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Kaz Matsui at Second

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Kaz Matsui at Second
Has Kazuo ever played second base, and do you think he would be willing to in the States?
Re: Kaz Matsui at Second
[ Author: CFiJ | Posted: Apr 15, 2003 4:52 PM ]

Could someone please explain this apparent obsession with having Matsui play second? Nomar Garciaparra would probably make a d*** fine second baseman as well, but I don't see anyone suggesting he move. And, oddly enough, whenever someone talks about, say, Tejada being signed by the Yankees (who already have Jeter), they always suggest that he play third, not second. What's the deal, here?
Re: Kaz Matsui at Second
[ Author: 1908 | Posted: Apr 15, 2003 8:24 PM | HT Fan ]

No, and it probably wouldn't be his first choice. Teams willing to play him at short would have a better chance at signing him most likely.

Let me guess, Red Sox fan? Think Tadahito Iguchi.
Re: Kaz Matsui at Second
[ Author: Guest: Peggy | Posted: Apr 16, 2003 12:32 AM ]

No actually a Mets fan, and as everyone knows they have been hot on him for a while. But have Jose Reyes.
Re: Kaz Matsui at Second
[ Author: 1908 | Posted: Apr 16, 2003 9:14 AM | HT Fan ]

- As everyone knows [the Mets] have been hot on [Matsui] for a while.

So have the Mariners, Red Sox, Braves, Dodgers, Cardinals, Giants, Cubs, Padres, ... I picked the team with the best shortstop.
Re: Kaz Matsui at Second
[ Author: CFiJ | Posted: Apr 16, 2003 10:13 AM ]

Personally, I think a .310 career BA, 117 HR, two Gold Gloves, and one 30-30 season in 8 years in the Pacific League trumps a couple good years in the high minors. And Reyes' minor league numbers, while very good, aren't that good. But that's just me. If the Mets are so high on Reyes, but want to sign Matsui, they should move Reyes to third, or trade him for some decent outfield help.
Re: Kaz Matsui at Second
[ Author: 1908 | Posted: Apr 17, 2003 2:29 AM | HT Fan ]

- And Reyes' minor league numbers, while very good, aren't that good.

I don't know CFiJ; 18-year-olds who hit .287/.331/.425 in AA ball are usually pretty special. His all-around ability and athleticism remind scouts of Alfonso Soriano. I'm as high as anybody on Kaz, but I'd have to go with Reyes if I were the Mets' GM. Not only does he possess budding-superstar talent, he's eight years younger than Matsui and practically free for the next six years.
Re: Kaz Matsui at Second
[ Author: CFiJ | Posted: Apr 17, 2003 5:10 PM ]

I look at this way: NPB statistics are generally going to be a better indicator of ability than AA or even AAA statistics (controlling for things like age, of course). Reyes may be a superstar. He may be a complete bust. He may be merely adequate (see: Patterson, Corey). On the other hand, if a bit more stability and/or reassurance is what the Mets are looking for at SS, then Matsui is the way to go. But if the Mets are high on Reyes, then it makes sense to me that they should forego pursuing Matsui. They are not, after all, going to try and sign Tejada and turn him into a second or third baseman.

The Cubs were in a similar situation with Jim Thome this past off season. He was willing to play for the Cubs, quite interested, in fact. The Cubs had pretty much decided they were going to go with Choi, and Thome went on to Philly. I agreed with that decision, for many of the reasons you've listed above: age, money, and potential. I think the Cubs did the right thing: they let Thome go. They didn't try to sign him and move him to third. IMO, if the Mets don't think SS is a hole for them, then they needn't pursue Matsui. If they do want to pursue Matsui, though, I think he deserves the shortstop position much more than Reyes.
Re: Kaz Matsui at Second
[ Author: 1908 | Posted: Apr 17, 2003 8:46 PM | HT Fan ]

Good points all around. There's one small difference between your Thome example and Matsui switching positions, though. Thome is incapable of playing anywhere but first at this point, while Matsui could play anywhere on the infield with ease. Not saying he should, of course, just that he can.

I'd also point out that excellent fielding shortstops have moved to second before based upon their team's needs rather than a lack of ability on their parts. Pokey Reese comes to mind.

That said, I'd be very surprised if Kazuo signed with a team that wasn't going to play him at short.
Re: Kaz Matsui at Second
[ Author: 1908 | Posted: Apr 18, 2003 3:48 AM | HT Fan ]

- Reyes may be a superstar. He may be a complete bust. He may be merely adequate (see: Patterson, Corey).

