Wada in a desperate attempt to lose the game started Tsuruoka behind the plate with a sulky under-performing Nohmi. This was the failure one expected with Tsuruoka floundering against his old team and showing very little imagination. Of course, his pitcher wasn't any good but then there are ways round that (as Kanoh was able to demonstrate with Shimoyanagi on his off days). The real horror was the return of Fujii whom we thought was safely dead and buried. Resurrected from the grave and given a new shot of electricity the fat one's return to first team was a disaster with BayStars tying the game in his first innings back. This was squandering a three run lead between the pair of incompetent catchers. Tigers batting though was strong this game - why is it that we cannot put together a series of games where our batting, starting pitching and relief pitching all functions at the same time rather than at different times? Roll on Okada's return is all I can say. Tigers blushes were spared by a morale breaking two run home run from Gomez to win the game for Tigers 6-4. Tigers have one more game against BayStars in this series before starting on the makeup games. These BayStars games are the vital ones for over-taking the Carp.