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2004 All Star Game 1

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2004 All Star Game 1
Tonight is the start of the 2004 All Star Series. The game tonight will be at Nagoya Dome starting at about 6:15 JST. (They always start these late, so my guess is that the first pitch will be between 6:20 and 6:25.) I'll open the live chat early, but won't make any guarantees that I'll be there at the start of the action. (Anyone else is welcome to give commentary.) Hey, maybe you'll get the feel for how games are broadcast here - starting in the third inning!

See you this evening.
Re: 2004 All Star Game 1
[ Author: westbaystars | Posted: Jul 10, 2004 9:25 PM | YBS Fan ]

I did manage to get back in time this evening. And had a volunteer (thanks jballfan) who had started with the pre-game home run contest.

Well, read on for the first of the two games for this year's All Star Series.

TRANSCRIPT generated on: 2004/07/10 21:15
CHATROOM: 2004 All Star Series/Game 1
MODERATORS: westbaystars

15:05: westbaystars: It's just after 3:00 in the afternoon here in Yokohama and I'm heading out to help setup for this evening's events.
15:05: westbaystars: I'll start reporting once I get back.
15:06: westbaystars: I hope to see a helpful volunteer pick up the play-by-play while I'm gone.
15:06: westbaystars: See you all later.
18:00: jballfan: wow
18:00: jballfan: just in time
18:01: jballfan: I'll get you the starting lineup as soon as they announce it
18:01: jballfan: wow...they're ready for the homerun contest (i think)
18:01: jballfan: and they're introducing the likes of ralph bryant and hanshin great Randy Bas
18:01: jballfan: Bass
18:02: jballfan: first match-up: Enatsu Yutaka vs Takahsahi Yoshinobu
18:02: jballfan: Takahashi fouls first pitch
18:03: jballfan: pops second one to shallow right
18:03: jballfan: swings and misses third pitch
18:03: jballfan: 5th one popup to 3rd base
18:04: jballfan: Nakamura 1st pitch hits a line drive to center
18:04: jballfan: four pitch missed homer by 2 meters....right field
18:04: jballfan: Nakamura 2nd pitch homer
18:04: jballfan: 3rd, infield out
18:04: jballfan: 4th pitch, homerun
18:05: jballfan: 5th...popup to center
18:05: jballfan: Fukudome vs Jojima
18:05: jballfan: Fukudome pops up to center first pitch
18:06: jballfan: Fukudome pops up to catcher on third pitch
18:07: jballfan: Fukudome hits a HUGE foul to right for second pitch
18:07: jballfan: Jojima fouls
18:07: jballfan: sorry, I've been trying to keep up with the commentary, and I am keeping up, but the site is workin slowly for some reas
18:07: jballfan: reason.
18:08: jballfan: I know its not a problem from my side, as I have a DSL connection.
18:08: jballfan: I'll do my best to get in the importance stuff in until Westbay-San gets here.
18:08: jballfan: Although I don't know why I'm writing this...cause nobody else is here
18:09: jballfan: now Randy Bass and Bryant will take part in a HR contest
18:09: jballfan: first up, Randy
18:10: jballfan: first pitch, he looks at the strike, second and third pitch, infield fly
18:10: jballfan: he doesn't hit a HR in the next two pitches
18:10: jballfan: Bryant fouls first one
18:10: jballfan: line drive to right
18:11: jballfan: line drive to right
18:12: jballfan: the PL beat the CL 2-0 in the HR contest
18:12: jballfan: PL beats the CL 2-0 in the HR contest
18:13: jballfan: that must have been the least exciting HR contest I've seen...ever! NPB or MLB
18:14: westbaystars: I just got home. Looks like I made it in time.
18:14: jballfan: sorry for the messed up commentary
18:17: westbaystars: Not a problem.
18:17: westbaystars: Looks like you took care of the pre-game show.
18:18: westbaystars: I appriciate you coming in to fill in for me at such short notice.
18:19: jball_fan: no problem
18:20: jball_fan: no problem
18:20: westbaystars: ---
18:20: westbaystars: Top of First
18:20: westbaystars: ---
18:20: westbaystars: Shinjyo fouls off the first pitch by a kid, I didn't catch his name.
18:21: westbaystars: Aren't the players supposed to swing and miss? For safety reasons?