One more point: I agree that all three are possible, but Reyes' success combined with his age -- he's hitting .304/.327/.435 so far in AAA this year and he's only 19 -- suggests he's more likely to be a superstar than a bust or adequate. (By the way, Patterson is looking awfully good this year. Keep in mind his age the past couple of seasons before you write him off.)
Re: Kaz Matsui at Short, Where He Belongs
[ Author: CFiJ | Posted: Apr 18, 2003 8:21 AM ]

On Patterson: What you say is of course true. And I haven't given up on him! I'm just hoping he can continue his good performance all through the season.

And actually, I don't doubt Reyes' ability that much either. I was simply addressing the question of probability. For a team that wants an offensively and defensively contributing shortstop now, I think Matsui has the edge in demonstrated performance, vs. Reyes' demonstrated potential. Long term, though, Reyes is probably the way to go.

I tell you, though, I wouldn't mind seeing a future Cubs' infield with Bellhorn, Matsui, Hill, and Choi around the horn, and (dare I even think it!?) Jojima catching.

Of course, the Cubs no longer have Leon Lee as their Pacific Rim coordinator, so I don't know how active they'll be in the Japanese market.
Re: Kaz Matsui at Short, Where He Belongs
[ Author: Akikazu | Posted: Apr 18, 2003 4:27 PM ]

The Cubs are very popular in Japan, because of Sammy Sosa. I sometimes see some kids wearing that C logo cap. So even without Leon Lee, they should be active in Japan.

Is Reyes really 19? I remember reading that a lot of Dominican and Latin players turned out to be much older than they were. Remember when eveyone made a big deal about Rafael Furcal as a 19 year old major leaguer? It turned out he was 22.
Re: Kaz Matsui at Short, Where He Belongs
[ Author: 1908 | Posted: Apr 19, 2003 2:58 AM | HT Fan ]

- Is Reyes really 19? I remember reading that a lot of Dominican and Latin players turned out to be much older than they were. Remember when eveyone made a big deal about Rafael Furcal as a 19 year old major leaguer? It turned out he was 22.

I believe most of those age discrepancies have been discovered. Baseball America keeps a running tally of the players effected and Reyes isn't on the list.

Out of curiosity, have any Japanese teams' prospects "aged" as well? Players from the Carp's Dominican baseball academy, for instance?
Re: Kaz Matsui at Short, Where He Belongs
[ Author: 1908 | Posted: Apr 19, 2003 2:25 AM | HT Fan ]

- I tell you, though, I wouldn't mind seeing a future Cubs' infield with Bellhorn, Matsui, Hill, and Choi around the horn, and (dare I even think it!?) Jojima catching.

I share the dream, my friend, although I see Kelton, Matsui, Harris, and Choi around the horn. Picking up Johjima would be huge; catching is the Cubs' farm system's sole shortcoming.

- Of course, the Cubs no longer have Leon Lee as their Pacific Rim coordinator, so I don't know how active they'll be in the Japanese market.

The Cubs' Director of Player Developement, Oneri Fleita, mentioned something during a recent interview on that provides some hope: Hee Seop Choi is a representation of your scouting efforts in Asia. Are there any other prospects that have come from that, and how are your efforts going in general in that part of the world?

Fleita: It's kind of a work in progress. Obviously, we spend a lot more time in the Caribbean than we do in that part of the world. But because Leon Lee is working in Japan now, we've kept our contacts in order.

Re: Kaz Matsui at Second
[ Author: Guest: Jim Albright | Posted: Apr 16, 2003 4:08 AM ]

I can't understand that kind of talk about Tejada, because the evidence is quite clear he's among the five best shortstops in the world today. I think the evidence for Kazuo Matsui also being among those five is equally clear, but at least in his case, he's not doing it in the majors, and those of us who have been here for some time know only too well that many fans are only now becoming dimly aware of the high quality of baseball in Japan, too. That kind of misperception about Japanese ball fuels talk of moving Kaz to 2nd, especially if your shortstop is Garciaparra, if you like your current shortstop, or are very high on some kid in AAA ball. I suspect it will take Godzilla and Kaz plus Ichiro, and maybe even a few more to get the critical point of the quality of play in Japan across to the masses, and until then, those of us who think we know better will have to deal with what we see as ignorant garbage.

