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Upcoming Labor Dispute

Discussion in the NPB News forum
Upcoming Labor Dispute
Last week, after the owners' meeting, a reporter passed on a message to Giants' owner and defacto commissioner, Watanabe, from the Player's Union Chairman Furuta. Furuta mentioned to the reporter that he wanted to meet with Watanabe. When Watanabe was given this message he reportedly went ballistic. According to my wife's translation of the paper, Watanabe said that it was beneath him to meet with any of the players and the players need to know their place. He also said that the current players' contract says nothing about the owners having to meet with the players.

This outburst by Watanabe did not suprise me much. This is the man that is single handedly destroying baseball and sumo in Japan. My wife works for the Japanese Trade Union Confederation (Rengo). She said that when the President of Rengo found out about Watanabe's comments, he had his own tantrum. Watanabe's comments about not meeting with the Players' Union is basically illegal. If the players want to meet with him, under Japanese labor laws, he has to.

Watanabe is currently the Chairman of the owners' committee. Sometime in the next few weeks, the president of Rengo and Furuta are going to meet in order to dicuss how Rengo may be of service to the Players' Union.

Question: Why haven't the English newspapers picked up on this? According to my wife, it has been widely reported in the Japanese language papers.

Last comment. I have never liked Yoshinobu Takahashi as a player, but I have a lot of respect for the man after his comments about a possible strike while playing for the team owned by "The Man." It takes a big pair to do that.
Re: Upcoming Labor Dispute
[ Author: matteo | Posted: Jul 14, 2004 11:50 PM ]

Well, I agree with what you are staying, but I can see why Watanabe-san went ballistic. From a gaijin point of view it might seems outrageous, however from a Japanese point of view, where the ranking system applies, I understand why he acted so.

The answer to your question, I think that, is that the English papers in Japan are still very Japanese, and to upset the jougeikankei would cause too many problems.
Re: Upcoming Labor Dispute
[ Author: Guest: Shawn Barva | Posted: Jul 16, 2004 5:55 AM ]

Sorry to disagree with you Matteo. This is not just from a gaijin point of view. My wife is Japanese and she finds Watanabe's behavior very disturbing. This is not about ranking, but with Watanabe's obvious greed and self interest. If this ranking system is still the norm, why would there be such backlash against Watanabe's comments by other Japanese?

I am happy to say that this is not from an ethnocentric point of view. This, in the end, is about the rule of law. If Watanabe cannot follow the rules, he needs to step down. In his selfishness, he has for years changed the rules to benefit only his interest and that has gotten Japanese Baseball into the dysfunctional state that it is today.

I read today that the ownership of the Hanshin Tigers have come out against the merger plans and they have set up meetings with the other Central League teams (minus the Giants) to talk about the future of baseball.
Re: Upcoming Labor Dispute
[ Author: matteo | Posted: Jul 16, 2004 10:20 AM ]

Shawn-san, I agree with what you're saying. I, too, believe he should step down. I was just offering a reason why it may be not in the English papers.

Sorry about the spelling mistake: jougekankei not jougeikankei.

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