18:21: westbaystars: Chunichi's Yamamoto takes the mound for the Central League.
18:21: jball_fan: I thought the all star seclection was pretty good, altho I dont understand why Seinoul was left off
18:22: westbaystars: The first batter he'll face is former Hanshin Tiger and MLBer, Nippon Ham's Shinjyo.
18:22: westbaystars: Shinjyo hits the first pitch deep, but foul.
18:22: jball_fan: yea, Shinjo's known to do things out of the norm
18:23: westbaystars: Yes, Seguinol should be here. I hadn't noticed that he was missing.
18:24: westbaystars: With all the merger talks, I've missed a lot of other topics of late.
18:24: westbaystars: It takes me a long time to read some of these more management-oriented articles.
18:25: westbaystars: Shinjyo swings and misses a 2-2 pitch to strike out.
18:25: westbaystars: Just before throwing the ball, Yamamoto had a big grin on his face.
18:26: westbaystars: Did he think it would be funny to strike him out with a change-up?
18:26: westbaystars: Shinjyo's team mate, Ogasawara, comes up next.
18:28: westbaystars: Yamamoto, after being ahead in the count 2 strikes, 1 ball, brings the count full before...
18:28: westbaystars: ... strikeing Ogasawara out swinging on a pitch down the middle.
18:28: westbaystars: Two consecutive strike outs.
18:28: jball_fan: Haha, maybe, but the pitch looked more like a slider
18:28: westbaystars: Seibu's Wada comes up batting third.
18:30: westbaystars: After getting two quick strikes on Wada, Yamamoto got Wada to ground a weak grounder back to him ...
18:30: westbaystars: ... the pitch on the outside part of the plate.
18:30: westbaystars: The toss to first ended the inning.
18:30: westbaystars: It's been a perfect inning for Yamamoto against the Pacific League.
18:30: westbaystars: ---
18:30: westbaystars: Bottom of First
18:30: westbaystars: ---
18:31: jball_fan: perfect way for the Chunichi veteran to start off the game at home
18:32: westbaystars: Buffaloe Ace Iwakuma starts against the Central League's Imaoka.
18:32: westbaystars: Imaoka grounds Iwakuma's first pitch to the left side, and is thrown out.
18:32: westbaystars: One pitch, one out.
18:32: westbaystars: Next up is Chunichi's Tatsunami, playing at home at Nagoya Dome.
18:33: westbaystars: Tatsunami hits a slicer up the left field line, and it just lands fair in the left field corner!
18:34: jball_fan: oh yea, Iwakuma, me and my friends call him the "crazy kid"...
18:34: westbaystars: I don't think that Tatsunami thought it would stay fair, because he had to turn on the gas around first to make it ...
18:34: westbaystars: ... to second.
18:34: westbaystars: The Giants' Rhodes bats third, facing his former team mate.
18:35: westbaystars: Why "crazy kid"? He seems pretty straight forward.
18:35: westbaystars: "Boy next door" kind of aura.
18:36: westbaystars: Iwakuma strikes Rhodes out on four pitches, a ball low and inside.
18:36: westbaystars: Johjima throws to second, but Tatsunami gets back in time.
18:36: westbaystars: Home town nubmer four batter, Dragons' Fukudome comes up next.
18:37: jball_fan: yea, thats true, but his stats are what we are referring to by "crazy"
18:38: westbaystars: 97 strike outs to 22 walks. Yea, that's crazy.
18:39: jball_fan: the hometown heroes are off to a good start
18:39: jball_fan: Fukudome doubles home Tatsunami
18:39: westbaystars: Fukudome lines the ball over the jumping second baseman's head and into the right-center gap!
18:40: westbaystars: Central League takes a 1-0 lead.
18:40: westbaystars: Kanemoto (Hanshin) stands in next.
18:40: jball_fan: Hanshin's "aniki" Kanemoto up to bat
18:42: westbaystars: Iwakuma gets Kanemoto swing to retire the side.
18:42: westbaystars: But not before a pair of Dragon doubles put the Central League on top 1-0.
18:42: westbaystars: ---
18:42: westbaystars: Top of Second
18:42: westbaystars: ---
18:44: westbaystars: Daiei's Matsunaka leads off the Pacific League half of the second.
18:45: westbaystars: Matsunaka hit the ball deep.