Jim Albright
Re: Kaz Matsui at Second
[ Author: Guest: Suraj | Posted: Apr 16, 2003 12:55 PM ]

If Kaz does end up with the Mets... move Reyes to 2B!! Kaz is as good an infielder as they come, and has about 10 years more experience playing baseball than the highly touted prospect does.
Re: Kaz Matsui at Second
[ Author: Guest: Akikazu | Posted: Apr 16, 2003 4:02 PM ]

Kaz is not going to the Mets! I haven't heard a Kaz/Mets rumor in a very long time. They already have an overhyped shortstop in Reyes, who they are not going to move to another position. Besides, if you were Kaz, why would you want to play for the horrible Mets anyway? No heart, bad karma, a real loser team. Kaz will have plenty of MLB teams, currently without good shortstops, biding for his services.

I would love to see Little Matsui either on the Giants or Cubs next year. Ray Durham is a very poor defensive 2nd baseman, who is better in the OF. The Giants could move Rich Aurilia (no prize at SS either) to 2nd base.

Alex Gonzalez has gotten off to a hot start for the Cubs, but he's been a pretty mediocre player for his entire career. Kaz would a huge upgrade over him.

That said, it will probably be a race between the Dodgers and Mariners to see who will have four Japanese born players on their roster next year. My money is on LA.
Re: Kaz Matsui at Second
[ Author: 1908 | Posted: Apr 16, 2003 9:40 PM | HT Fan ]

I would love to see Kazuo in Cubbie blue next year as well, and agree that he represents a huge upgrade over Alex Gonzalez. But, as much as it pains me to type this, the Giants are a better fit. Aurilia will be a free agent after this season, while A-Gon is signed through 2004. Dusty Baker did coin Matsui's nickname, though, so you never know...
Re: Kaz Matsui at Second
[ Author: Guest: Peggy | Posted: Apr 17, 2003 8:42 AM ]


Have you talked to Matsui. If not you don't know who he wants to play for. However I asked around and word is he wants to play on West Coast. Dodgers, Arizona, and Seattle are the ones he will probably pick from.
Re: Kaz Matsui at Second
[ Author: 1908 | Posted: Apr 17, 2003 9:50 AM | HT Fan ]

- However I asked around and word is he wants to play on West Coast. Dodgers, Arizona, and Seattle are the ones he will probably pick from.

Do you mind citing your source(s)? Where exactly is 'around'?
Re: Kaz Matsui at Second
[ Author: Akikazu | Posted: Apr 17, 2003 11:56 AM ]

Yeah, I would like to know where 'around' is too. Maybe it's some town in Nebraska.
Re: Kaz Matsui at Second
[ Author: Akikazu | Posted: Apr 17, 2003 11:52 AM ]

- Akikazu:

Have you talked to Matsui. If not you don't know who he wants to play for. However I asked around and word is he wants to play on West Coast. Dodgers, Arizona, and Seattle are the ones he will probably pick from.

Please do not put words in my mouth. I did not say Matsui said he did not want to play for the Mets. "I" said Matsui is not going to play for the Mets. That's my opinion. Big difference. I also said that I would love to see him on the Cubs or Giants and he will probably end up in LA. Again, that's my opinion. I never wrote that I know who Matsui wants to play for.

I am allowed to speculate and opinion, right? All that bad Mets baseball must have made you jumpy.
Re: Kaz Matsui at Second
[ Author: ochoa22 | Posted: Apr 17, 2003 11:22 PM ]

If the Mets get him, instead of moving Reyas to 2nd (Roberto Alomar is there), or trading Reyas, they should just trade Matsui for the help that they need at other positions.
Re: Kaz Matsui at Second
[ Author: Guest: Jim Albright | Posted: Apr 18, 2003 2:19 AM ]

Why in the world would Kaz Matsui sign with a team that would immediately trade him (quite possibly to somewhere he didn't want to go)? This scenario could make sense for the Mets, but no way does it make sense for Matsui, and since he's a free agent, I can't see him being willing to accept such shabby treatment.

Jim Albright
Re: Kaz Matsui at Second
[ Author: Guest: Jim Albright | Posted: Apr 18, 2003 2:48 AM ]

I should have realized that even more to the point than what Kaz might think of such a scheme, why would any team do that except to dump the contracts of players they didn't want anyway? Otherwise, they could go sign him directly. If the Mets want those kinds of players, they're often there for the taking, Matsui or no Matsui.

