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Top Players Ranked

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Top Players Ranked
I'm about as new to Japanese baseball as you can get but I've followed MLB my entire life. I ran across this site by sheer accident, but after looking it over, I thought it might be fun to learn about and follow another league where the headlines aren't dominated by either Bonds or steroids. However, I haven't the slightest clue who is who. Could someone give me their opinion on who are the top 10 position players and the top 10 pitchers? Thanks!
Re: Top Players Ranked
[ Author: Guest: npb over mlb | Posted: Apr 13, 2006 3:15 PM ]

Here are some of the Notable pitchers you should know.
No Real Order.

Starting pitchers
9Tsuyoshi Wada
11 Nishiguchi
12 Nao Shimizu
13 Wakui

1 Toyoda
2 H.Ishii
3 Kobayashi
4 Iwase
5 Mahara
6 Michael Nakamura
7 Onodera
Re: Top Players Ranked
[ Author: Christopher | Posted: Apr 13, 2006 6:06 PM | HAN Fan ]

Position players

Kanemoto - Tigers OF World record holder for number of consecutive games played without missing an innings.
Akahoshi - Tigers OF
Toritani - Tigers SS
Matsunaka - Hawks DH
Fukudome - Dragons OF
Ibata - Dragons SS
Aoki - Swallows OF
Kokubo - Giants IF
Kosaka - Giants IF

Many others but these represent the cream
Re: Top Players Ranked
[ Author: Guest: npb over mlb | Posted: Apr 13, 2006 8:41 PM ]

Here are some guys that use to play in the MLB

Kaz Ishii
Shingo Takatsu
Masao Kida
Nori Nakamura
Tsuyoshi Shinjo

Re: Top Players Ranked
[ Author: Guest: John Brooks | Posted: Apr 13, 2006 10:31 PM ]

There's also:

Akinori Iwamura- Swallows
Shinnosuke Abe- Giants
Makoto Imaoka- Hanshin

Plus, I wouldn't say Micheal Nakamura is yet a top player. Give him some time and he could develop. Plus, how could we forget Imaoka, he only drove in 147 RBI's last year? Not to mention put up big numbers the last 4 years.

Plus, Kazuhiro Kiyohara of the Orix Buffaloes and Kimiyasu Kudoh of the Yomiuri Giants but still are some of the most famous NPB players playing right now.
Re: Top Players Ranked
[ Author: Guest | Posted: Apr 14, 2006 3:51 PM ]

Also, a good way to get really familiar with some players quickly is to watch as many games as you can on the Internet. They're free of charge (unlike greedy MLB) and you'll develop a few of your own favorite players to follow as well.

If you're on the US West Coast you can usually catch a weekend game starting at 9PM (Pacific).

If you can't watch, check out this site, Borisov's, and JapanBaseballDaily as often as possible.
Re: Live Internet Broadcasts
[ Author: Guest: John Brooks | Posted: Apr 14, 2006 9:18 PM ]

On top of that last post, the Hawks and Eagles are broadcasting there games over the internet.

The Chiba Lotte Marines are also doing it, but you have to sign up via a page filling out personal information with a Japanese address, and the interest host USEN is blocking it out from people in the United States, right now the Marines are trying to get it so people outside of Japan can see them.

The Hanshin Tigers are also doing it, but they're making you pay for it. There charging about 4,500 yen($40) for the broadcasts which is pure pathetic.

Hanshin Tigers Live
Re: Live Internet Broadcasts
[ Author: holygoat | Posted: Apr 17, 2006 2:04 PM | HT Fan ]

Is that $40 per game or for the entire season?
Re: Live Internet Broadcasts
[ Author: Guest: npb over mlb | Posted: Apr 17, 2006 2:36 PM ]

Re: Live Internet Broadcasts
[ Author: mijow | Posted: Apr 17, 2006 3:26 PM | HT Fan ]

$40 for the season doesn't sound too bad. If that's every (home?) game.
Re: Live Internet Broadcasts
[ Author: holygoat | Posted: Apr 18, 2006 3:02 PM | HT Fan ]

It looks like home games only, and no Giants games. Is that 315 Yen option next to it a per game option, or is it an audio-only option? If it's a single-game video feed, that's would be sweet, as there are only a few games I could actually catch live. Are non-Japanese IPs able to sign up for this?
Re: Live Internet Broadcasts
[ Author: BigManZam | Posted: Apr 18, 2006 3:47 PM | CLM Fan ]

Yes, that is single game. Yes, everyone can watch. I signed up for it last year and did the same this year. I gotta be able to watch Central League games.
Re: Live Internet Broadcasts
[ Author: mvk20! | Posted: Apr 18, 2006 10:50 PM | YG Fan ]

I'll throw out there the option of the Giants highlights that are free of charge if you're looking to follow Central League action - you don't have to catch them live, and it's a good two to three minutes of the best from each game - not just the Giants plays, but the opposition as well. Couple that with the box scores from the Borisov site (see left) and you've got a good idea of how the game went down, for free, and on your own schedule. Oh, it's for Giants home games only.

Giants Highlights

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Michael Westbay
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