18:45: jball_fan: here comes the REAL offense...Matsunaka and Jojima of the Hawks
18:45: westbaystars: Going, going, haittaaaaaa!
18:45: westbaystars: Matsunaka ties the ball game with a lead-off solo home run to left.
18:46: westbaystars: Johjima is up.
18:48: westbaystars: He grounds the ball to second for the first out of the inning.
18:49: westbaystars: Daiei's Zuleta bats sixth.
18:49: westbaystars: With Iguchi to follow, it looks like we have four Hawks in a row from #4 to #7.
18:50: westbaystars: Zuleta lifts a high fly ball.
18:51: westbaystars: It takes forever to come down, but when it does, the first baseman, Arias, calls it for the out.
18:51: westbaystars: Next up is Daiei's Iguchi, the fourth Hawk in a row.
18:52: westbaystars: Yamamoto's lost his control and throws three straight balls to Iguchi.
18:52: westbaystars: The next pitch is down the middle and swung on and lifted to center.
18:52: westbaystars: But well within Rhodes' range, just a shade toward right field.
18:53: westbaystars: Rhodes pulls the ball in and retires the side.
18:53: westbaystars: But the first Hawk of the inning hit a game tying home run to even things at 1-1.
18:53: westbaystars: ---
18:53: westbaystars: Bottom of Second
18:53: westbaystars: ---
18:55: westbaystars: The Giants' Takahashi Yoshinobu leads off the Central Second.
18:55: westbaystars: Furuta, in the third base coache's box, is imitating Takahashi's step.
18:56: westbaystars: Yoshinobu reaches out and knocks a base hit through the left side of the infield to give the Centrral League a ...
18:56: westbaystars: ... lead off base runner.
18:57: westbaystars: That brings up Hanshin's Arias.
18:57: westbaystars: He lifts the ball deeeeeeeep to left.
18:57: westbaystars: But just left of the foul poll in the upper deck.
18:58: westbaystars: But in the end, he lifts a high fly ball that first baseman Matsunaka calls and takes in.
18:58: westbaystars: Hanshin's Yano bats next.
19:00: westbaystars: Count goes full.
19:00: westbaystars: Yano check swings on ball four, and the first baseman rings him up for going too far.
19:01: westbaystars: That makes it two outs with a runner at first.
19:01: westbaystars: The Giants' Nioka is next.
19:02: westbaystars: And he takes stright three down the middle and at the knees.
19:02: westbaystars: Beautiful pitch.
19:02: westbaystars: That retires the Central League in order.
19:02: westbaystars: At the end of two complete, the game is tied 1-1.
19:02: westbaystars: ---
19:02: westbaystars: Top of Third
19:02: westbaystars: ---
19:04: westbaystars: Yokohama's Miura Daisuke takes the mound for the Central Legue.
19:05: westbaystars: He'll face Seibu's Nakajima in the #8 spot in the order.
19:05: westbaystars: Nakajima slaps a ball over the right side of the infield for a base hit.
19:06: westbaystars: The Pacific League has their lead-off man aboard.
19:06: westbaystars: Orix' Tani stands in next.
19:06: westbaystars: And on the second pitch, Nakajima takes off for second without a throw.
19:06: westbaystars: I don't think Miura was paying him any attention.
19:07: westbaystars: A couple pitches later, Tani lifts a fly ball deep to right.
19:07: westbaystars: Nakajima toutches up and breaks for third.
19:08: westbaystars: The throw in is not in time.
19:08: westbaystars: That puts a runner at third for top batting Shinjyo.
19:10: westbaystars: With the count full, Shinjo (that's how he spells it now) fouls a couple balls back.
19:10: westbaystars: The eighth offering from Miura is swung on and missed, strike three.
19:10: westbaystars: That sends Shinjo back on strikes for the second time this evening.
19:11: westbaystars: Ogasawara stands in next.
19:12: westbaystars: Miura throws a blooper for a ball to bring the count full.
19:12: westbaystars: After fouling one off, Ogasawara goes down swinging on a pitch inside and low.
19:13: westbaystars: Isn't that where Yamamoto got him?
19:13: westbaystars: Nonetheless, the Pacific League got a runner as far as third.
19:13: westbaystars: But no further.
