the Mariners got a pretty darned good player here. Probably more capable with the bat than Wu C.K, and Chen Y.C. in the Mariners' organization. The kid is around 6'2" and has a good frame for putting some muscle on. He is sinewy strong right now.

I took some pictures of Lo, but don't know how to post them on the site. If anyone knows how, lemme know and I'll try and get the pics up.

I gotta say, I'm impressed with how the Mariners are doing their homework in Taiwan. Keep up the good work!

Go Taiwan!
Re: Taiwan NT to play in Long Beach, CA 7/30/05
[ Author: Guest: BC | Posted: Jul 31, 2005 3:32 PM ]


In order to post some pics of the game, I've started up a blog spot. The initial pics are mostly of Lo Kuo Hui. My blog spot is

Re: Taiwan NT to play in Long Beach, CA 7/30/05
[ Author: westbaystars | Posted: Jul 31, 2005 8:00 PM | YBS Fan ]

Starting your own blog is a very good way to post them. No middle man.

I was going to suggest logging in so that I could e-mail you and you could e-mail me the photos you wanted posted, but this works much better.

Now that you have your own place to write, please come by and link to any blog entries you put up here.

If you want to display photos here from, just insert a note into your message that says something like:

[insert image here - Lo swinging in front of dugout]

and I'll do the HTML magic to pull the photo from

It would be nice if you were logged in so that I can confirm that you are giving this site permission to use the photo. Unless I can confirm that the submitter is the copyright owner of a photo, I'm afraid that I will be unable to do this for everyone.
Re: Taiwan NT to play in Long Beach, CA 7/30/05
[ Author: Guest: BC | Posted: Aug 2, 2005 1:12 PM ]


Thank you for the offer. Sorry for replying late, I've been busy putting content into my blog. I've put a couple more picture/articles/stats up. I will try and make the last game Chinese Taipei plays this Friday and post more info.

You know, I think I do have an official login account, but I can't for the life of me remember either my login name or my password. I thought my login was BC, but the password doesn't match my user name. Oh well. I can always register with a new user name.
Re: Taiwan NT to play in Long Beach, CA 7/30/05
[ Author: Guest: Joe | Posted: Aug 5, 2005 6:16 AM ]

May I ask exactly where/when are these games played? I really want to watch Taiwanese National Team play.

Thank you very much for the info.
Re: Taiwan NT to play in Long Beach, CA 7/30/05
[ Author: thetaiwaneseterror | Posted: Aug 5, 2005 8:44 AM ]


The last game is tomorrow afternoon starting at 2:30 or 3:00 pm. The game will be held at USC's Dedeaux Field. There's more info on my blog.

Hope to see you there. If you want you can, e-mail me at thetaiwaneseterror at yahoo d0t com.

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It is my sincere hope that once you learn a bit about what we're about here that you will join the community of contributors.

Michael Westbay
(aka westbaystars)

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