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Where did the Lions Fans Go?

Discussion in the Open Talk forum
Where did the Lions Fans Go?
  1. It's summer vacation
  2. The Lions are in 1st place
Maybe it's a combination of the location of the Seibu Dome, and the two former "seat-getters" are gone (Matsuzaka, Cabrera) - but it seems like there should be more than 19,000 people at a game.

Or perhaps, the Lions fans are still suffering from Yusho-kado-byo (優勝過度病 "Excessive winning syndrome"). I just made that up, maybe I should copyright it.
Re: Where did the Lions Fans Go?
[ Author: number9 | Posted: Aug 23, 2008 2:53 AM ]

Lions' attendance is significantly up from last season, based on the last time attendance figures were compiled and released, and also from anecdotal evidence. It seems to be a 3,000-5,000 fan increase per game (was one of the poorest drawing teams in recent seasons).
Re: Where did the Lions Fans Go?
[ Author: Jingu Bleacher Bum | Posted: Aug 29, 2008 11:21 AM | YAK Fan ]

You're forgetting that Seibu Dome is not exactly a convenient stop on the train lines. Unless you actually live on the Seibu line somewhere, or work near the stadium, then getting to Lions games on a weekday can be a real hassle with at least 3 different train transfers necessary. As far as I can remember, weekday games have always had poor attendance, but that slack is picked up on the weekends, where I often see families on their way to the games.

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Michael Westbay
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