19:13: westbaystars: ---
19:13: westbaystars: Bottom of Third
19:13: westbaystars: ---
19:14: westbaystars: Seibu's Matsuzaka Daisuke takes over for the Pacific League.
19:15: westbaystars: The first batter he faces is Hanshin's Imaoka, the top of the Central League order.
19:16: westbaystars: Matsuzaka gets Imaoka looking at strike three.
19:16: westbaystars: That was after throwing the fastest pitch of the evening, 153 kph.
19:17: westbaystars: Tatsunami stands in next.
19:18: westbaystars: And he walks on five pitches to put a runner on with Rhodes coming to the plate.
19:20: westbaystars: And Matsuzaka fools Rhodes with a stright on the outside part of the plate that Rhodes couldn't reach.
19:20: westbaystars: That makes two outs.
19:20: westbaystars: Fukudome stands in next.
19:21: westbaystars: Fukudome lifts that ball high to center, but not deep.
19:21: westbaystars: Shinjo comes in a little, catches the ball, and the side is retired in order.
19:21: westbaystars: At the end of three complete, the score remains 1-1.
19:21: westbaystars: ---
19:21: westbaystars: Top of Fourth
19:21: westbaystars: ---
19:24: westbaystars: I was away getting some water. What happened with the first batter?
19:25: westbaystars: Matsunaka grounds to first, the toss from Arias to the covering Miura is the second out of the inning.
19:25: westbaystars: That brings up Johjima.
19:25: westbaystars: He lifts the ball deep to left center.
19:26: westbaystars: There's nothing the outfield can do but turn and watch this one go.
19:26: jball_fan: sorry, i wasnt paying attention either
19:26: westbaystars: Johjima jogs around the bases and Daiei's two home runs put the Pacific League up 2-1.
19:26: jball_fan: oh now i remember, Wada flied out to left
19:26: jball_fan: yup, that's one each for the Daiei sluggers
19:27: westbaystars: They seem to take less time between innings than usual.
19:27: westbaystars: Zuleta follows lining the ball to Fukudome in right, and the side is retired.
19:28: westbaystars: But not before the Pacific League took a 2-1 lead on Johjima's deep solo home run to left-center.
19:28: westbaystars: ---
19:28: westbaystars: Bottom of Fourth
19:28: westbaystars: ---
19:29: westbaystars: The Central Legaue starts from #5 batting Kanemoto.
19:30: westbaystars: Matsuzaka hits 155 kph as Kanemoto fouls it off for strike two.
19:30: westbaystars: The next pitch, a fork, is watched for strike three.
19:30: westbaystars: Matsuzaka strikes Kanemoto out on three pitches.
19:31: westbaystars: Next up is Takahashi Yoshinobu.
19:31: westbaystars: Takahashi smiles nervously watching another 155 kph pitch go by, this one outside and high.
19:32: westbaystars: Matsuzaka looks like he's trying to throw harder, but he's losing his control in doing it.
19:32: westbaystars: But not to the point that he can't fool Takahashi, getting him swinging late at a ball outside.
19:32: westbaystars: That's two strike outs in a rwo.
19:32: westbaystars: Arias stands in next.
19:33: westbaystars: Arias lifts the ball back to the backstop.
19:34: westbaystars: Johjima goes back, and lunging at the last second to his left, makes the catch in front of the back net.
19:34: westbaystars: Matsuzaka shuts the Central League down in order.
19:34: westbaystars: At the end of four complete, the Pacific League leads 2-1.
19:34: westbaystars: ---
19:34: westbaystars: Top of Fifth
19:35: westbaystars: ---
19:36: westbaystars: In to pitch for the Central League is the Dragons' ace Kawakami.
19:37: westbaystars: Shima also comes in defensively in left for Kanemoto.
19:37: westbaystars: Iguchi grounds out to short for the first out.
19:38: westbaystars: That brings up Seibu's Nakajima.
19:39: westbaystars: Kawakami gets Nakajima looking at strike three on the outside corner.
19:39: westbaystars: That's two quick outs.
19:39: westbaystars: Tani (Orix) stands in next.
19:40: westbaystars: Kawakami hit's his max of 145 kph the pitch before striking Tani out swinging.
19:40: westbaystars: Kawakami had no problems with the bottom of the Pacific League order.
