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Poll: Rakuten or Livedoor?

Discussion in the NPB News forum
Poll: Rakuten or Livedoor?
The agreement of NPB execs and the Players Association have agreed to having an entry team to compensate for the merger. Two teams are competing already (before they are in), for that one spot. Question is Horie, or Rakuten? I say Horie. He has tried to avert this, but the Kintetsu old guards were too feeble to just let go. But that's my opinion.

Lucky 7

All for now.
Re: Poll: Rakuten or Livedoor?
[ Author: westbaystars | Posted: Sep 24, 2004 8:50 PM | YBS Fan ]

This is a more difficult question than it looks. I'm pulling for Horie as he was the first to step up and voice his desire to buy the Buffaloes and keep them in Osaka for the fans. He's worked hard at getting everything together that the owners have been saying that he doesn't have. He's taken a lot of hits from the owners, Watanabe in particular, rolled with the punches, and has held on. Horie is as much a hero in getting people motivated to voice their opinions to the owners as Furuta. He's been part of this movement throughout.

Rakuten's owner (can't remember his name off hand) became a more recent entry to bid for an NPB spot. In the eyes of the NPB owners, he probably carries more clout than Horie because (1) he already owns a professional team (in J-League), and (2) Rakuten's profit margin is higher than Livedoor's (according to a recent Nikkan Sports article).

There are two other possiblities still. Shidax may still make a bid for next season, and is modeled most like the current group of owning companies. I'm sure that the current group of owners would much rather have someone more like Shidax than a bunch of young Cyber entrepreneurs.

Speaking of Cyber entrepreneurs, the other condener is another Internet-made millionaire. He runs a net-based advertisement agency called "Cyber Agent" (I think). There has been little to no information on this guy's plan for building a team, so I don't give this bid much of a chance.
Re: Poll: Rakuten or Livedoor?
[ Author: Guest: Tigers Baka | Posted: Sep 24, 2004 11:47 PM ]

I have a limited understanding of the financial position of both companies. I think I recall reading Rakuten is in a stronger financial position, but I like the way Horie lead the charge to save the Buffs and the way he endeared himself to the fans. If he can meet the minimum criteria set by NPB for entering a new team, I'd like to see Livedoor get it on a "first-in" basis!
Re: Poll: Rakuten or Livedoor?
[ Author: mijow | Posted: Sep 25, 2004 1:05 AM | HT Fan ]

I'm wondering if these entrepreneurs couldn't pool their resources, form a consortium, and show the dinosaurs a thing or two about running an efficient organization. Or perhaps they're too independent by nature and wouldn't want to cooperate.

I think there's little chance of both LiveDoor and Rakuten getting the nod, but a joint effort would surely answer any lingering doubts about financial strength of the new team and be a virtual shoo-in.

Just a thought.
Re: Poll: Rakuten or Livedoor?
[ Author: LUCKY 7 | Posted: Sep 25, 2004 4:27 AM | HT Fan ]

I can't remember either. I have heard of Shidax, but I think they came out and said "Just rumors. But Maybe." Horie has great ideas for the Sendai(?). Like giving fans shares and more clout and power. This can prevent mergers and moving (just like my home town team, the Expos). I would love to have the Expos openly traded on TSX, so they won't move.


All for now.
Re: Poll: Rakuten or Livedoor?
[ Author: Guest: John Brooks | Posted: Sep 25, 2004 10:02 AM ]

- Horie has great ideas for the Sendai(?). Like giving fans shares and more clout and power. This can prevent mergers and moving [...].

Giving the fans shares of the team has to be the best idea I've heard of late. The less the NPB has of the normal owners and the normal person the better it might be, who knows? It gives the fans more say in the daily operation of professional teams. Though, this incident has the ability to change the NPB for the better.

- I would love to have the Expos openly traded on TSX, so they won't move.

This would have changed the fact there were no fans going to Montreal's games. Olympic Stadium is empty day in and day out. Plus, it's not good for the professional sports team to be directly traded on the stock exchange, it's better for the parent company that owns the team to be traded on the stock exchange.
Re: Poll: Rakuten or Livedoor?
[ Author: Guest: John Brooks | Posted: Sep 25, 2004 8:40 AM ]

I say allow them both, put Rakuten in the Hyogo Prefecture, put the Orix-Kintestu team in Osaka, and the Livedoor team in Sendai. Put them both in the Central League.
Re: Poll: Rakuten or Livedoor?
[ Author: westbaystars | Posted: Sep 25, 2004 9:48 AM | YBS Fan ]

Mikitani-president (Hiroshi Mikitani, president of Rakuten) announced that he has either former Giant manager Hara or Japan Olympic substitute manger Nakahata as manager for his entry to NPB. So, while he's a late comer compared to Horie, he isn't just sitting around and watching. Although I think he is watching Horie-president closely and following his lead. That's the impression I have. There's an advantage to being second.

Like some of you, some of the announcers have been pitting Livedoor against Rakuten as though they are rival companies when that isn't really so. Yes, they're both Internet companies, but their focus is in two very different directions: blogging and shopping respectively. I don't recall hearing a spiteful word against the other by either of these presidents, and cooperation may be possible. But only one can be the "owner," as only one can own 51% of stock in a combined company.

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Michael Westbay
(aka westbaystars)

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