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Three Foreign Fielders

Discussion in the NPB News forum
Three Foreign Fielders
I had mentioned last August in an articled entitled "Foreign Limit Expansion" about what was then consideration to expand the use of foreign players. I don't think that I had ever really followed up on it, though.

Well, this is as good a time as any as this evening (June 7) the Yokohama BayStars are the first team to take advantage of the new rules, playing Rodriguez in right, Young in center, and Gulan at second [correction: third] - three suketto fielders.

While I'd like to follow up with more details about the new rule, since Yokohama doesn't have any foreign pitchers registered at 1-gun right now, all I can really say is that this confirms that teams may now mix and match how they use foreign fielders and pitchers with more freedom, as opposed to two registered fielders and two registered pitchers with a maximum of three foreigners on the field at a time. Remember, though, that even under the old rules, Hiroshima had a foreign pitcher play first base last year while another was playing short (I think) and still another came in for one-point relief. While one of the registered pitchers was actually playing a position spot, he was still registered as a pitcher and there were only three foreign players on the field at the time.

Nonetheless, I'm sure that there will be a good write up about it in the paper tomorrow. (If I can find it somewhere after all of the silly World Cup hype.)

In regard to Young's debut, he grounded out his first at bat, then hit a long fly ball his second. We're in the sixth inning as I write this, and Young just hit a line drive into the right field seats! Yokohama takes the lead 2-0! Yea!

By the way, thanks for the background on Young.
Re: Three Foreign Fielders
[ Author: westbaystars | Posted: Jun 8, 2002 8:47 PM | YBS Fan ]

Well, I was right in that the search of the paper would take me to depths I'd never treaded before. Pro Yakyu was pushed all the way back to pages 22 and 23 in today's (June 8) Nikkan Sports.

However, I was wrong about getting a clarification about the new foreign limit rule. The fact that three foreign fielders started the game wasn't even mentioned in the accompanying two articles plus game recap. I'm pretty sure that the TV announcers said that it was the first time last night. But I guess that it wasn't a historic enough moment for mention. Or there's a conspiracy going on to not turn attention away from the World Cup with any news that might make people think about Pro Yakyu.

Oh, and for those of you interested in the conclusion to last night's game, right after submitting that Young had put us ahead 2-0 with a two-run home run, Yakult scored 5 runs in the top of the 7th after Yoshimi retired the first two batters of the inning. Yoshimi was brilliant for 6 and 2/3rd innings, but couldn't get that last out. On the bright side, they won this afternoon to break yet another losing streak.

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Michael Westbay
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