19:41: westbaystars: ---
19:41: westbaystars: Bottom of Fifth
19:42: westbaystars: ---
19:43: westbaystars: In to pitch for the Pacific League is Lotte's Watanabe.
19:43: westbaystars: Iwamura (Swallows) will pinch hit (I think) for Yano.
19:44: westbaystars: Watanabe is the pitcher who throws underhand.
19:44: westbaystars: Iwamura figures him out and lines a base hit to center.
19:45: westbaystars: Wow, he gets down just centemeters from the ground to release the ball.
19:45: westbaystars: That brings up the Giants's Nioka.
19:45: westbaystars: Nioka lines Watanabe's first pitch to Nakajima at short.
19:45: westbaystars: Iwamura didn't get far from first.
19:46: westbaystars: Back to the top of the Central League order in Imaoka.
19:46: jball_fan: didnt get to see the hit, but makes me happy to see that a Swallow is finally in the game
19:47: westbaystars: After working the count full, Imaoka swings late a pitch down the middle.
19:47: westbaystars: Strike three.
19:47: westbaystars: That makes two down with a runner at first.
19:47: westbaystars: Tatsunami comes to the plate.
19:49: westbaystars: Watanabe gets the Central League's leading hitter swinging at a pitch high and tight.
19:49: westbaystars: That retires the side.
19:49: westbaystars: After five complete, the Pacific League continues to lead the Central League 2-1.
19:49: westbaystars: ---
19:49: westbaystars: Top of Sixth
19:49: westbaystars: ---
19:53: westbaystars: For the half-time show, they're having a special cerimony for two new entries to the Hall of Fame.
19:54: westbaystars: The first is former Taiyo Whale pitcher Akiyama.
19:55: westbaystars: He was a side arm pitcher who threw in all four Nihon Series game for the 1960 Whales.
19:55: westbaystars: He also won both games of double headers five times.
19:55: westbaystars: The other inductee is Ichiro's former manager Ohgi.
19:57: westbaystars: Ohgi was also the Buffaloes' manager when Nomo was drafted to them.
19:59: westbaystars: Now the players leave their lines up the middle of the field and throw signed balls into the stands.
20:01: MHStevie: Greetings!
20:02: westbaystars: Good evening.
20:02: westbaystars: We're at a pause in the action.
20:02: westbaystars: Actually, a new battery just entered the game.
20:03: westbaystars: Gants's Uehara and Abe take the mound and catcher positions respectively.
20:03: westbaystars: And Shinjo welcomes them by ripping a base hit throught the left side on Uehara's first pitch.
20:04: westbaystars: Kintetsu's Nakamura comes up to hit for the first time this evening.
20:04: westbaystars: He apparently came in defensively last inning.
20:04: westbaystars: (Lots of defensive changes happen in these games without notice.
20:05: westbaystars: Nakamura lifts the ball up high and fould on the left side.
20:05: westbaystars: The ball hits the roof and bunces back fair!
20:05: westbaystars: Nakamura runs late to first, and isn't sure if he should be allowed to have a hit.
20:06: westbaystars: But that's the rule, if it hits the roof, it's played where it comes down.
20:06: westbaystars: Wada lines out to Shima now in left.
20:07: westbaystars: Matsunaka, who tied the game in the second with a lead off home run,
20:07: MHStevie: How high is that roof? That sounded like a towering shot!
20:07: westbaystars: flies out to right.
20:07: westbaystars: Shinjo tags and breaks for third.
20:08: westbaystars: The throw from Fukudome bounces just a little too high to make the touch, Shinjo is safe.
20:08: westbaystars: That brings up Johjima, who put the Pacific League up 2-1 in the fourth with a solo shot.
20:08: westbaystars: And he lines out to Fukudome in right to retire the side.
20:09: westbaystars: The roof is supposed to be "higher than anyone will likely hit the ball."
20:09: westbaystars: But it isn't.
20:10: westbaystars: ---
20:10: westbaystars: Bottom of Sixth
20:10: westbaystars: ---
20:10: westbaystars: It looks like we had an earthquake up above Tokyo, Ibaraki and Saitama area.
20:11: westbaystars: I didn't feel it down here south of Tokyo.
20:11: westbaystars: Fukudome leads off for the Central League.
20:12: westbaystars: He lifts the ball to left, an easy first out.
