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Marty Brown Throws Bases

Discussion in the NPB News forum
Marty Brown Throws Bases
There was an article about Marty Brown today in the national newspapers in the U.S. You can read it in The Kansas City Star.

I think that the base-throwing incident is getting way too much press in both Japan and the U.S. It'd be one thing if Brown had been the first to do something like that, but what he did was both stupid and unoriginal.
Re: Marty Brown Throws Bases
[ Author: mijow | Posted: May 25, 2006 10:30 PM | HT Fan ]

I thought it was a positive article, although it only gave the American side of the story. It would have been nice to hear what the Japanese players thought of Brown. I believe the journalist is based in Japan so he should have been able to ask them.
Re: Marty Brown Throws Bases
[ Author: westbaystars | Posted: May 25, 2006 10:32 PM | YBS Fan ]

The article quotes Bale, but I'd rather know what players like Maeda think of Brown's "standing up for his players." That is, do they even get that he was standing up for them, or do they think he was just putting on some kind of show?

Much was made before the season in the Japanese press about Brown's being thrown out of a lot of games while managing in the minors. While the base throwing may not have been original, it appears that Matsuda-owner (aka Mr. Mazda) enjoyed the incident enough to print up some original red pre-game T-shirts for the team. Brown-kantoku had one that said "Danger" on the front and "I throw bases" on the back, with a picture of an upside down flying base. The batting coach's T-shirt said he fills in for the manager. And the entire remainder of the team had T-shirts that said "My manager throws bases" on their backs, with the picture of an upside down flying base.

I think that I read that they're selling such T-shirts now, and that they're very popular. One complaint that many people have about all of the teams is the lack of goods they sell. (Hense the interest in retro Yakult goods lately?) While "real" baseball fans may not feel that this base throwing incident was news worthy (hey, it happened 9 days ago and this is the first it was brought up here), it does appear that it has more market value that a ball dog.
Re: Marty Brown Throws Bases
[ Author: Christopher | Posted: May 26, 2006 2:20 PM | HAN Fan ]

The base throwing incident was quite popular with the fans, and there is talk of holding a base throwing competition in the off-season's "thank you to the fans day." As for the T-shirts, I have heard that these have been made up only for the players and coaches and are not available for sale.

- One complaint that many people have about all of the teams is the lack of goods they sell.

This applies to every team except Hanshin Tigers whose range of goods is enormous and even includes cars.
Re: Marty Brown Throws Bases
[ Author: mijow | Posted: May 26, 2006 11:41 PM | HT Fan ]

- This applies to every team except Hanshin Tigers...

Of course you're correct in saying that the Tigers have an enormous range of goods, but I don't think every other team can exactly be accused of having a lack of goods.

I mean, I'm looking at a Orix Buffaloes catalog right now, which contains more than 200 separate items, including the usual jerseys, caps, and numerous T-shirts, plus a good range of sweaters and jackets, coffee mugs, neckties, golf balls, cell phone stickers, socks, cookies, wallets, binoculars - you name it; they've got it. OK, no cars, but I think the average fan wouldn't go away empty handed.

The teams in Kanto may be different, but down this way at least the Buffaloes do a decent job of providing merchandise for their fans.
Re: Marty Brown Throws Bases
[ Author: Guest | Posted: Jun 5, 2006 12:47 AM ]

Back to Marty. Grow up. Let's go. You're not in America. You didn't pull that in Buffalo, did ya' Marty?
Re: Marty Brown Throws Bases
[ Author: Guest | Posted: Jun 5, 2006 11:18 PM ]

I'm guessing he did.

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