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Nakamura Designated for Assignment

Discussion in the Nichi-Bei forum
Nakamura Designated for Assignment
The Dodgers designated infielder Norihiro Nakamura for assignment, following the purchase of infielder Oscar Robles. Nakamura batted .128 (5 for 39) with 3 RBI. Nakamura said "I felt like I'm not needed by the team." and "I'll go back to Los Angeles and talk to my agent and family before I decide what to do."

The sad part is the Dodgers really never gave Nakamura much of a chance to play, they started the highly overated Valentin over him. I hope that Nakamura will get a chance to play for whatever team he signed by. [News -] [Stats -] [More News - Japan Ball]
Re: Nakamura Designated for Assignment
[ Author: Mischa | Posted: May 10, 2005 8:51 AM | TYS Fan ]

- The sad part is the Dodgers really never gave Nakamura much of a chance to play, they started the highly overated Valentin over him.

How is Valentin highly overrated? He's been above league average in slugging each of the past 5 seasons, usually by a solid 40 points. That's pretty good for a SS/3B. He has a career OPS+ of 96, again good for a SS and just fine at 3B. The last two years, playing at a higher level of competition than Nakamura, he's posted better slugging percentages.

Nakamura was great from 2000-2002, but he's fading fast and I think LA's totally justified in playing Valentin ahead of him.
Re: Nakamura Designated for Assignment
[ Author: Guest: John Brooks | Posted: May 11, 2005 12:04 AM ]

- How is Valentin highly overrated?

Valentin's average has always been low, it was .216 last year, his OBP's have always been low, it was .287 last year. Second, Valentin doesn't bring much to the plate with his fielding. Third, Valentin's OPS is usually way below the league average. Fourth, so far it is starting to show how overated Valentin is, he's currently batting .194, with 5 errors, and bringing little to the table with a $3.5 million contract. [Historical Stats -] [Profile - Baseball-Reference]
Re: Nakamura Designated for Assignment
[ Author: ConditionOakland | Posted: May 10, 2005 9:54 AM | HT Fan ]

He should come to Oakland - we need all the help we can get here. How much did he sign for in LA?
Re: Nakamura Designated for Assignment
[ Author: BigManZam | Posted: May 10, 2005 11:15 AM | CLM Fan ]

Oakland has an awesome third baseman in Chavez.
Re: Nakamura Designated for Assignment
[ Author: Guest: The Duke | Posted: May 11, 2005 8:58 AM ]

Too bad about Nakamura-san. the truth is that the Dodgers need a real third baseman and neither he or Valentin are optimal. It's interesting that Beltre, who left in free agency, is not doing as well as last year.

The best place for Nori is probably AAA if he wants another shot at MLB. He can try to find his groove there and be showcased for another team. He can still go to the Las Vegas 51s, in the Dodger organization, but he has to agree. His other option is for another team to pick him up, but based on his performance this spring, it will likely be a minor league assignment.

I thought Nori was a future NPB Hall of Famer.
Re: Nakamura Designated for Assignment
[ Author: Guest: eatsleepbaseball | Posted: May 11, 2005 9:21 PM ]

I'm also saddened for Nori. 'Guts' is one of my fave NPB players, and I respect the way he stood by the Buffaloes organisation rather than jump to the majors a couple of years back. Then they repaid him with the merger and all the dirt that went with it. With his current form slump, it almost makes you wish he had gone to MLB when he looked like moving before.

BTW, I saw Nori play for the Dodgers earlier this year, against the Giants. The crowd really did get up to cheer him when he came out to bat. He came in as a pinch-hitter late in the game, and was working the count well, tiring out the pitcher, before unfortunately striking out.

All the best to him.
Re: Nakamura Designated for Assignment
[ Author: Guest | Posted: May 12, 2005 11:04 AM ]

I think they're too quick to judge him. I mean, look at the rest of the league. The AL West batting averages are:

Angels - .190
Mariners - .213
A's - .215

Given more time, I think he coulda definatly worked things out.
Re: Nakamura Optioned to Las Vegas
[ Author: Guest: John Brooks | Posted: May 12, 2005 6:49 PM ]

Nakamura accepted an assignment to AAA Las Vegas, Dodgers officials said Wednesday. Nakamura said "I'm going to try my best in the minors and I hope they give me another chance." [News - Japan Ball]
Re: Nakamura Optioned to Las Vegas
[ Author: Sharks410 | Posted: May 13, 2005 2:34 AM ]

I give Nakamura a lot of credit. Yeah, he had a pretty rough beginning and it really would have been easy to quit and go back to Japan. I know it's rather late in his career, but I wonder if he will try to alter his swing.