20:12: westbaystars: I'm still amazed every time they show Watanabe's delivery.
20:12: westbaystars: I wonder how many times he scrapes his hand on the ground.
20:13: westbaystars: That brings up Hiroshima's Shima.
20:13: westbaystars: Shima came in defensively earlier this game and bats for the first time.
20:13: westbaystars: Shima also lifts the ball high to left.
20:13: MHStevie: Is it like a fast-pitch softball delivery? I'm trying to visualize it here...
20:13: westbaystars: And the Central League goes down in order again.
20:14: westbaystars: I appear to have missed the first batter.
20:14: westbaystars: No, not like fast-pitch softball.
20:15: westbaystars: It's more side arm, but he spreads his legs wide with his step and reaches down a few centemeters from the ground.
20:15: westbaystars: ---
20:15: westbaystars: Top of Seventh
20:15: westbaystars: ---
20:16: westbaystars: Daiei's Zuleta, the DH for the Pacific League leads off.
20:17: westbaystars: he lifts the ball deep to left.
20:17: westbaystars: If it's fair, it's gone.
20:17: westbaystars: And yes, it stays fair!
20:17: westbaystars: That's the Hawks' third home run of the evening, lifting the Pacific League to a 3-1 lead.
20:17: MHStevie: Haitta!
20:18: westbaystars: That brings up the only Hawk in the starting lineup not to have a home run, Iguchi.
20:19: westbaystars: Iguchi draws a walk.
20:20: westbaystars: That brings up Lions' Nakajima, who's done an incredible job as a replacement for Matsui.
20:20: westbaystars: Nakajima lines the ball to left field, base hit.
20:21: westbaystars: Iguchi rounds second and heads to third, and Nakajima runs into second with a standup double.
20:21: westbaystars: That brings up former Hawk, current BlueWave Muramatsu.
20:21: MHStevie: *** Rhodes was the first batter in the bottom of the sixth.
20:22: westbaystars: Muramatsu came in defensively earlier.
20:22: westbaystars: And lines the ball to right, base hit.
20:22: westbaystars: One run is in.
20:22: MHStevie: *** He popped out to 3rd base on the very first pitch he saw,
20:22: westbaystars: Nakajima rounds thrid, the throw from Fukudome, is not in time!
20:22: westbaystars: Two runs in.
20:22: westbaystars: Matsumura heads to second on the throw to first.
20:23: westbaystars: Shinjo hits the first pitch to short. Matsumura holds at second, and Shinjo is the first out of the inning.
20:23: westbaystars: That brings up Nakamura.
20:24: westbaystars: *** Ah, that probably happened during commercial.
20:24: westbaystars: *** Thaks for the update.
20:24: westbaystars: Nakamura goes down swinging for the second out.
20:24: habs: greetings.
20:24: MHStevie: Greetings, habs!
20:25: westbaystars: Hi, Habs-san.
20:25: westbaystars: Isobe (came in defensively earlier) lifts a pop up to center.
20:25: westbaystars: No problem for Takahashi (who's now in center), and the side is retired.
20:26: westbaystars: But not before the third Hawk of the evening, Zuleta, hit the third home run of the game.
20:26: westbaystars: And a two run single by Matsumura put the Pacific League up 5-2.
20:26: westbaystars: ---
20:27: westbaystars: Top of Eighth
20:27: westbaystars: ---
20:27: MHStevie: I think you mean Muramatsu...
20:27: westbaystars: Sorry, I do that a lot with his name - reversing the characters.
20:28: westbaystars: Nippon Ham's Kanemura comes in to pitch.
20:28: westbaystars: --- Also, the score is 5-1.
20:28: westbaystars: The Central League scored first in the first on doubles by Dragons Tatsunami and Fukudome.
20:29: westbaystars: The Giants' Takahashi leads off this inning with a double to left, just inside the third base bag.
20:29: westbaystars: That brings up George Arias.
20:29: habs: The league as two all star games?
20:30: westbaystars: This year it's two. Some years it's three.
20:30: westbaystars: Arias hits the third base bag and the ball head into left field.
20:31: westbaystars: Takahashi rounds third, scores.
20:31: westbaystars: The throw to second is off line, giving Arias a double.
20:31: westbaystars: That brings up Iwamura (Swallows).
20:32: westbaystars: Iwamura gets his second hit in two tries this evening, hitting the ball through the right side.