Jim Albright
Re: Kaz Matsui at Second
[ Author: InterestedAmericanObserver | Posted: Apr 18, 2003 3:25 AM ]

I'm a huge Mets' fan and know a lot about the system. Reyes is not overhyped. He has never repeated a level, and still hit .288 in A+ and AA as a nineteen year old. This year, he's hitting .305 with 13 stolen bases and 10 RBI in AAA, and he's still nineteen. Right now he is the best prospect in baseball (with Texeira, Matsui (who I never considered a prospect due to his experience) and Fopert in the MLB) and he should be up by June. He's young, cheap, and will stay that way for 6 whole years (until he's elligible to be a FA in the US).

Not only that, but he is an MLB ready fielder. Here's a conservative scouting report on him: []

Roberto Alomar is a FA at the end of the season and will not be returning to NY. Thus, the Mets may overpay Matsui so he is willing to play 2B. This is not an attack on his character, just the way MLB works.
Re: Kaz Matsui at Second
[ Author: Akikazu | Posted: Apr 18, 2003 4:17 PM ]

Well if anyone is going to overpay Matsui to play another position, it will probably be the Yankees. They have no 3rd baseman next year. Just imagine the marketing possibilities of Big and Little Matsui on the same team.
Re: Kaz Matsui at Second
[ Author: Guest: cyril | Posted: Apr 19, 2003 5:00 AM ]

It might make better sense for the Mets to switch Reyes to 2B, since Vaughn or Piazza, if he's moved over to 1B, are/would be terrible fielders at 1B.
Re: Kaz Matsui at Second
[ Author: Akikazu | Posted: Apr 18, 2003 3:44 AM ]

- If the Mets get him, instead of moving Reyas to 2nd (Roberto Alomar is there), or trading Reyas, they should just trade Matsui for the help that they need at other positions.

I think you are a little confused. Matsui is not being posted, he will be a free agent at the end of the season. You also do not sign someone to a free agent contract and than immediately trade him. Matsui will not sign with a team that doesn't want him.

Roberto Alomar will also be a free agent and will probably not be on the Mets next year. That is something he will have in common with Kazuo Matsui.
Re: Kaz Matsui at Second
[ Author: Guest: Gary Garland | Posted: Apr 18, 2003 11:37 PM ]

According to what I've seen, it is unlikely that Matsui will sign with anyone other than either Seattle or L.A. The Mariners are going to give Carlos Guillen the heave ho as soon as the ink on Matsui's contract is dry. And the same is true in L.A., where they need more production out of that spot.

Arizona has an outside shot, depending on how much money they have to spend. The San Diego thing is curious since that team can't afford him. In that case, it may be a public relations move, where they will talk about getting him to make fans think they are trying to do something to improve the club, but at the end of the day, they will claim that they didn't want to spend what L.A. or Seattle did for "someone with no major league experience."

You may also see the Angels get in on the Matsui sweepstakes if David Eckstine goes up in smoke this season. They need someone who gives them an in with the Japanese market and Matsui would do that.

As for the Cubs or Mets, while the Mets will throw all kinds of cash at him, that team is such a mess that the vibes around the club are going to drive him off, I think. Reyes appears to be the real deal to me, though if I had my druthers, I want a veteran (Matsui) at short. I like the Cubs a lot right now and Wrigley would be very very good to Matsui *lol. But I don't think that team is really on his radar.

Johjima would wreak havoc at Wrigley and he would become an instant hero there, but he wants a long term deal from Daiei and would rather finish his career in Japan, where he will go into the Hall of Fame. And you can pencil a 45-50 homer season in for him this year since he is even more focused at the plate and he is getting better defensively, as well as being the second best handler of pitchers in the PL (next to Tsutomu Itoh). I would love to see him replace Dan Wilson here in Seattle, but that isn't going to happen, unfortunately.

Boston with Iguchi? Intriguing! Boston and Daiei have a working relationship, so I think that if Boston wins the bidding, Iguchi would be favorably disposed to that. But they also need bullpen help and they may decide to spend their money on Akinori Otsuka or Shinji Mori instead, unless Texas, as is their habit, way overpays for either or both of them.
Re: Kaz Matsui at Second
[ Author: CFiJ | Posted: Apr 19, 2003 12:04 PM ]

- Johjima would wreak havoc at Wrigley and he would become an instant hero there, but he wants a long term deal from Daiei and would rather finish his career in Japan, where he will go into the Hall of Fame.

