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Pitching Wins Championships

Discussion in the Open Talk forum
Pitching Wins Championships
Nippon Ham has 3 of the league's top 4 starters:
  • Takeda 1.87 ERA, 8-2 record
  • Darvish 1.94 ERA, 12-4 record
  • Glynn 2.25 ERA, 9-7 record
And with Ejiri, Takeda Hisashi, and Micheal as closer, it is hard for me to think of how anyone can beat them in a short series playoff, especially if they get the home field advantage.

I know all you Nippon Ham disbelieves are going to say they do not have enough offense. Well, they carry the best record in NPB, not just the Pacific League. And they play in the PL, where there is way better parity. They do not have the luxury of going to Hiroshima and Yakult and being guaranteed 2 out of 3 in a series every week. The competition in the PL is much more even as far as team strength.

It might not be pretty, but they do what is most important, and that is win. Are the people on this board going to finally open their eyes, or are they still going to be blinded by the smoke and mirrors of Chiba Lotte? Teams win championships, not individuals!
Re: Pitching Wins Championships
[ Author: BigManZam | Posted: Aug 23, 2007 4:19 AM | CLM Fan ]

What are you babbling about? Smoke and mirrors of Chiba Lotte? I'm like the only Chiba Lotte fan who posts somewhat regularly, and they are far from a glamorous power hitting team. I don't think anyone else here really expects them to go far this year.

This post is pointless and really not needed, since there was another topic written about Nippon Ham's pitching.

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Michael Westbay
(aka westbaystars)

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