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Foreign Name in All Japan Line-Up

Discussion in the Amateur Ball forum
Foreign Name in All Japan Line-Up
The line up for the All Japan Team features a bit of a different twist. It has one name that is easy to spell. Robert Boothe, a senior and right handed pitcher at Asia University was named to the Japan team that will participate in the World Port Tournament in Rotterdam. The U.S. team from the Japan/U.S. series, Cuba, Netherlands National Teams, and Chinese Taipei will also participate in the ten day tourney at Neptunus Stadium. Japan plays Team USA the opening day and Cuba the second day. Tough start! The Japan team was selected as All Stars from the Touto University League:

The Japan team as announced is (sorry, it's still in Japanese only):
位置  背番号 氏名       学年 大学名  投打
     15 ロバート・ブース  4   亜大  右右
     19 小林 堅司     4   青学大 右右
     18 村松 伸哉     1   國学大 右右
     11 河原井 章太    4   東洋大 右右
     17 海田 智行     2   駒大  左左
     21 土本 恭平     4   専大  右右
     20 十亀 剣      2   日大  右右
     16 三森 祥平     2   国士大 右右
     14 岩本 祐介     4   立正大 左左
     22 小池 翔大     1   青学大 右右
     25 大野 奨太     3   東洋大 右右
     23 山田 将斗     4   駒大  右右
     3 中田 亮二      2   亜大  右左
     5 高島 毅       3   青学大 右右
     1 藤田 敏行      4   東洋大 右右
     6 榊原 浩司      4   駒大  右左
     2 馬場 強司      3   専大  右右
    10 下野 祐輝      4   東農大 右右
    29 岡山 真澄      2   中大  右右
    26 山田 晃典      3   専大  右左
     7 岩本 貴裕      3   亜大  左左
     8 清田 育宏      4   東洋大 右右
     9 関 将文       4   國學大 右右
    24 聖澤 諒       4   國學大 右左
Re: Foreign Name in All Japan Line-Up
[ Author: grejii | Posted: Jul 21, 2007 12:43 PM ]

The Touto League just made the official announcement for the Japan team today on their home page (in Japanese).

There is one change from the previous post. Muramatsu, the MVP of the recent 36th Japan/USA Collegiate Series, which Japan won, was replaced by Hiroshi Takahashi from the same University. Muramatsu, a freshman at Kokugakuin, apparently had scholastic tests for mid-terms and opted not to go. At least, that is what they are saying.

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It is my sincere hope that once you learn a bit about what we're about here that you will join the community of contributors.

Michael Westbay
(aka westbaystars)

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