Good Luck to you Nakamura-san! I hate the Dodgers but will cheer for you to make it back.
Re: Nakamura Designated for Assignment
[ Author: FrankIsTheMan | Posted: May 12, 2005 7:01 PM ]

It's a fact that Nakamura simply couldn't hit Major League pitching. He only had a month to prove himself, so I don't know if the Dodgers pulled the plug too soon or if Nakamura is going to hit below the Mendoza line for the entire season if he stays in the Major League.
Re: Nakamura Designated for Assignment
[ Author: Guest: The Duke | Posted: May 13, 2005 2:44 AM ]

It's a hard transition to MLB for him. He has to make adjustments. He couldn't get the playing time hitting as he did with the Dodgers to make the adjustments. With the 51s, he should get everyday play, so it's a sensible move for him. AAA pitching is pretty good, so it won't be like batting practice. The pitchers have found his weakness. He must overcome this to realize his dream. Shinjo excelled in AAA, but could not cut it, like many who make the jump, at the MLB level.

The Dodgers sorely need a strong third baseman. Maybe Nori can still rise to the occasion?
Re: Nakamura Designated for Assignment
[ Author: Guest: John Brooks | Posted: May 13, 2005 7:08 AM ]

- It's a fact that Nakamura simply couldn't hit Major League pitching.

However, the Dodgers gave him little chance at all to hit major league pitching. They played him in only 17 games, of which only seven were starts. Also, LA only gave him 39 bats in his time in the majors. This is hardly enough time to make a prediction on Nakamura.
Re: Nakamura Designated for Assignment
[ Author: FrankIsTheMan | Posted: May 13, 2005 9:18 AM ]

As least he's gotten more of a chance than Chin-Feng Chen, didn't he? (sarcasm)
Re: Nakamura Designated for Assignment
[ Author: SFGiantsFan | Posted: May 19, 2005 6:11 AM ]

- It's a fact that Nakamura simply couldn't hit Major League pitching.

Given the small sample size, I wouldn't call it a fact. True, he hasn't performed. And with the National League West the way it is, the Dodgers can't wait around for him to figure it out.

He's doing well in AAA. Hopefully, he'll get another shot.

I saw him on TV this year. Has he always "stepped in the bucket" like that? He has that high leg kick and then steps toward third base. He can't hit anything on the outside half without rolling over it and grounding to the left side of the infield. Was he a dead pull hitter in Japan?
Re: Nakamura Designated for Assignment
[ Author: PLNara | Posted: May 19, 2005 12:33 PM | HT Fan ]

- I saw him on TV this year. Has he always "stepped in the bucket" like that? He has that high leg kick and then steps toward third base. He can't hit anything on the outside half without rolling over it and grounding to the left side of the infield. Was he a dead pull hitter in Japan?

I'm glad someone brought this up. It reminded me to express an opinion I've had about Nori for a long time.

Nori has a lot of movement in his swing. He has the big step, as you mentioned, and he also brings his hands back before uncoiling a swing. He seems to have good bat speed, and when he was on, I thought he got pretty good plate coverage.

I recall him being primarily a pull hitter, but more importantly, I recall that most of the time, he would try to wait back and hammer off-speed breaking pitches. I always thought all the excess movement in his swing would lead to him having trouble with big league fastballs.

Nori simply hasn't put up good numbers since he injured his knee in 2003. Maybe he can't use his lower body like he used to, and never adjusted.

These are just my observations from watching him play when I lived in/around Osaka from 2000-2003. I didn't watch the Buffaloes everyday, so someone else might have seen things completely differently.