20:32: westbaystars: Arias holds at third base, and the Central League has runners at first and third with nobody out.
20:33: westbaystars: That brings up Aka-Godzilla, Shima (Carp).
20:33: westbaystars: No, that's wrong.
20:33: westbaystars: It's LaRocca.
20:33: westbaystars: Pinch hitting.
20:34: westbaystars: Kanemura's been rather ineffective so far on the mound.
20:35: westbaystars: But he gets LaRocca swinging at a fork ball in the dirt outside.
20:35: westbaystars: That's his first out of the inning.
20:35: westbaystars: We go to the top of the order in Imaoka.
20:36: westbaystars: He lifts the ball deep to right.
20:36: westbaystars: Not deep enough for a home run, but plenty deep enough for a sacrifice fly.
20:37: westbaystars: And that just what he gets, bring the Central League to within two runs.
20:37: westbaystars: Giants' Kokubo comes up as a pinch hitter.
20:37: westbaystars: Kokubo hit home runs in each of the last three games before the break against the BayStars.
20:38: westbaystars: Two of those turned the game around to the Giants' favor for their eventual victory.
20:38: MHStevie: Heh heh... Imaoka SACed his teammate in, didn't he? That worked out nicely...
20:38: westbaystars: This time, though, Kanemura gets him swinging at a fork ball in the dirt, and the side is retired.
20:38: westbaystars: But the Central League got a pair of doubles and a sacrifice fly to score two.
20:39: westbaystars: They now trail 3-5.
20:39: westbaystars: ---
20:39: westbaystars: Top of Eighth
20:39: westbaystars: ---
20:40: westbaystars: Hiroshima's Kawauchi (I think) comes in to pitch for the Central League.
20:40: habs: Any Bay Star players?
20:41: habs: Playing
20:41: westbaystars: Miura pitched a couple of innings.
20:41: MHStevie: Is it the top of the eighth, or the bottom?
20:41: westbaystars: And Taneda is now in at short starting this inning.
20:42: westbaystars: Top. The Central League is the home team.
20:42: westbaystars: We lead off with the heard of the Pacific League scoring, Matsunaka, Johjima, and Zuleta.
20:43: MHStevie: OK, sorry... I got confused since the last half-inning was also announced as the top of the 8th...
20:43: westbaystars: Solo home runs by these three accounted for the first three Pacific League runs.
20:43: westbaystars: But Kawauchi (confirmed) strikes Matsunaka out swinging to lead off the inning.
20:44: westbaystars: *** It was? Sorry.
20:44: westbaystars: Johjima flies out to right, and Kawauchi has two quick outs.
20:45: westbaystars: Otis (of Orix) comes up to pinch hit.
20:45: westbaystars: And Kawauchi walks him of four pitches.
20:46: westbaystars: After a short word with Arias on first, Otis is called back for Daiei's Kawasaki as a pinch runner.
20:47: westbaystars: Nippon Ham's Kaneko, up for the first time this evening, after having come in defensively, lines a double to left.
20:47: westbaystars: Kawasaki holds at third.
20:48: westbaystars: Seibu's Nakajima comes up next.
20:48: westbaystars: He's had a single and double so far this evening, 2 for 3.
20:49: westbaystars: But he goes down swinging here for the second time.
20:49: westbaystars: That retires the side.
20:49: westbaystars: The Pacific League got runners to second and third, but no further.
20:50: westbaystars: Going to the bottom of the eighth, the score remains Central 3 - 5 Pacific.
20:50: westbaystars: ---
20:50: westbaystars: Bottom of Eighth
20:50: westbaystars: ---
20:52: westbaystars: Daiei's rookie Mise takes the mound for the Pacific League.
20:52: westbaystars: The first batter he'll face is Furuta.
20:53: westbaystars: Yakult's main catcher came in defensively last inning.
20:53: westbaystars: Furuta fouls off a no strike, three ball pitch.
20:53: westbaystars: And swings through the next one. Full count.
20:54: westbaystars: The next pitch is called strike three on the inside corner. A beautiful slider.
20:54: westbaystars: One away.
20:54: westbaystars: That brings up Fukudome, who doubled in team mate Tatsunami in the first.
20:55: westbaystars: He's since flown out to left and center.
