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Little Matsui to MLB

Discussion in the Nichi-Bei forum
Little Matsui to MLB
The consensus here in the U.S. is that, however uninformed and wrong it may be, Kazuo Matsui will be coming to the U.S. via free agency after this season. Has anyone heard what teams he would consider? I know that the Mets are very interested and expected to pursue him, but I don't know how well their Japanese relations are right now because of the Nakamura deal, despite signing Shinjo last week.
Re: Little Matsui to MLB
[ Author: CFiJ | Posted: Jan 25, 2003 3:44 PM ]

Should Matsui decide to come over to MLB, I imagine he'll listen to all interested teams, and then pick the one that seems to give him the most comfortable environment for him and his family.
Re: Little Matsui to MLB
[ Author: Kiyoshi | Posted: Jan 26, 2003 7:09 AM | HAN Fan ]

The Mariners were interested in Kazuo Matsui last autumn, hope they still are.
Re: Little Matsui to MLB
[ Author: Guest | Posted: Jan 31, 2003 6:13 AM ]

The Yankess may get him, but if they got him they would move him or Derek Jeter to 3B. The Braves would pursue him, and so would other big spenders like the Mariners, Dodgers, and Dimandbacks. Maybe even the Mets.
Re: Little Matsui to MLB
[ Author: Guest: Luke | Posted: Feb 15, 2003 1:07 AM ]

You have got to be out of your mind if you think that Derek Jeter is going to be moved to third. That is almost an unthinkable thing to say about their $14 million dollar franchise player. The Yanks would not benefit from having another shortstop. If you recall, Alfonso Soriano is also really a short stop who had been later converted to 2nd. That's why he keeps overthrowing to first.

The Cubs would benefit from having him. They are probably the biggest name team that could afford him.
Re: Little Matsui to MLB
[ Author: 1908 | Posted: Feb 15, 2003 10:54 AM | HT Fan ]

I'd like nothing better than seeing Kazuo in Cubbie blue, but the Dodgers will have a ton of money to spend after this season. They might be preoccupied with Vlad, however. Another possibility is that he decides to stay in Japan like Nakamura. Either way, it should be an interesting off-season next winter.

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Michael Westbay
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