Here's hoping Nori gets it together and we see him back in the bigs soon.
Re: Nakamura Designated for Assignment
[ Author: Guest: John Brooks | Posted: May 27, 2005 11:36 AM ]

Nakamura is currently batting .340 (17-50) with 8 HR and 16 RBI with AAA Las Vegas. This performance is definetly better than players like Oscar Robles and Jose Valentin. I just hope the Dodgers truly give Nakamura the chance he deserves to start in the majors. [Minor League Stats]
Re: Nakamura Designated for Assignment
[ Author: Guest: Kenny | Posted: May 27, 2005 7:40 PM ]

I couldn't agree more. Nakamura was not given a fair shake the first time around with the Dodgers. For some reason, it seemed like Jim Tracy just didn't want to give him any starts or any quality at-bats. Just because Tracy feels like he got a raw deal with the Taiyo Whales back in 1983, he shouldn't take his frustration with Japan out on Nakamura.

It's time for the Dodgers to give Nakamura a legitimate chance - the man can absolutely rake the ball if given a fair shot.
Re: Nakamura Designated for Assignment
[ Author: Guest: The Duke | Posted: May 28, 2005 12:19 AM ]

Must be Dodger racism and hypocricy in action. Or, Nakamura didn't perform and, like gaijin in Japan, was on a short leash. Don't you think that if the professional talent evaluators thought Nakamura could play, they would have stayed with him instead of the scrubs they are playing in relief of Valentin now?
Re: Nakamura Designated for Assignment
[ Author: SFGiantsFan | Posted: May 28, 2005 1:37 AM ]

I wouldn't think that Jim Tracy would begrudge Nakamura something that happened in 1983. If Nakamura started out hot, I'm sure he'd still be playing. The problem is that LA paid $$ for Valentin who is a "proven veteran."

The PCL is the best hitting environment in the minors, but Nakamura is slugging .891! in 55 ABs.
Re: Nakamura Designated for Assignment
[ Author: Guest: The Duke | Posted: May 28, 2005 12:17 AM ]

Gee, I didn't know that Robles and Valentin were playing AAA ball along with Nakamura, so a valid comparison can be made. If he keeps this up, he should get another shot. The question is whether he will be a valid MLB caliber player, or a AAAA guy.
Re: Nakamura Designated for Assignment
[ Author: Guest: John Brooks | Posted: May 28, 2005 8:30 AM ]

- Just because Tracy feels like he got a raw deal with the Taiyo Whales back in 1983, he shouldn't take his frustration with Japan out on Nakamura.

I don't think Tracy would not play Nakamura becuase of what happened to him in 1983. What I think it is, the front office never gave him much of a chance. They should have truly gave him chance to challenge Valentin for the third base job, because Valentin is a highly overated player. Also, remember the Dodgers did the same thing with Chin-Feng Chen, he was given a total of 14 AB's over 3 years.
Re: Nakamura Designated for Assignment
[ Author: SFGiantsFan | Posted: May 30, 2005 1:09 PM ]

Interesting evaluation of his swing, PLNara. I think I would tend to agree with you. It almost seems like he's trying to get started early and it makes him vulnerable to off-speed/breaking stuff.

He's playing mostly first base at AAA Las Vegas. Willy Aybar is having a good year there as the 3B.
Re: Nakamura Designated for Assignment
[ Author: Guest: obiwan | Posted: Jun 16, 2005 12:59 AM ]

Just throwing it out there, but all stats are inflated in Las Vegas. It's a huge hitters' city. Pitchers go there to die and hitters thrive.
Re: Nakamura Designated for Assignment
[ Author: Something Lions | Posted: Jun 16, 2005 11:27 AM | SL Fan ]

It's interesting that Dodger Stadium is such a pitchers' park and their AAA park in Vegas is a huge hitters' park. Must make talent assessment difficult. But at the same time L.A. can use this to their advantage to build trade bait. I'd do that. Or maybe they already do.
Re: Nakamura Designated for Assignment
[ Author: Guest: John Brooks | Posted: Jun 16, 2005 12:04 PM ]

Nakamura is batting .302 with 10 HR and 28 RBI so far with Las Vegas. These numbers are too good not to warrant another look, even with Antonio Perez. [Minor League Stats]

