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Discussion in the NPB News forum
In a short talk during practice at Yokohama Stadium on the 21st between Yokohama's Mori-kantoku and Yakult's Wakamatsu-kantoku, Mori-kantoku made a comment about there not being much picking from his team. Wakamatsu-kantoku replied, "Now that you mention it, there isn't anybody." With no BayStars even in the top three in votes (Yakult's Furuta is the only player not on the Giants, Tigers, or Dragons), and the Central League's manager not having any 'Stars in mind, this looks to be a BayStarless All-Star game.

Of course, he may change his mind before then. I mean, surely he isn't so concerned with putting the team to gether quite yet. Suzuki Takanori is hitting .330, currently ranked 6th in the Central League, and Ishii Takuro has been hitting very well as of late. Wakamatsu may even want to consider Chris Holt who just joined the team, threw solid in two relief appearances before two great starts (lost the first 2-1, then defeated Chunichi this afternoon going the complete game with the same final, 2-1). Chunichi even walked Rodriguez this afternoon with runners at first and third this afternoon, he's been such a threat lately.

But, alas. 22 games under .500 makes for a hard sell to an All-Star crowd. It was just a few years ago when the 'Stars "owned" the infield for the All-Star game. What a difference a change in leadership makes. And I'm not just talking about Mori-kantoku. Ishii and Suzuki both seem to be lacking the sparkle in their eyes that they used to have. And they were the true team leaders. Now, though, there doesn't really appear to be a leader out on the field. The true stars may be individuals with outstanding ability, but team work is another big factor in it. And it just doesn't seem like many of the Yokohama players have that "isshin-denshin" (a kind of telepathy or mind reading whereby two people know each other so well that no words are needed). They had it in 1998, but the waves are seriously crossed now.

As a BayStar fan, I'd be sad to watch the game without some of our stars. But would it be terribly shocking? Not really. Besides, it'll give me a good excuse to root for the Pacific League for a change. Yes, I think that that would be enjoyable.

Oh, and Mori-kantoku isn't giving the team a holiday for the All-Star break. He's having extra practice for the whole team. I think it's a big mistake, but... I mean, just look at how well they're doing with this wacky June schedule with a lot of rest. Might the players be becoming refreshed to the point that they're better focussed? Hmmm. I do home that Mori-kantoku gives this some though between now and then.
Correction of Holt's record
[ Author: westbaystars | Posted: Jun 23, 2002 3:23 PM | YBS Fan ]

Looking at today's Nikkan Sports I see that the game I though Holt got a save for in releif he actually got a win. That makes his record 2 and 1 with no saves at the end of play on June 22, 2002.
Re: All-Star(less)
[ Author: Rocksfan | Posted: Jun 24, 2002 3:26 AM | CHU Fan ]

In MLB, there is a requirement that every team have at least one representative on the All Star team. Is there a similar rule in NPB? I find it hard to believe that when you're stocking a 25 man All Star team from only 6 teams that it would be possible to completely exclude one of those teams, even if that team were 18-39.


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