20:55: westbaystars: Here Fukudome grounds to first.
20:56: westbaystars: Matsunaka fields the ball behind the bag, tosses to the covering Mise, and we have two outs.
20:56: westbaystars: Now it's Aka-Godzilla, and he lines out to Matsunaka at first on the first pitch.
20:56: westbaystars: Mise gets the Central League in order, bringing them down to their final chance.
20:57: westbaystars: At the end of eight complete, the Pacific League continues to lead 5-3.
20:57: westbaystars: ---
20:57: westbaystars: Top of Ninth
20:57: westbaystars: ---
20:58: westbaystars: Chunichi's set-upper Okamoto comes in to pitch for the Central League at his home ground of Nagoya Dome.
20:59: westbaystars: This is something that they do often, playing as many of the home all stars as they can.
20:59: westbaystars: Muramatsu leads off with a high fly to left.
20:59: westbaystars: Shima has it for a quick first out.
21:00: westbaystars: That brings up pinch hitter Fukuura (Lotte).
21:00: westbaystars: Fukuura gounds the ball up the middle.
21:00: westbaystars: But it's played just behind the bag by Taneda, and Fukuura becomes out number two.
21:01: westbaystars: Next up is Kintetsu's "Full Swing" Nakamura, who lives up to his nickname on the first pitch.
21:01: westbaystars: Unfortunately, he didn't get any wood on the ball.
21:02: westbaystars: Haittaaaaa!
21:02: westbaystars: A couple pitches later, Nakamura sends the ball deep to straight away center.
21:03: MHStevie: He got some wood on the ball there!
21:03: westbaystars: Takahashi in center positioned himself for the rebound that never came.
21:03: westbaystars: Team mate Isobe (Kintetsu) pops out to third in foul territory close to the plate.
21:03: westbaystars: That retires the side.
21:04: westbaystars: But not before Nakamura just cleared the center field fense to put the Pacific League up 6-3.
21:04: westbaystars: ---
21:04: westbaystars: Bottom of Ninth
21:04: westbaystars: ---
21:05: westbaystars: We're down to the Central League's last chance.
21:06: westbaystars: Seibu's closer Mori takes the mound.
21:06: westbaystars: Giants' Takahashi leads off for the Central League.
21:07: westbaystars: Takahashi lifts Mori's first pitch to left.
21:08: westbaystars: Not a problem for Fukuura (I think), now in left.
21:08: westbaystars: One pitch, one out.
21:08: westbaystars: Arias strikes out swinging on three pitches.
21:08: westbaystars: Mori's made very pitch count this inning so far.
21:08: MHStevie: Ato hitori!
21:09: westbaystars: Next up is Yakult's Iwamura.
21:09: westbaystars: Mori wastes two balls to Iwamura before getting him to ground out to second.
21:09: westbaystars: Game set.
21:09: westbaystars: ***
21:09: westbaystars: Game Final
21:10: westbaystars: Pacific League 6 - 3 Central League
21:10: westbaystars: ***
21:11: MHStevie: So will the Pa League be "home" for the game tomorrow?
21:11: westbaystars: I'm afraid that that's all I have time for this evening.
21:11: westbaystars: Oh, tomorrow will be at a third-party stadium.
21:12: westbaystars: I don't recall off the top of my head. Hold on....
21:12: westbaystars: It's at Nagano.
21:12: MHStevie: Thanks again for doing this... will you be here for tomorrow's game?
21:12: habs: You did a good job again.
21:13: westbaystars: That one isn't a dome, so weather may play a factor.
21:13: MHStevie: What I was asking was... will Pa League bat in the bottom of the innings tomorrow?
21:13: westbaystars: Thanks for joining everybody.
21:14: westbaystars: Especially jball_fan who started off with some coverage.
21:14: westbaystars: I don't know when I can join in tomorrow, but will try to get on ASAP.

This is a site about Pro Yakyu (Japanese Baseball), not about who the next player to go over to MLB is. It's a community of Pro Yakyu fans who have come together to share their knowledge and opinions with the world. It's a place to follow teams and individuals playing baseball in Japan (and Asia), and to learn about Japanese (and Asian) culture through baseball.

It is my sincere hope that once you learn a bit about what we're about here that you will join the community of contributors.

Michael Westbay
(aka westbaystars)

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