Hopefully Nakamura will get an opportunity either in L.A. or somewhere else as he truly deserves a chance to start.
Re: Nakamura Designated for Assignment
[ Author: Michael | Posted: Jun 17, 2005 4:01 AM | CLM Fan ]

It is not so much the park as Cashman Field is 328-433-323 . It is more about air conditions, temperatures, and the altitude of were the parks are built. Nevada, Colorado, and Arizona parks all play the same way, like launching pads.
Re: Nakamura Designated for Assignment
[ Author: Guest: John Brooks | Posted: Jun 20, 2005 12:24 PM ]

According to these game notes [Las Vegas 51s - PDF file], it says Nakamura played at shortstop yesterday. It's an interesting idea to play Nakamura at shortstop.

Also, Las Vegas first baseman, Willy Aybar, was placed on the DL, so maybe Nakamura can see time there at first, along with third base, and shortstop. [News -]
Re: Nakamura Designated for Assignment
[ Author: Guest: John Brooks | Posted: Jun 22, 2005 1:18 AM ]

Nakamura went 1 for 5 with a 3 run home run on Monday (June 20th) for the Las Vegas 51s. It was his 11th HR and gave him 34 RBI. Nakamura is currently batting .281 this year. [Minor League Stats]
Re: Nakamura Designated for Assignment
[ Author: Guest: John Brooks | Posted: Jun 27, 2005 3:40 PM ]

In Sunday's (June 26th) game, Nakamura hit two home runs and drove in 4 against the Tuscon Sidewinders (Arizona's AAA team). Nakamura now has 13 HR's and 39 RBI's on the year, while batting .288. [Minor League Stats]
Re: Nakamura Designated for Assignment
[ Author: Guest: John Brooks | Posted: Jun 27, 2005 3:58 PM ]

Here's another earlier article on Nakamura (May 24th) that defines Nakamura's strive to make it back to the majors. "I don't think I'll go back to Japan, I want to stay here as long as possible and play in the major leagues."

Also, Nakamura's manager, Jerry Royster, talked about Nakamura's ability and work-ethic: "There's no doubt he's a major leaguer. I've heard about this guy forever. We've been trying to get him over here to the majors for 10 years." About Nakamura's work ethic, Royster said "No one on this team works harder than he does, that's for sure. The guy works 24 hours hours a day if I let him. He wants to learn and he wants to be good."

Full Article - Review Journal
Re: Nakamura Designated for Assignment
[ Author: Guest: John Brooks | Posted: Jun 28, 2005 4:30 PM ]

Nakamura continues to keep hitting at AAA. He went 2 for 4 yesterday (June 27th).

Nakamura defintely deserves an opportunity at the third base spot or the first base spot in Los Angeles, even with Antonio Perez at the spot. With Nakamura's current average of .294, 13 HR, and 39 RBI the Dodgers can't continue to prevent Nakamura from a chance at the third or first base job. [Link - Minor League Baseball]
Re: Nakamura Designated for Assignment
[ Author: Mischa | Posted: Oct 2, 2005 9:56 PM | TYS Fan ]

John forgot to update us on Nakamura later on the year, probably because he struggled miserably. Norihiro finished at .249/.331/.487, which are pretty sad numbers for Las Vegas. He was 6th on the AAA team in slugging. To put his stats in context, Eddie Williams used to hit .330 with 20 HR in part of a season for Las Vegas. Chad Hermansen hit .353 there last year. A few years ago Phil Hiatt with .330 with 40 HR. Nakamura failed to hit as well as guys like Tim Pyznarski and Mike Simms used to hit in Las Vegas. So, do you still think Oscar Robles was a worse pick for the Dodgers than Nakamura?

Let's face it - Nori is washed up.
Re: Nakamura Designated for Assignment
[ Author: Guest | Posted: Oct 3, 2005 4:29 AM ]

Well, he did lead the team in home runs and RBIs. He also led the team in errors. Has he said anything recently about if he'll stay in the minors or go back to Japan? [Minor League Stats]
Re: Nakamura Designated for Assignment
[ Author: Guest: John Brooks | Posted: Oct 3, 2005 9:56 AM ]

This thread says that Nakamura plans on staying in the minors next year. Nikkan Sports released an article saying that Nakamura is committed to sticking it out in the minors next year.
Re: Nakamura Designated for Assignment
[ Author: Mischa | Posted: Oct 3, 2005 11:09 AM | TYS Fan ]

- Well, he did lead the team in home runs and RBIs. He also led the team in errors.