Well, I'm still hoping against hope that the Daiei owner and front office will tick him off like they did in the off-season. Come, Jojima, come to the Cubbies...
Re: Kaz Matsui at Second
[ Author: 1908 | Posted: Apr 20, 2003 3:16 AM | HT Fan ]

- I like the Cubs a lot right now and Wrigley would be very very good to Matsui *lol. But I don't think that team is really on his radar.

- Johjima would wreak havoc at Wrigley and he would become an instant hero there, but he wants a long term deal from Daiei and would rather finish his career in Japan, where he will go into the Hall of Fame.

Stop raining on my parade, Gary!
Re: Kaz Matsui at Second
[ Author: Guest: Wally McAlexander | Posted: Apr 22, 2003 2:04 PM ]

I agree with your opinion that Johjima's right-handed power would be huge in Wrigley. It appears that he will not have the option of coming to MLB until the 2006 season unless he is posted.
Re: Kaz Matsui at Second
[ Author: Guest: ddemps | Posted: Apr 19, 2003 7:27 AM ]

As a Mets fan I can see the Mets signing Mastsui for a bit more money then he's going to get anywhere else and plugging him in at short. Not only have they been hot for him, but they are also competing with the Yanks and need a Japanese star to counteract Big Matsui and the Giant/Yankee YES deal.

Reyes is a gifted defensive player and could take over second as early as this year if the Mets do in fact tank and trade Alomar before the deadline. In any event Alomar won't be back, and I think the Mets will do everything and anything to get little Matsui. Him and Reyes together in the field and the top of the lineup would be quite a coup as they have similar abilities (speed and D).
Re: Kaz Matsui at Second
[ Author: InterestedAmericanObserver | Posted: Apr 19, 2003 11:34 AM ]

Don't sell Reyes short. The thing is, if the Mets don't get Matsui, they could get a Luis Castillo, who is also a FA and has similar capabilities (although I'm sure Matsui is more talented). The Mets also have a decent 2B prospect in Daniel Garcia. It really depends on how they do this year; they may begin a rebuilding effort if they arent in it till the end.
Re: Kaz Matsui at Second
[ Author: Cubs_Fan | Posted: Apr 19, 2003 1:48 PM ]

Hello, new to these boards. I'm interested in getting some info on Kaz Matsui.

I can tell you that Damien Miller will be the Cubs catcher, this year and beyond. Cubs love his ability to work a game and communicate with the young pups we have in our staff. Very good defensively and decent with the stick (in comparing him with the other MLB starting catchers).

I don't foresee the Cubs being a major player at all with Matsui, or especially this catcher to which you speak of. Though it'd be awesome to get our hands on Matsui.

I think the most likely destinations for Matsui would be: Seattle, LA, or the Mets (I believe Mets' coach Art Howe led the MLB all-stars in Japan and loved what he saw of Kaz).

If you want my preliminary guess, I will say he ends up in LA in a bidding war with Seattle. Carlos Guillen may be average -- but he's gold compared to what they have in LA currently.
Miller versus Johjima
[ Author: 1908 | Posted: Apr 20, 2003 3:08 AM | HT Fan ]

- I can tell you that Damien Miller will be the Cubs catcher, this year and beyond. Cubs love his ability to work a game and communicate with the young pups we have in our staff. Very good defensively and decent with the stick (in comparing him with the other MLB starting catchers).

Beyond till when? I've been impressed with Miller so far, but catchers usually start losing their skills pretty quickly after age 35 and Damien's 33. Probably why the Cubs only signed him to a 2-year deal. Johjima, the Japanese catcher we've mentioned, is 26.

I agree it's unlikely the Cubs will sign Johjima -- although they did sign a Japanese catcher, Takaai Kato, out of the Japanese industrial league back in 1998 -- but Miller is not the long term answer behind the plate.
Re: Kaz Matsui at Second
[ Author: Guest: LongGone | Posted: Apr 24, 2003 11:07 PM ]

Many of you guys have Kaz going to New York and players moving around. I agree with you but I think you have the wrong team and the wrong player moving. I think the evil empire picks up Kaz to expand it's empire. The Yankees can afford to overpay any great Japanese player. Anything they pay a player from Japan they more than double there investment in YES ratings in Japan. Oh, and by the way, the team is also better.

It's almost time for Jeter to move to 3rd base anyway. Why not do it sooner than later, opening a nice hole at short for Kaz? I don't see Drew Henson in Yankee pinstripes anytime soon.

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Michael Westbay
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