Actually, Brian Myrow led the team in RBIs - he's not listed on the team stats page because took him off when he was called up. (Side rant - this is one thing I really hate about their site. Good luck finding complete team stats, including released, traded, promoted, demoted players). Nakamura was part of a 3-way tie for the HR lead.

BTW, when I said 6th in slugging, I was wrong - 6th in OPS; but that was only among the listed players. Myrow was higher and others might have been, too. When a player is in the bottom half of a AAA team in OPS, I have a hard time considering that player a prospect.

Maybe Nakamura could have done well if he had gone over to the majors the same time as Ichiro. We'll never know.
Re: Nakamura Designated for Assignment
[ Author: Guest | Posted: Oct 4, 2005 4:30 AM ]

Hate to say it, but:

Oscar Robles - Major Leaguer
Nori Nakamura - Minor Leaguer
Re: Nakamura Designated for Assignment
[ Author: Guest: John Brooks | Posted: Oct 5, 2005 2:54 AM ]

- Oscar Robles - Major Leaguer

I still am sticking with my earlier post that Robles isn't a major league infielder. His numbers aren't that great and one that I'm impressed with:

.272/.368/.332, 5 HRs, 34 RBI, 99 hits, 18 doubles, 1 triples, 0 SB, 8 SBAs, and a .700 OPS.

Robles isn't a major league player any way you look at the numbers there. Those are just average numbers, nothing special.

[ Stats]
Re: Nakamura Designated for Assignment
[ Author: Guest: wadew | Posted: Oct 5, 2005 11:20 AM ]

Question: Does Nakamura do the bat flip thing in the minor leagues? And if so, has he gotten drilled for it?
Re: Nakamura Designated for Assignment
[ Author: Guest: The Duke | Posted: Oct 11, 2005 9:58 AM ]

I'm just stopping by to check on my favorite Nakamura-san. Don't get nervous, I'll be gone soon. Now that Tracy has been shown the door, maybe Nori will get another shot at the bigs?
Re: Nakamura Designated for Assignment
[ Author: Guest: Kenny | Posted: Oct 12, 2005 12:21 AM ]

Yeah, I think so. Now that Tracy is gone I think Nakamura will finally be given a fair shake by the Dodgers. Tracy had it in for Nakamura, it seems, since Tracy had problems in Japan back when he was with the Taiyo Whales back in 1983. Tracy seems to have taken his grudge with Japan out on Nakamura. Nakamura is a very talented player who can absolutely crush the ball when given a chance. Look for Nori to put up big numbers in the big leagues in 2006.
Re: Nakamura Designated for Assignment
[ Author: Guest: The Duke | Posted: Oct 12, 2005 1:27 PM ]

That's a long time to carry a grudge. Even I have forgiven him for his Mets situation a few years back. Nakamura will come cheap, which is what owner McCourt likes. If he has a good spring training, who knows?
Re: Nakamura Designated for Assignment
[ Author: Guest: John Brooks | Posted: Oct 12, 2005 11:25 PM ]

I second that Tracy wouldn't hold a grudge against Nakamura over what happened in Japan. I'm further not even sure if Tracy has a grudge about his NPB career.

I expect the Dodgers to invite Nakamura to spring training next year. Hopefully he will get an opportunity to start at third base, as neither Valentin nor Robles were sufficent at all this year.
Re: Nakamura Designated for Assignment
[ Author: Something Lions | Posted: Oct 12, 2005 2:09 AM | SL Fan ]

There are rumours(?) that Orix is trying to bring "back" Nakamura to the Buffaloes.
Re: Nakamura Designated for Assignment
[ Author: Guest: manuel nori-ega | Posted: Nov 9, 2005 10:30 PM ]

I wonder if Bobby V. becomes skipper of the Dodgers, will Nori get a chance of playing time?

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